Educação & Formação
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A revista Educação & Formação, vinculada aos Programas de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, tem periodicidade quadrimestral e publica artigos originais na área de Educação. Publica artigos inéditos oriundos de resultados de pesquisa acadêmica, revisões sistemáticas de literatura, resenhas e documentos fora de catálogos. Objetiva a difusão, o intercâmbio e os debates no campo educacional, prioritariamente, nos temas “Educação” e “Formação de professores”. Educação & Formação é editada em português, em versão on line, e recebe submissões, em fluxo contínuo, nos idiomas português, inglês, espanhol e francês.
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- ItemApresentação set/dez 2018(2018) BRANDENBURG, CristineEducação & Formação journal aims at the diffusion, the exchange, and the debates in the national and international educational field, especially on the themes of "Education" and "Teacher Education". The target audience for Educação & Formação is researchers in the field of education, teachers of basic and higher education, graduate students, and other professionals interested in these topics.
- ItemEducação e liberdade em Rousseau(2018) VASCONCELOS, José Geraldo; FIALHO, Lia Machado Fiuza; LOPEZ, Tânia Maria RodriguesThis article aims to problematize democracy and freedom, themes that are central to the Rousseau's work, articulating them to politics and a model of libertarian education. Hermeneutically, it is desired a critical and dialectical course between libertarian education and philosophical questions. Even integrating the School of Modern Natural Law, Rousseau demonstrates that the emergence of property is an inequality producer. In this case, there is a need for an association pact that, by limiting the state of war,allows the transition from the state of nature to the civil state. Rousseau leaves the libertarian mark in the history of Philosophy and Education in reflecting on freedom and democracy. This philosophical impasse aroused by studying Rousseau (1995) allows us to infer that he was the philosopher who initiated a new pedagogical action, causing the subjective to be acclaimed, the fervent passions and the most intimate nature of the human being unveiled in all his masterly interiority.
- ItemNarrativas de si na iniciação à docênciao PIBID como espaço e tempo formativos(2018) SILVA, Fabrício Oliveira da; RIOS, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos PachecoThe initiation trajectory was studied by a scholarship holder of the Institutional Scholarship Program at the State University of Bahia, aiming to understand how the program allows the insertion of the licenciando in Letters in the dynamics of educational practices. The objectives of the program, the organization and the experiences of the initiation to teaching were described by the scholarship holder, reflecting on their formative trajectory, the experiences lived in a double dimension of the said program: to be constituted as a category of formative time, as well as of locus in which the initiation to the teaching produces senses of being a teacher by the complexity and dynamics of the school reality. We opted for the (auto) biographical approach based onauthors who study the theme. The study showed that the mentioned program favored the insertion of the licencianda in the context of the daily life of the school, which allows the development of experiences for the teaching of Portuguese Language.
- ItemEntre limites geográficos e pedagógicosorganização do trabalho escolar nas escolas isoladas e nos grupos escolares (São Paulo, 1892-1950)(2018) ORIANI, Angélica PallThis article aims to question the differentiations between isolated schools and school groups carried out by the educational policies of São Paulo. For this purpose, I analyzed the school work organization, based on the official orientations regarding the prescriptions about space, time and the subjects of the teaching programs for these institutions. The chronological boundaries cover the period between 1892, the year in which the first official prescription on school time was published, and 1950, the year whenthe last teaching program for primary schools was published. I verified that the processes of institutionalization and expansion of primary schools were developed by distinguishing those institutions based on geographical and pedagogical criteria, which separated the rural multiseriate school from the graduated urban school, and for this reason, different social groups could access different forms of schooling.
