Educação e Pesquisa
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Educação e Pesquisa é uma revista da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. A partir de 2018, é editada de forma contínua em volume único anual. Aceita, para publicação, artigos inéditos na área educacional resultantes de pesquisa de caráter teórico ou empírico, bem como revisões da literatura de pesquisa educacional. Tem sido editada ininterruptamente desde 1975, originalmente como Revista da Faculdade de Educação e com o título atual desde 1999. Passa a ser uma publicação apenas on-line em 2017.
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- ItemA educação brasileira no periodo pombalino: uma análise histórica das reformas pombalinas do ensino(2006) MACIEL, Lizete Shizue Bomura; SHIGUNOV NETO, AlexandreThe authors center on a historical period to present a study of bibliographical character, on which basis they analyze education in Brazil by focusing specifically on the proposal for educational reform made by the Marquis of Pombal. Along the analysis th
- ItemA invenção do Emílio como conjectura: opção metodológica da escrita de Rousseau.(2010) BOTO, CarlotaThe present work aims at a reflection on Rousseau's pedagogical thinking. To such end, the analysis is centered on the reading of his Émile: or treatise on education published in 1762. The article seeks to contrast the Émile with the analyses of commentat
- ItemA sala de aula como campo de pesquisa: aproximações e a utilização de equipamentos digitais(2009) CARDOSO, Oldimar; PENIN, Sonia Teresinha de SousaThis article offers considerations of a methodological order about classroom observation studies carried out in 2002 and 2005 in the city of São Paulo and in the 2006/2007 academic year in two French cities. Based on the methodology employed in these stud
- ItemAs identidades docentes com fabricação da docência(2005) GARCIA, Maria Manuela Alves; HYPOLITO, Alvaro Moreira; VIEIRA, Jarbas SantosThe work discusses how teachers have been seen and situated, in particular by the educational discourses of the last decades, analyzing how their occupational and professional situations have been defined from the viewpoint of the studies in the education
- ItemAvaliação em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem(2007) LAGUARDIA, Josué,; PORTELA, Margareth Crisóstomo; VASCONCELLOS, Miguel MuratThe demand for evaluations of projects of virtual distance learning has required the use of concepts and methods that go beyond the strictly educational field, with emphasis on the multiplicity of theoretical frameworks and technical approaches employed i
- ItemDiscutindo a educação ambiental a partir do diagnostico e em quatro ecossistemas no Brasil(2005) CARVALHO, Isabel Cristina de MouraEste artigo disponibiliza os principais resultados do estudo "Uma leitura da educação ambiental em cinco estados e um bioma do Brasil", realizado em quatro redes de educação ambiental. O estudo em questão foi concluído em novembro de 2004, respondendo à d
- ItemEducador social: uma identidade a caminho da profissionalização?(2009) SILVA, Gerson Heidrich daThe objective of this article is to present a synthesis of the research carried out during our Master program, which was entitled "The construction of the identity of the social educator in his daily practice: the plurality of a singular subject" [A const
- ItemEnsinar a escrever no ensino médio: cadê a dissertação?(2010) RIOLFI, Claudia Rosa; IGREJA, Suelen Gregatti daWith the purpose of clarifying to what extent students do learn to write a dissertation in their Portuguese language secondary school classes, we have analyzed 2,434 hours of classes previously recorded in field diaries; the classes were held from 2006 to
- ItemEstudos quantitativos em educação(2004) GATTI, Bernadete A.The Article deals with studies in education, carried through in Brazil in last the three decades, using quantitative boardings. For the election of the works to be treat a survey in all became the following published numbers of 1970 for here of the period
- ItemGrupos de discussão na pesquisa com adolescentes e jovens: aportes teorico-metodológicos e análise de uma experiência com o método(2006) WELLER, WivianWorking with groups of youngsters from social and intercultural contexts distinct from those of the researcher requires care and rigor in the procedure and choice of methods to be used in data collection, just as in the preparation for the fieldwork. Even
- ItemHistórias de vida e autobiografias na formação de professores e profissão docente (Brasil, 1985-2003)(2006) BUENO, Belmira Oliveira; CHAMLIAN, Helena Coharik; SOUSA, Cynthia Pereira de; CATANI, Denice BarbaraThe text offers a review within the area of Education of the works that make use of life histories and autobiographic studies as a scientific research methodology in Brazil. The period between 1985 and 2003 is focused under two different slants, one tempo
- ItemIniciativa privada na Educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo(2008) GONCALVES JUNIOR, OswaldoThe article presents the main results of a case study on the Moto Perpétuo [Perpetual Motion] Program by Fiat Automobiles S.A. which for five years (1997-2001) donated kits of auxiliary didactic materials to thousands of schools in various regions of Braz
- ItemMetoologia qualitativa de pesquisa(2004) MARTINS, Heloisa Helena T. deThis article presents reflections on what it means to make science in the scope of the methods and qualitative techniques of sociology. It has as estimated a methodology understanding as the critical knowledge of the ways of the scientific process, that i
- ItemNem toda pessoa cega lê em Braille nem toda pessoa surda se comunica em língua de sinais(2007) TORRES, Elisabeth Fatima; MAZZONI, Alberto Angel; MELLO, Anahi Guedes deThe objective of this work is to discuss and explain some differences that exist regarding the access to information and to communication among those people who, despite having similar handicaps, experience different inabilities. The methodological approa
- ItemO professor de filosofia: limites e possibilidades - dinâmica e problematização do ensino-aprendizagem(2010) PIMENTEL, Anderson Magno da Silva; MONTEIRO, Dawson de BarrosThe theme of this text is the limits and possibilities of the philosophy teacher in the teaching-learning relation established in the classroom. Locating the fundamental elements of the pedagogical process - such as the teaching, the role of the teacher,
- ItemOs métodos quantitativos no ensino superior: uma tipologia de representações(2009) RAMOS, Madalena; CARVALHO, HelenaIt is often concluded that higher levels of self-confidence in pupils in relation to their ability to interact with mathematics, associated to the perception of the latter's greater utility contributed for pupils making positive representations of this di
- ItemPesquisa educacional com base nas artes: pensando a educação dos professores como experiência estética(2006) TELLES, João A.The author describes in this article two studies conducted with teachers, in which art objects are used as devices to trigger shared reflection. Theoretically grounded in a novel modality of qualitative investigation in the field of Education - Arts-based
- ItemProblema proposto ou problema resolvido: qual a diferença?(2009) DALTO, Jader Otavio; BURIASCO, Regina Luzia Corio deThis work describes a study about the written production present in a question that is common to the exams of the 8th grade of the fundamental education and 3rd grade of secondary education in the Mathematics Open Questions Exam of the Assessment of Schoo
- ItemPrograma de mentoria online: espaço para o desenvolvimento profissional de professoras iniciantes e experientes(2008) REALI, Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues; TANCREDI, Regina Maria Simões Puccinelli; MIZUKAMI, Maria da Graça NicolettiThe text introduces the theoretical-methodological framework, and initial results, of an intervention-research about the formative processes of beginner teachers and their mentors. The initial formation of teachers by their mentors takes place under the M
- ItemViolência em meio escolar: fatos e representações na produção da realidade(2010) RUOTTI, CarenThis article has as its central objective the investigation of the connections and contrasts between the violence found at schools and that observed in the neighborhoods of origin of the school's population. Facts characterizing the reality of the school