Educação e Pesquisa
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Educação e Pesquisa é uma revista da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. A partir de 2018, é editada de forma contínua em volume único anual. Aceita, para publicação, artigos inéditos na área educacional resultantes de pesquisa de caráter teórico ou empírico, bem como revisões da literatura de pesquisa educacional. Tem sido editada ininterruptamente desde 1975, originalmente como Revista da Faculdade de Educação e com o título atual desde 1999. Passa a ser uma publicação apenas on-line em 2017.
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- ItemEstudos quantitativos em educação(2004) GATTI, Bernadete A.The Article deals with studies in education, carried through in Brazil in last the three decades, using quantitative boardings. For the election of the works to be treat a survey in all became the following published numbers of 1970 for here of the period
- ItemEtica e educação: uma revisão da literatura educacional de 1990 a 2003(2004) TAILLE, Yves de La; SOUZA, Lucimara Silva de; VIZIOLI, LetíciaThe work a presents quantitative and qualitative analysis about dissertations, theses and published articles of 1990 the 2003, that ethics and related education and subjects turn on the relation between (you discipline, authorities, limits, violence in th
- ItemAutores e editores de compendios e livros de leitura (1810-1910)(2004) BITTENCOURT, Circe Maria FernandesThis article presents considerations about the issue of the authorship of schoolbooks. The role of the authors of a schoolbook has been a controversial topic due to its ambiguity with respect to their rights and legal accountability. A schoolbook can offe
- ItemEducação e participação no Brasil: um retrato aproximativo de trabalho entre 1995 e 2003(2004) GHANEM, ELIEThe paper examines sixty sixty titles related to the related Education and Participation in Brazil, produced in university of the Southeast Region. The workmanships had been grouped, according to approach, in two dimensions: ) the participation in the per
- ItemA pratica da nao-retencao escolar na narrativa de professores do ensino fundamental: dificuldades e avancos na busca do sucesso escolar.(2004) GLÓRIA, Dília Maria Andrade; MAFRA, Leila de Alvarengahe present study it describes analyzes it the perceptions of teachers about the practive of assessment by learning cycles, which seeks to give students from the lower social classes an extended "survival" in school. The chosen locus for the research was a
- ItemCiclos de vida: algumas questoes sobre a psicologia do adulto(2004) OLIVEIRA, Marta Kohl deThis article it is intended systemize some reflections on the pessibilidade of formularization of a psychology of the adult, from the definition of the psychological development as transformation qe typically occurs throughout all the life and of the post
- ItemEstudos sobre ciclos e progressão escolar no Brasil: uma revisão(2004) BARRETTO, Elba Siqueira de As; SOUZA, Sandra ZakiaThis article makes a revision of studies published on cycles and pertaining to school progression in the country, taking for base survey of academic publications on the subject, that enclosed the period of 1980 to the first semester of 2002, as well as mo
- ItemO pensamento de Vygotsky nas reuniões de ANPEd (1998-2003)(2004) FREITAS, Maria Teresa de AssuncaoThis article analyzes the works based on the thought of Vygotsky joined of 21º ties 26º Annual Meeting of the ANPEd, in the period of 1998 the 2003, with objective to understand as this theoretical referencial is being appropriate for the participant auth
- ItemA experiência do corpo na dança butô: indicadores para pensar a educação(2004) NOBREGA, Terezinha Petrucia daButoh has emerged as one of the genres in evidence within the contemporary scenario of Japanese dance-theatre aesthetics. The present text intends to reflect upon the body in the Butoh dance, the narratives and knowledges that it reveals, drawing from som
- ItemO estado da arte da pesquisa sobre o fracasso escolar (1991-2002): um estudo introdutorio(2004) ANGELUCCI, Carla Biancha; KALMUS, Jaqueline; PAPARELLI, Renata; PATTO, Maria Helena SouzaThis article presents an introductory study of the state of the art of the research on the failure pertaining to school in the public net of basic education, leaving of a historical retrospect of the educational research in Brazil. The insertion of the cu
- ItemA educação na ética kantiana(2004) OLIVEIRA, Nogueira deThis article deals with Kant's moral anthropology, in which his considerations about education are included. Kant's ethics is routinely treated in such way that we fail to grasp its empirical part, many times denied. Such empirical part consists of this m
- ItemEstudos sobre educação rural no Brasil: estado da arte e perspectivas(2004) DAMASCENO, Maria Nobre; BESERRA, BernadeteThe present mapeia study and the knowledge produced in the area of the Agricultural Education argues, in the decades of 1980 and 1990, with the objective of esborçar the "state-ofothe-art" in this field of inquiry. Among others aspects, present and argue
- ItemDois manuais de história para professores: histórias de sua produção(2004) MUNAKATA, KazumiWhen he took up the direction of the National Institute for Pedagogical Studies (Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos - INEP) in 1952, Anísio Teixeira started the Schoolbook and Teaching Manual Campaign (Campanha do Livro Didático e Manuais de Ensino
- ItemMetoologia qualitativa de pesquisa(2004) MARTINS, Heloisa Helena T. deThis article presents reflections on what it means to make science in the scope of the methods and qualitative techniques of sociology. It has as estimated a methodology understanding as the critical knowledge of the ways of the scientific process, that i
- ItemFormacao de professores e educação em direitos humanos e cidadania: dos conceitos as ações(2004) CARVALHO, Jose Sergio; SESTI, Adriana Pereira; ANDRADE, Julia Pinheiro; SANTOS, Luciano da Silva; TIBERIO, WellingtonThis article reports on the experiences of the Human Rights in Schools Project in the creation and conduction of a teacher education course aiming at the dissemination of the ideals and values of human rights, democracy and citizenship as guiding principl
- ItemA cultura escolar como categoria de análise e como campo de investigação na história da educação brasileira(2004) FILHO, Luciano Mendes de Faria; GONCALVES, Irlen Antonio; VIDAL, Diana Goncalves; PAULILO, Andre LuizThe concern with the problematic one of the pertaining to school culture blunted in the scope of an approach each more fruitful time with disciplines of history, either for the exercise of survey, organization and magnifying of the documentary mass to be
- ItemLivros didáticos em dimensões materias e simbólicas(2004) FERNANDES, Antonia Terra de CalazansThe text reports on an ongoing study about people's memories of schoolbooks. The reflections are based on oral histories and on the conduction and analysis of interviews with pupils and teachers from various places in Brazil, and which interacted with sch
- ItemApreender a ler entre cartilhas: civizlidade, civilização e civismo pelas lentes do livro didático(2004) BOTO, CartolaThe present essay seeks to identify the social locus occupied by the literacy primer in the customs and practices of the history of modern primary schooling. The purpose of the study is to examine the intermingling between the schoolbook and primary schoo
- ItemA reinvencção da escola a partir de uma experiência instituinte em hospital(2004) FONTES, Rejane de SouzaThe objective of this work is to reflect on the importance of the narrative and of pedagogical listening for construction of alternating speeches to it speaks hegemonic in the education, mediane a teaching performance that investigates its proper practica
- ItemAutoscopia: um procedimento de pesquisa e de formação(2004) SADALLA, Ana Maria Falcao de AragaoThis article considers a procedure for data collection called autoscopy. Autoscopy entails the video recording of a practice with the purpose of allowing analysis and self-evaluation by one of the protagonists of that practice. The objective of the video