- ItemO lúdico como atividade discursiva e como uma via para a formação do leitorteoria e relato de pesquisa em uma escola pública em Fortaleza-CE(2018) QUIXADÁ, Luciana Martins; LINS, Sylvie Ghislaine Delacours Soares; TAVARES, Ana Carolina PontesIt is intended to problematize on the formation of the child reader, regarding a meaningful learning of reading, considering the joke as a means for such. Central authors were Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Leontiev. It begins with the understanding that the processes of this type of learning involve both the activity of the learner and also the discursive exchanges that permeate it. Therefore, the schoolenvironment in children’s education should promote conditions of collective participation to the child, for example, through the ludic way, through which it acts to build and give meaning to new learning. It is presented how children relate playfully withthe book and the special attention given by them to the “play book”, through a research done about access to children’s literature in a public school in the city of Fortaleza-CE.
- ItemA prática pedagógica dos professores que lecionam a EJA no município de Ibirataia–BA(2018) SILVA, Letícia Andrade; SANTOS, Arlete Ramos dosThis article makes a cut of a master's research that aimed to understand the Educational Policy of Youth and Adults (EJA), in the final years of Elementary School, in the municipality of Ibirataia, Bahia (SILVA, 2016). The question of the research was: what are the perceptions of the teachers who teach the EJA modality in the city of Ibirataia, about this educational policy? The data were collected through document analysis, questionnaires and the realization of the Focal Group technique. The methodology had a qualitative approach, based on Bogdan and Biklen (1994) and Minayo (2000). The systematization of the data is justified in the dialectical methodology and the results pointed out contradictions that require several actions and partnerships with organs of other federated entities.
- ItemA Desvinculação das Receitas da União (DRU) e suas implicações para o financiamento da Educação & Formação básica(2018) MENDES, Priscila Kelly; MOREIRA, Jani Alves da SilvaThe text presents a documental analysis on the Unlinking of Union Revenues (UUR) from its creation, in 1994, to the present. It aims to clarify the implications of the UUR for financing basic education in Brazil over its lifetime, as well as to understand their operating mechanisms. In order to give an account for what is proposed, historical assumptions financing for basic education are introduced in Brazil. We emphasized how the financing of education is impacted by the UUR and how this financial withdrawing resource mechanism has contributed or not to the effectiveness of the quality of basic public education in the country. The research was relevant for explaining the mechanisms and maneuvers that result in the reduction of the investment of public resources for basic education.
- ItemAção tutorial no ensino superior: experiência com alunos maiores de 23 em uma instituição pública de Portugal(2018) ALVES, Francione Charapa; SIMÃO, Ana Margarida Veiga; LEITINHO, Meirecele CalíopeThis article aims to reflect on the Tutoring Program Over 23(PTM23)of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon from the perceptions of M23 students, tutors, coordinators and teachers. To meet this goal, we conducted a qualitative investigation using semi-structured interviews with 13 subjects involved in theProgram. Data analysis was done as a use of content analysis. The results indicate the need for constant evaluation of the tutoring so that it is increasingly systematized in order to meet the real needs of the students. They also point out that tutoring is perceived as important for all involved and that it is managing to find its reason of existing as an activity that contributes to the development and growth of tutors, tutored students and consequently influences the institution as a whole.
- ItemA abordagem da ação crítica e a epistemologia da práxis pedagógica(2018) GENÚ, Marta SoaresThe action of teaching has, historically, the attention of educators and researchers of pedagogical approaches, focused on the process of teaching and learning. To Analyze this process for human formation, to beyond the mechanization of learning, requires starting to the cultural knowledge and systematized knowledge. This study aims to show a pedagogical systematization as a theoretical and practical possibility to be adopted by the teacher. Theoretically, it is based in the concept of dialogue and criticaltheory, it proposes an approach to the action of teaching and learning in the critical-reflective perspective. It deals with the theoretical production about the subject and the teaching experiences with the methodological procedure of field diary and collection of material about the interventional praxis in educational environments. It outlines the approach called Critical Action Approach. It concludes that it is the epistemological appropriation by the teacher that promotes the action of teaching-learning, rather than the mastery of pedagogical techniques.
