Ciências em Foco
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A revista Ciências em Foco é uma publicação do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas FORMAR-Ciências, da Faculdade de Educação, Unicamp. Tem como objetivo divulgar a produção acadêmica sobre Ensino de Ciências, Educação Ambiental e áreas ou campos correlatos. Veicula artigos inéditos ou traduzidos, relatos de experiência, resenhas, entrevistas, entre outros. Os textos podem estar em português ou espanhol. Público alvo: Professores, estudantes e pesquisadores. A submissão é aberta a qualquer interessado na temática com o fluxo contínuo.
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- ItemA arte e a história da ciência num diálogo com o ensino da fisiologia: um relato de experiência(2017) Leonardo Rossi Hecke, Laura Salve Silveira, Michelle Júlia de Souza, Antônio Fernandes Nascimento JúniorThe development of pedagogical practices is an important requirement in the initial and continuing education of teachers. In this sense, this work aims to report the development and presentation of a class built through a non-expository methodology in the discipline of Biology Teaching Methodology at the Federal University of Lavras. This class had as its theme the History of the Study of the Human Body, in which the museum and the visual arts were used as pedagogical resources. After the activity, an assessment was made with the students about the class. The statements were categorized and analyzed, and through them it was possible to see that the activity had a positive contribution to the initial training of teachers.
- ItemA educação ambiental no tratamento dos resíduos(2021) ULIAN , Marcelo Henrique Santana; NASCIBEM, Fábio Gabriel; BIN, Renan de Souza; GOMES, Vinicius MiguelO estudo apresenta o planejamento de uma sequência didática, proposta para a disciplina
- ItemA formação inicial e continuada de professores de ciências naturais e a extensão universitária da faculdade UnB de Planaltina(2019) SANTOS, Edeltrudes dos; FARIAS, Viviane; ROTTA, Jeane Cristina GomesThe initial and continuing training of Natural Science teachers is relevant for providing an improvement in the teaching and learning relationships of Science. The objective of this work was to report the performance of science experiments by undergraduate students of the Natural Sciences course who participated in an extension project, together with a science teacher from a public school in Planaltina. The methodology used was the collaborative research that supposes a co-construction process between the partners involved in the activities. It was possible to observe that the collaborative research provided an approximation between the theory studied at the University and the teaching practice at the School, allowing the undergraduates to experience the school environment while they are still students. For the school's teacher, the extension project has helped to make the classes more interesting, as well as in learning science content.
- ItemA micologiano olhar de professores de biologia do ensino médio:uma pesquisa sobre o ensino de fungos nas escolas da região de joinville, sc(2021) SILVA, Érico Gomes das; ROSA, Marcelo D’Aquino; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, Elisandro Ricardoa problemática do consumismo e da geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos. A temática
- ItemA origem do petróleo: uma aula no museu de história natural abordando o eixo temático tecnologia e sociedade(2017) PAULA, Augusto A. de; WOUTERS, Lídia; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, Antônio FernandesThe present work presents a pedagogical experience developed at the Natural History Museum of the Federal University of Lavras, within the scope of the Science Teaching Methodology discipline of the Biological Sciences degree course, seeking to understand how this dialogue between formal and non-formal education it can provide the construction of knowledge helping students in their comprehensive training. The practice consisted of a guided tour of the Museum and a video that discussed the issue of the implications of the origin and use of oil. At the end of the practice, students were asked to write an assessment that was used to analyze the work. Categorization, a method derived from content analysis, was used to verify the potential of this established dialogue. From the analysis, it was possible to perceive the effectiveness in the knowledge construction process and, in addition, the contribution of the activity in teacher education was noticeable.
- ItemA percepção dos licenciandos de ciências naturais sobre o uso pedagógico de revistas de divulgação científica(2020) FORTUNA, Raiane Tavares; VASCONCELOS, Rosylane Doris de; ROTTA, Jeane Cristina GomesEl uso de revistas y textos de divulgación científica como recursos didácticos para ayudar en la enseñanza de las ciencias ha sido indicado en muchas investigaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprender la percepción de los estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales sobre el potencial pedagógico de utilizar una publicación científica para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias. La metodología fue cualitativa y se utilizó como instrumento de investigación un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas. La investigación fue exploratoria y el análisis de datos indicó que la mayoría de los estudiantes tienen poco conocimiento sobre el potencial pedagógico de las revistas científicas para la enseñanza de la ciencia, además de confundir estas revistas con revistas de comunicación científica. En este contexto, creemos que es necesario ampliar la discusión sobre el potencial de los textos y revistas para la comunicación científica para el aprendizaje de la ciencia en este curso de formación docente.
