Ciências em Foco
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A revista Ciências em Foco é uma publicação do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas FORMAR-Ciências, da Faculdade de Educação, Unicamp. Tem como objetivo divulgar a produção acadêmica sobre Ensino de Ciências, Educação Ambiental e áreas ou campos correlatos. Veicula artigos inéditos ou traduzidos, relatos de experiência, resenhas, entrevistas, entre outros. Os textos podem estar em português ou espanhol. Público alvo: Professores, estudantes e pesquisadores. A submissão é aberta a qualquer interessado na temática com o fluxo contínuo.
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- ItemProfessores, pesquisa e formação continuada(2008) GONÇALVES, Pedro WagnerThis article argues that it is part of the education and professional activity of teachers to investigate their work and their continuing education. The thesis is defended by the effort to reveal what interests are hidden by those who refute the possibility of (practical) teachers to research educational activities. It is also shown that there are methodological and ethical challenges that need to be debated in the context of research carried out by professors.
- ItemEditorial(2008) MEGID NETO, Jorge; AMARAL, Ivan Amorosino doWe are pleased to deliver to the readership this first issue of the Virtual Magazine “Ciências em Foco” edited under the responsibility of the Research Group FORMAR Ciência of the Faculty of Education at Unicamp.
- ItemA educação ambiental no Brasil: panorama inicial da produção acadêmica(2008) FRACALANZA, Hilário; AMARAL, Ivan Amorosino do; MEDIG NETO, Jorge; ERBELIN, Thais SchiavinatoThe article presents the report of aspects of a research project in Environmental Education in Brazil, carried out by the Research Group FORMAR-Sciences of FE/Unicamp, with a focus on academic production, carried out in postgraduate programs in the country, consisting of dissertations and theses. It characterizes the importance of carrying out studies of the “state of the art” type, as a fundamental research genre for analytical studies of production. It presents preliminary research data highlighting the number of referenced works, their distribution by producing institutions and years of production.
- ItemCaracterísticas históricas do ensino de ciências(2008) PEDRISA, Cíntia MaraIn order to analyze the historicity of Science teaching and evaluate its educational contributions, I refer, before studying the curriculum proposals of the last ten years, to childhood memories.
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- ItemA viagem: e la nave va(2008) FRACALANZA, Dorotea CuevasIt was in March 1993, inspired by a debate in which I participated, in which the perspectives through which ecologists and geologists analyzed the interference of man in the dynamics of the biosphere's functioning, that I wrote this allegory. The argument that, although man's interventions in nature are really serious as ecologists claim, examined from the perspective of geology, they pose no greater threat to the terrestrial balance than that resulting from spontaneous changes in the planet was perplexing. These, independent of human intervention and, at least so far, far from being controlled.
- ItemO ensino de ciências no primeiro grau(2008) Editores (Ciências em Foco)This book seeks to analyze what the teacher usually does in teaching science in elementary school. More than that: what the teacher would like to do. Even more: what we authors think teachers can do when teaching science. The teacher works under very adverse conditions. He does what he can do. However, he is not always satisfied with his work. Furthermore, during their training, and even after graduation, the teacher constantly reads, listens or discusses what could be done in teaching. And he gets excited. But the routine, his day-to-day, the difficulties he faces force him to an accommodation that he himself does not accept. Therefore, we can say that the teacher reflects on his work and tries to act differently from the usual: he tries to get it right. Sometimes he succeeds, but he is not always successful.
- ItemO livro didático de ciências no Brasil(2008) GONÇALVES, Pedro WagnerDescribes analysis models for science textbooks intended for basic education. The authors mention which models would be more suitable for the challenges of innovating the teaching of Science in the country. It exposes descriptors and indicators capable of describing and analyzing science books, as well as indicating the methodological foundations for formulating this examination of the characteristics of teaching textbooks of sciences. In this way, it constitutes a frame of reference that can be used by teachers and specialists to evaluate textbooks in this area of knowledge. It indicates some perspectives for both the teaching material and for improving the teaching of Natural Sciences.
- ItemMovimentos da terra e clima(2008) NEGRÃO, Oscar Braz MendonzaIt is a common voice that science teachers have difficulty working on this topic with their students. The causes of this difficulty are considerable, and two stand out: the complexity of the topic and the variety of mistakes and even gross mistakes made by textbooks when dealing with the subject. Furthermore, understanding the Earth's motions and their consequences involves the spatial vision of geometric solids (spheres, in this case), the spatial scale and composition of motions, all notions or abilities usually not constructed or poorly constructed at different levels of teaching.