- ItemConcepções de gênero e sexualidade d@s docentes do curso de licenciatura em pedagogiapor um currículo queer(2018) RIOS, Pedro Paulo Souza; CARDOSO, Helma de Melo; DIAS, Alfrancio FerreiraThis study aims to reflect on the conception of the professors’ conceptions at the Pedagogy Course of the Federal University of Sergipe, Itabaiana Campus, on the following themes: gender, body and sexuality. To do so, we used a theoretical post-critical perspective. The individuals taking part in the research belonged to the aforementioned course, with whom we applied semi-structured interviews. The studied indicated that, over the last decades, we could notice some advances in relation to the related themes. However, those are in the field of the professors’ individual epidemiological implication, a fact that indicates the need for a change in the curricular structure; in embodies positions by the queer pedagogy, new strategies, attitudes, subversive pedagogical procedures, which demarcates the possibilities of negotiation at the University.
- ItemAs múltiplas linguagens na educação infantil: uma experiência na formação inicial de professores(2018) AQUINO, Pedro Neto Oliveira de; MARTINS, Cristiane AmorimThe current work has the aim to show and discuss the lecturing experience in the graduate education, more specifically, in the topic of children's education belonging to the pedagogy course offered by the Universidade Federal do Ceará. The analysis done in this research project was based on the study of multiple languages using the malaguzziana pedagogy. The scanning of the written feedback received from the students, before and after the interventions, allowed to determine the use of new knowledge about the topic involved in that precise lecture lived by the students. From these knowledge acquired, the most relevant aspects are the ability to identify and distinguish between the animal and humans language; in addition to the understanding of this pedagogical proposal which involves multiple languages, going beyond the regular “work in arts”and providing valuable information about how children interact, transmit, express, produce and share feelings and meanings about the world.
- ItemEducação & Formação, v. 3, n.8, mai./ago. 2018(2018) FIALHO, Lia Machado FiuzaEducação & Formação journal aims at the diffusion, the exchange, and the debates in the national and international educational field, especially on the themes of "Education" and "Teacher Education". The target audience for Educação & Formação is researchers in the field of education, teachers of basic and higher education, graduate students, and other professionals interested in these topics.
- ItemEducação em direitos humanos e democracia: história, trajetórias e desafios nos quinze anos do PNEDH(2018) ZENAIDE, Maria de Nazaré TavaresIt presents a balance of the fifteen years of National Plan of Education in Human Rights in Brazil. The analysis is constructed from the bibliographical and documentary research, besides the participant observation. A time line of Human Rights Education inLatin America and Brazil is reconstructed from 1993 to 2018. At the national level, it is intended to build a balance of the process of formulation and implementation of the Human Rights Education Policy in Brazil in the period redemocratization. There are fifteen years of advances and difficulties to be identified, recognized and valued of the National Plan for Human Rights Education in Brazil.
- ItemAs questões étnico-raciais nas histórias em quadrinhos e as práticas educativas na formação inicial docente(2018) OLIVEIRA, Lívia Maria Serafim Duarte; ARAGÃO, Patrícia Cristina deThe present article uses comics to discuss the ethnic and racial issues within private university study in the context of the initial teacher training. A survey was applied in the Pedagogy course at Vale do Acaraú State University, in Campina Grande –Paraíba. This institution is known for its teacher training courses in basic education. This is an action-research and has a qualitative methodological approach, which is articulated with literature search. The use of comics in the initial teacher training at the university course provides the teachers with racial and ethnic discussions as well as an articulated education theory and practice, due to its interdisciplinary characteristics. This educational practice is anchored in different fields of knowledge, and facilitates the understanding of thematic approaches related to black population. It motivates the critical learning adapted to different educational realities.
- ItemLiberdade, igualdade e democraciao ideário republicano e a Educação & Formação das mulheres no início do século XX no Brasil(2018) OLIVEIRA, Loraine Lopes de; MARTINIAK, Vera LúciaThe present proposal aims to present an initiative on the dissemination of information about women in the context of the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930). The research has as bibliographic theme, based on books, articles and doctoral theses that present reflections on the main theme in this work. The discussion began, the prioritization of education with the factors of life, leaders and social, understanding the object of research can not be discussed as an isolated situation. It was found that the liberal principles influenced the communication of a series of questions for all, however, an entry of women in this field, took place slowly and distinctly. The Republic was not aimed at economic, political, or full feminine emancipation.
