Educação e Filosofia
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A Revista Educação e Filosofia tem como propósito o incentivo à investigação e ao debate acadêmico acerca da educação e da filosofia em seus diversos aspectos, prestando-se como um instrumento de divulgação do conhecimento, especialmente dessas duas áreas.
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- ItemApresentação do Dossiê(2008) DANELON, MarioThis issue of V. 22, number 44 of Educação e Filosofia covers the theme of the teaching of philosophy through the publication of the thematic dossier Teaching of Philosophy, composed of 6 articles produced by researchers that have this theme as their object of reflection. This is the first experience of the Revista Educação e Filosofia in the production of a thematic dossier. This experience and the opportunity given by the Editorial Board should be valued and reaffirmed, because, if on the one hand the publication of the dossier provides the magazine with thematic density and homogeneity as it concentrates articles on the same subject, the publication of the dossier is also a valuable instrument of dissemination and consultation of the results of current and relevant research, so that the researcher will find in the dossier very dense and useful material for his research.
- ItemCondição humana e educação em Hannah Arendt(2008) AGUIAR, Odílio AlvesThis article is focused on Hannah Arendt’s account of the relationbetween human condition and education. She will be portrayedas someone who favours the classical view of education as opposesthe modern view of education based on specialization anddexterity. In addition to this, the general aspects of her conceptionof human condition will be outlined. The last part of this articlewill provide an account of Hannah Arendt’s conception of natalityas a human condition directly associated to education.
- ItemMaLOVIC, Míroslav. Filosofia da Comunicação: Para uma crítica da Modernidade(2008) ALMEIDA, Paulo Roberto Andrade de
- ItemBORGES, BENTO ITAMAR. Ensaios filosóficos e peripécias do gênero.(2008) CARVALHO, José Mauricio de
- ItemA natureza da filosofia e seu ensino(2008) MURCHO, DesidérioThis paper intends to show that the nature of philosophy raisesdifficulties regarding the way in which this subject is usually taughtin Brazil. It is argued that some philosophy teaching strategies stemfrom an inability to accept the open and speculative nature ofphilosophy, and it is explained how philosophy can be taught in away that does full justice to its open nature.
- ItemAlgumas regras em história da filosofia(2008) MARION, Jean-Luc
- ItemSócrates, la filosofia y su enseñanza. Actualidad de una invención(2008) KOHAN, Walter OmarThe philosophy is born with Socrates. Best, a philosophy born,some related to movement of thought and word. And also somechallenges arise. Because the birth of philosophy evolved bySocrates exceeds its time and tells us connected to our present; ifthe reader is a philosophy teacher, we would say also that Socratesphilosophy born wrapped in a series of paradoxes that help thinkingabout their conditions and limits. In this text we intend to think some of these challenges, without the pretense of giving accountof a historical figure but to find a partner first, a beginning to thinkour present.
- ItemEditorial(2008) ELIAS, Wagner de MelloIn this issue, Educação e Filosofia Journal brings a great editorial novelty: our first dossier, which deals with the teaching of philosophy. There are six articles, by outstanding researchers, that examine this theme in a fruitful way. Given the precise presentation of this dossier by Márcio Danelon, we refer you directly to the introductory pages of this presentation, where you can obtain information about the importance and timeliness of the theme, and also about each article in particular...
- ItemPerguntas autoritárias: a questão do método, as monografias e o filosofar(2008) PALACIOS, Gonzalo ArmijosIn this article I discuss the relationship between authoritativequestions and their influence on the way we conceive to bephilosophical work in the Brazilian academy, in general, and whatwe understand by method and by term-papers and monographicpapers.
- ItemEpistemologia genética, alfabetização e letramento(2008) MIRANDA, Maria IreneThis text intends to raise reflections on the literacy and letteringprocess. Epistemologyc foundations have been ruled on thepsychogenetic perspective of Jean Piaget, whose principles remitto the acquaintanced citizen that constitutes his knowledgemodifying his mental stuctures from the experiences in the circle.Thus, the teachers with his proposals of education, has afundamental role not only in the student’s learning process butalso in the construction of his citizenship
- ItemHistória e psicologia na hermenêutica da cultura de Dilthey(2008) ARAÚJO, Sônia Maria da SilvaThis text is about a study carried out by Wilhelm Dilthey in thefield of culture, aiming the understanding of the soul. Its scope is to investigate how Dilthey sees the arts – mainly poety andliterature – to reach the human soul. Culture, according to Dilthey,is a priviledged source of translation of the historical andpsycological circumstances of mankind in time; it is a tissue of finalthat has one structure. This structure consists in the constructionof the human imagery (Einbildungskraft); concept by means ofwhich it is possible to understand the human being in its deepestconcrete form. The text consists of three main parts. In the firstone, review Dilthey’s basic ideas about history, psychology andphilosophy. In the second part, I discuss Poetry and Literature,underlining the way Dilthey approaches such manifestations ofthe soul. In the third part, I comment on my point of view ofDilthey’s hermeneutics.
- ItemEnseñanza filosófica: notas para la construcción de un campo problemático(2008) CERLETTI, AlejandroThe objective of this work is to raise some reflections about theeducation of philosophy, offering various elements to focus as aproblem basically philosophical and, from that problematization,clarify the bond that could keep with questions more specificallyeducational or pedagogical. If offers a possible characterization ofphilosophy and raises some philosophical and didacticconsequences that would not follow from it, since when is facedthe point of view of its education.
- ItemFilosofia e o exercício do pensamento conceitual na educação básica(2008) GALLO, SílvioThis article has for objective to argue the implications for theteaching philosophy when we understand philosophy asconceptual thought. It is presented the idea that there are, at least, three registers for the thought: figurative; logical; and conceptual,each one with its proper characteristics, relating them with thePierre Lévy’s idea of three poles of the mind, each one with itsspecific tools of thought (orality; writing; information technologies).This paper presents, also, the notion of philosophy as creation ofconcepts, proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, articulating this notionwith other works of Deleuze, especially Difference and Repetition.Finally, when arguing the culture of the thought in the classroom,defends the necessity of a displacement of the educative axle fromteaching to learning, as form to make possible to the students theexperience of the conceptual thought.
- ItemLogos, carità intellettuale e testimonianza nella ricerca e didattica scientifica(2008) MAROCCO, AngeloThe main purpose of this paper is to consider what are the goals,objectives, or aims of the Catholic researchers and professionalacademics in the broadest sense of the term. University professorsin particular are called to embody the virtue of intellectual charity,recovering their primordial vocation to train future generationsnot only by imparting knowledge but by the witness of their ownlives.
- ItemEducação e humanidade(s): rastros éticose políticos do projeto filosófico moderno(2010) RATTO, Cleber Gibbon; HENNING, Paula Correa
- ItemAs belas mortes de Sócrates e o encantamento da celebração dos mortos em Atenas(2010) RIBEIRO, Adriano MachadoO proposito deste artigo é mostrar que em Platão há um elogio de Sócrates em vista do modo pelo qual ele morreu e compreendeu a morte.
- ItemHégel interpreta a Sófocles(2010) GARCIA-FERNANDEZ, Alicia
- ItemIdéias sobre a educação para o desenvolvimentoem Portugal e no Brasil em meados do século XX.(2010) FERREIRA, António Gomes; Daniel, Leziany Silveira
- ItemA concepção de subjetividade em Lévinas: da solidão da hipóstase ao encontro com a alteridade(2010) MOREIRA, Jacqueline de Oliveira; VASQUEZ-MORO, Ulpiano