Classroom versus moodle: um relato descritivo-comparativo a partir da experiência da construção de um curso on-line
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Ciências em Foco
Campinas, SP
Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência que descreve comparativamente a formatação de um mesmo curso de formação de professores em Educação Ambiental em dois ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, as plataformas LMS Google Classroom e Moodle. Diante da dúvida sobre qual seria a mais apropriada para o desenvolvimento do curso proposto, optamos por construí-lo em ambas, procurando verificar os limites e potencialidades de cada uma a fim de decidir por uma delas ao final do processo. Ao longo do artigo, descrevemos cada etapa da formatação do curso segundo nossas percepções, ilustrando-as com prints das respectivas telas. Concluímos que ambas as plataformas atendem aos objetivos do curso desenvolvido, mas que o Moodle é o mais adequado quando consideramos que se pretende atingir uma imensa demanda de cursistas, esbarrando, entretanto, na necessidade de um servidor que o hospede gratuitamente e sem limites de estudantes matriculados.
This article presents an experience report that comparatively describes the formatting of the same teacher training course in environmental education in two virtual learning environments, the LMS Google Classroom and Moodle platforms. Faced with the doubt about which would be the most appropriate for the development of the proposed course, we chose to build it in both, trying to verify the limits and potential of each one in order to decide for one of them at the end of the process. Throughout the article, we describe each stage of formatting the course according to our perceptions, illustrating them with prints of the respective screens. We conclude that both platforms meet the objectives of the developed course, but that Moodle is the most appropriate when we consider that we intend to reach an immense demand for course participants, coming up against, however, the need for a server that will host it for free and without limits for enrolled students.
This article presents an experience report that comparatively describes the formatting of the same teacher training course in environmental education in two virtual learning environments, the LMS Google Classroom and Moodle platforms. Faced with the doubt about which would be the most appropriate for the development of the proposed course, we chose to build it in both, trying to verify the limits and potential of each one in order to decide for one of them at the end of the process. Throughout the article, we describe each stage of formatting the course according to our perceptions, illustrating them with prints of the respective screens. We conclude that both platforms meet the objectives of the developed course, but that Moodle is the most appropriate when we consider that we intend to reach an immense demand for course participants, coming up against, however, the need for a server that will host it for free and without limits for enrolled students.
Classroom versus moodle, Plataformas LMS, Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, Classroom versus moodle, LMS platforms, Virtual learning environment
RUY, Rosimari; BELDA, Francisco Rolfsen. Classroom versus moodle: um relato descritivo-comparativo a partir da experiência da construção de um curso on-line. Ciências em Foco, Campinas, SP, v. 14, p. e021002. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2021-09-24