- ItemA pesquisa na formação matemática de professores das séries iniciais(2011) SILVA, Ana Paula Perovano dos Santos; PALANCH, Wagner Barbosa de LimaThe initial training of multipurpose teachers, through the Licentiate Degree in Pedagogy courses, seeks to cover teaching, from the first to the fifth year of elementary school; participation in school management; and the assessment of education systems and institutions in general. Our study aims to analyze, in accordance with CNE/CP Opinion No. 5/2005, which institutes the National Curriculum Guidelines for the undergraduate course in Pedagogy, Licentiate, the initial training of teachers who teach Mathematics for the initial years in relation to teaching, considering that each teacher has conceptions about what it is to learn, knowledge, education, teaching, science, Mathematics and research. We will analyze how early grade teachers build didactic knowledge of mathematical content through research in order to use it in their future practices.
- ItemAbordagem de concepções alternativas e processos de mudança conceitual em livros didáticos de física(2009) LOPES, Bruno Bernardo GalindoThis article aims to verify the extent to which contemporary Physics didactic collections incorporate aspects of two of the main movements of research in Science Education: the Movement of Alternative Conceptions and the processes of Conceptual Change. Based on the content analysis methodology, the chapters on Mechanics of six collections (student's book and teacher's manual) of Physics from Editoras Ática, Atual, FTD, IBEP, Moderna and Scipione were analyzed, selected because they are single volume collections. best sellers from each publisher and have up-to-date editions.
- ItemCaracterísticas históricas do ensino de ciências(2008) PEDRISA, Cíntia MaraIn order to analyze the historicity of Science teaching and evaluate its educational contributions, I refer, before studying the curriculum proposals of the last ten years, to childhood memories.
- ItemCiências na educação infantil: o projeto água e as diferentes linguagens na construção de conhecimento(2016) FERNADES, Karina Luiza Silva; BUENO, Raquel OlmosThis article presents a research developed in Early Childhood Education addressing the theme “water”. The work developed through the project methodology sought, from different languages, to provide the construction of knowledge related to mathematics and the scientific literacy process, with the goal of monitoring a possible conceptual evolution, based on the methodology used. The research results indicated that the children showed advances and that the employed methodology favored the creation of problematizing contexts. The work provided the integral formation of the students, demonstrating that the project methodology is consistent with contextualized pedagogical practices, with a view to the global formation of the subjects. It is believed that this research can collaborate with those who seek paths for more dynamic educational practices and knowledge construction in Early Childhood Education.
- ItemClassroom versus moodle: um relato descritivo-comparativo a partir da experiência da construção de um curso on-line(2021) RUY, Rosimari; BELDA, Francisco RolfsenEste artigo apresenta um relato de experiência que descreve comparativamente a formatação de um mesmo curso de formação de professores em Educação Ambiental em dois ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, as plataformas LMS Google Classroom e Moodle. Diante da dúvida sobre qual seria a mais apropriada para o desenvolvimento do curso proposto, optamos por construí-lo em ambas, procurando verificar os limites e potencialidades de cada uma a fim de decidir por uma delas ao final do processo. Ao longo do artigo, descrevemos cada etapa da formatação do curso segundo nossas percepções, ilustrando-as com prints das respectivas telas. Concluímos que ambas as plataformas atendem aos objetivos do curso desenvolvido, mas que o Moodle é o mais adequado quando consideramos que se pretende atingir uma imensa demanda de cursistas, esbarrando, entretanto, na necessidade de um servidor que o hospede gratuitamente e sem limites de estudantes matriculados.
- ItemEducação cts em escolas públicas: reflexões sobre práticas educativas(2021) FERNANDES, Roseane Freitas; CARDOSO, Zaira Zangrando; ABREU, Rosana Oliveira Dantas de; VASCONCELLOS, Erlete Sathler de; COIMBRA, Sandra Gonçalves; BADARÓ JÚNIOR, Wilson Alves; SILVA, Shirley Margareth Buffon da; STRIEDER, Roseline Beatrizapresenta grande relevância socioambiental, pois grande parte dos problemas ambientais e
- ItemEducação do campo e currículo narrativo: uma proposta de trabalho(2014) CARCAIOLI, Gabriela FurlanThis text seeks to briefly present the proposal for a narrative curriculum defended by Ivor Goodson, as a possibility for work in Rural Education. For this, based on Michel de Certeau, a look is launched at the “arts of doing” of subjects who practice a peculiar daily life – the Elizabeth Teixeira camp, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo – and, based on this daily life and from the narratives of life stories of the subjects who live there, it is possible to build a work proposal. It is noteworthy that the narratives presented were worked using a specific methodology called monads, loaded with meanings and full of intricacies and that give potential to the narratives and the proposed curriculum presented.
- ItemExperimento em sala de aula: a construção do conceito de comportamento elétrico da matéria(2017) REZENDE, Carla C.; NASARÉ, Laís A.; PAULA, Augusto A. de; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, Antônio FernandesThis paper presents and discusses a pedagogical experience developed in the scope of the Science Teaching Methodology discipline of the Biological Sciences degree course at the Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais, (UFLA), seeking to understand how to use the experiment in the classroom. class helps in the appropriation of knowledge and, in addition, to understand how the discipline helps in teacher training. The practice consisted of building the concept of electrical behavior of matter from an experiment with balloons. At the end of the practice developed, students were asked to write an evaluation of the activity. The analysis was made from this written evaluation, where categorization was used, a method derived from content analysis. Still, the work seeks to contribute, minimally, with discussions about the educational context.