- ItemFormação continuada no ensino de ciências: programas e ações(2008) AMARAL, Ivan Amorosino do; FRANCALANZA, HilárioIt analyzes teacher education, in particular teacher continuing education in science education. It describes a proposal for continuing education – Production Workshops – analyzes some of its assumptions and considers the perspectives for the use of this practice in the contexts of teaching and research.
- ItemFragmentos da história - iconografia: iniciação à ciência(2008) FRACALANZA, HilárioThe educational literature points to significant changes in the teaching of Science in Brazil, which began in the 1950s and 1960s. In fact, there is no denying that, in this period, several institutions and, among them, especially the IBECC and FUNBEC, played a role relevant.
- ItemPara além dos domínios da mata(2008) Editores (Ciências em Foco)In Brazil, there are few researches that address the issue of values and meanings attributed to elements of the natural world that transcend those of an economic and scientific nature. This book, the result of a doctoral thesis defended at FE/Unicamp, assumes the task of proposing different theoretical frameworks that analyze the relationship that human beings establish with the natural world, transforming it into a landscape by eliminating its elements or adding others accordingly. with its own values.
- ItemO gestor escolar e o desafio da interdisciplinaridade no contexto do currículos de ciências(2009) PEREIRA, Francielle AmâncioInterdisciplinarity is widespread, being accepted as one of the fundamental principles in many courses and/or curriculum reforms in the search for solutions to various educational problems. However, doubts remain about how it has been understood by teaching professionals, whether it has even been put into practice and under what format. This research aims to analyze how this perspective is approached in the Educational Management Course (Unicamp), as well as the views of participating managers about the interdisciplinary potential of the curriculum proposed by the course and their proposals for implementing this perspective. The results reveal that managers have great difficulty in understanding and/or appropriating the idea of interdisciplinarity and the interdisciplinary potential of the Science curriculum developed by the course.
- ItemAbordagem de concepções alternativas e processos de mudança conceitual em livros didáticos de física(2009) LOPES, Bruno Bernardo GalindoThis article aims to verify the extent to which contemporary Physics didactic collections incorporate aspects of two of the main movements of research in Science Education: the Movement of Alternative Conceptions and the processes of Conceptual Change. Based on the content analysis methodology, the chapters on Mechanics of six collections (student's book and teacher's manual) of Physics from Editoras Ática, Atual, FTD, IBEP, Moderna and Scipione were analyzed, selected because they are single volume collections. best sellers from each publisher and have up-to-date editions.
- ItemEditorial(2009) AMARAL, Ivan Amorosino do; Megid Neto, JorgeFinally, we are launching the second issue of our Revista Ciências em Foco, whose first issue was published in August 2008. Despite having been projected as a four-month period, several and serious setbacks were responsible for such a long delay. The biggest one was the death of one of the creators and first Editor of the Magazine, Professor Hilário Fracalanza, at the beginning of this year, victim of a long and painful illness. His attachment and enthusiasm for this publication was so great that, displeased with the delay arising from the difficulties imposed by his illness, he met with us on the eve of his departure to outline the present issue. For this and other reasons, we dedicate this edition to her memory and her involvement and work in favor of education throughout her professional career.
- ItemEntrevista com Paulo Marcelo Marini Teixeira(2009) TEIXEIRA, Paulo Marcelo MariniInterview conducted with Prof. Dr. Paulo Marcelo Marini Teixeira.
- Item(Re)ediucando pelo vai e vem das águas(2009) AMARAL, Ivan Amorosino doWhat is this education that calls itself environmental? As if it hadn't happened before, since the adjective is relatively recent; and as if at present there are others that are not and that is why they do not call themselves that way. After all, what guarantees you the exclusive privilege of presenting yourself as environmental education?
- ItemDesenvolvimento e aplicação de kits educativos tridimensionais de célula animal e vegetal(2009) FREITAS, Maria Estela MacielThis article reports an experience lived during the discipline Practices and Research in Biological Sciences Teaching IV, of the Licentiate Degree in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), for which we should develop a three-dimensional teaching material aimed at teaching of cell biology. Thus, some three-dimensional educational kits on animal and plant cells were made, tested and improved, aiming at characteristics such as interactivity, practicality, autonomy and low cost.
- ItemResenha(2009) FERNANDES, Hylio LaganáWhy do we teach science? What Science do we intend to teach? how to choose a textbook that is close to the science teaching we want?