- ItemExplorando o ar: o ensino de ciências para estudantes com autismo nos anos finais do ensino fundamental(2021) MOURA, Tiago Fernando Alves de; CAMARGO, Eder Pires de
- ItemGênero e ensino de ciências: sensibilizações e empatias (re)construídas entre estudantes em um projeto interdisciplinar(2019) SOUSA, Bruce Lorran C. M. de; SILVA, Thatianny Alves de LimaStudents can foster conceptions about sexualities based on common sense, so the school becomes a privileged space for these discussions. However, this pedagogical work focuses on the biological bias, especially in terms of the teaching concept. Including themes such as sexuality and/or gender provides a reflection on natural phenomena and social constructions, both addressed in Science Teaching. The transversal nature of this theme is highlighted. Therefore, an interdisciplinary project was carried out, with the theme Gender and sexuality, being planned and carried out during the discipline Supervised Internship in Natural Sciences 4 of the Licentiate Degree in Natural Sciences at Faculdade UnB de Planaltina (FUP). The methodology was qualitative and the data were registered in a field diary and content analysis was performed by categorization. The results show stereotyped and gender-biased positions. It should be noted that the theme should be worked on in teacher training and in the community in order to reduce prejudice and taboos.
- ItemLa ecología de los saberes en la educación matemática decolonial transcompleja(2020) RODRIGUEZ, Milagros ElenaIn contrast to the reductionism of knowledge, the ecology of knowledge goes to their decoloniality, re-invention, social and educational emancipation; the right to be educated from diversity. Accept the South with all its facets and covert realities. The indestructible dialogue and reciprocity between scientific mathematical knowledge and other knowledge: social, popular, artistic. From a critical transdisciplinary methodology, the ecology of knowledge in Transcomplex Decolonial Mathematical Education is analyzed. In the conclusions of greening openings, the ecology of knowledge calls for transmethods in the rhizomatic search for mathematical knowledge. Knowledge-ignorance is linked with the ecology of knowledge, ignorance that is recognized as pertinent mathematical knowledge; not knowing another; epistemic violence does not lead to more solid knowledge; but rather the forgetting of other knowledge, the deprivation of the human being's life in his own formation is a violent act.
- ItemLa transdisciplinariedad en la educación universitaria: visiones rizomáticas de la educación decolonial transcompleja(2021) RODRÍGUEZ, Milagros ElenaLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo complejo analizar la transdisciplinariedad en la Educación Universitaria como visiones rizomáticas de la Educación Decolonial Trancompleja; ubicada en la línea de investigación: educación-transepistemologías transcomplejas. Se realiza desde la deconstrucción: un transmétodo rizomático en la transmodernidad. En la reconstrucción, luego de develar la crisis, puntos áridos de la Educación Universitaria venezolana; en una esperanzadora praxis, que devele el amor Freiriano por la decolonialidad y liberación de las disciplinas impuestas, una calidad de vida de las personas como retos educativos transdisciplinares, liberación onto-epistemológica del conocimiento como utilidad, pertenencia y transcendencia.
- ItemMudaram minha sala de aula: E agora?(2021) VIANNA, Deise M.; BARBOSA-LIMA, Maria da Conceição; ARAÚJO, Renato SantosIn this year of 2020 we went through radical changes in social, school and private life. A new virus (called SARS-CoV-2), which caused COVID-19, has radically transformed school activities. Students, teachers and school support staff had to close schools, as well as all cities, were emptied. For school life, continuity alternatives were carried out, through communication via the Internet. Several difficulties for the implementation of remote teaching are analyzed, such as: teaching material and access for students, production of classes with interactive methodologies, digital media, infrastructure of schools to disseminate teaching productions, among other issues. The questions we raise are: even after the pandemic, will our schools present a new model? Will the new face-to-face teaching undergo changes with greater integration between school – community – research institutions?
- ItemMudaram minha sala de aula: e agora?(2021) VIANNA, Deise M.; BARBOSA-LIMA, Maria da Conceição; ARAÚJO, Renato SantosNeste ano de 2020 passamos por mudanças radicais na vida social, escolar, particular. Um novo vírus (denominado SARS-CoV-2), que provocou a COVID-19, transformou as atividades escolares de maneira radical. Estudantes, professores e pessoal de apoio às escolares tiveram que fechar as escolas, assim como todas as cidades, foram esvaziadas. Para a vida escolar foram realizadas alternativas de continuidade, através de comunicação via Internet. Várias dificuldades, para implantação de ensino remoto, são analisadas, como: material didático e acesso para os estudantes, produção de aulas com metodologias interativas, meios digitais, infra estrutura das escolas para divulgar produções docentes, entre outras questões. As perguntas que levantamos são as seguintes: mesmo depois da pandemia, nossas escolas apresentarão um novo modelo? O novo ensino presencial sofrerá modificações com maior entrosamento entre escola – comunidade – instituições de pesquisa?