- ItemFormação continuada de professores: Saberes ressignificados e práticas docentes transformadas(2018) JUNGES, Fábio César; KETZER, Charles Martin; OLIVEIRA, Vânia Maria Abreu deThis article proposes to answer the following question: What are the transformations perceived by teachers in their teaching practice in relation to continuing education courses? Based on theorists who question the continuing education of teachers, the central question of the research is answered on the basis of continuing education work in schools in the municipalities of Ijuí, Panambi, Ajuricaba and Condor. The main thesis revolves around the need for a considerable investment in terms of continuing training in order to show concrete results from the point of view of teachers participating in these training courses. It is, therefore, that there is a need for a constant process of continuous formation, under the focus of a new transformative model, posed in the present times.
- ItemGamificação e tecnologias como recursos e estratégias innovadoras de ensino e aprendizagem da história(2018) GÓMEZ TRIGUEROS, Isabel MaríaThe present paper is part of the Network-I3CE Program of Research in university teaching at the University of Alicante and is part of an innovation project approved by the Department of Education of the Valencian Community (DOCV No. 7838/27/07 / 2016) of Spain. The objective of this study is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the use of gamification and technologies in History classes. The instrument of analysis used is the Likert scale questionnaire as well as direct observation in the classroom. The results obtained highlight the value of this type of resources and didactic strategies for the improvement of the teaching and learning processes of the contents of the History of the nineteenth century as well as the acquisition of key competences by the participating students.
- ItemO projeto “escola sem partido” e o ensino de história no Brasilinquietações do tempo presente(2018) ARAÚJO, Fátima Maria Leitão; PINHEIRO, Francisco Felipe de Aguiar; SOUSA, Joilson Silva deThis article seeks to analyze why the program “School without Party” proposals are fruits of the political conjuncture fierce by the ascent of fundamentalist and conservative ideas, phenomenon present in the presidential race in 2014. The objective is to point out the theoretical inconsistencies and unconstitutionalities of the conceptions that underlie the program “School without Party”, warning the risk that it represents for the proposal of a democratic education focused on the exercise of citizenship. The analysis has as guiding elements the conception of History of the present time and Public History, the teaching work centered on human collectivities, the scholarly category and the field of history teaching methodologically based on bibliographic review and documentary analysis. It is concluded that the proposed law investigated resumes educational principles of the times of the Military Dictatorship proposing a vigilance stance in schools, teachers, curricula and didactic materials determining the limits of the teacher's performance.
- ItemValores, educação infantil e desenvolvimento moral: concepções dos professores(2018) LIMA, Juliana dos Santos; SANTOS, Gilberto Lima dosIn the current Brazilian society, morality is emerging as one of the most important issues challenging educational practices. The goal of the study is to understand how preschool teachers conceive of the values relative to their pedagogical practices and the moral development of children. It is a qualitative research, which uses the semi-structured interview for the production of information. The participants are eight educators of early childhood education in a public school located in Jaguarari, a small city in Bahia. The results show that the values appear in the speeches and actions of teachers, as well as in the activities they propose to students, although they try to wriggle out of responsibility. The professors are careful in relationship with the students, but this relationship is asymmetrical and prioritizes the duty, the unilateral respect and obedience. This means that teachers take an adult-centered position in their practices.
- ItemA inclusão escolar e o aluno com síndrome de Down as adaptações curriculares e a avaliação da aprendizagem(2018) SOUSA, Neide Maria Fernandes Rodrigues; NASCIMENTO, Deisiane AvizThe research has the objective of understanding the perception of the teachers about the inclusion of students with Down Syndrome in relation to curricular adaptations and the evaluation process. A qualitative case-study approach was adopted. Nine teachersof the regular classroom with a Down Syndrome student and one teacher of multifunctional resource roomsparticipated of the research. The research was carried out in a Municipal Primary School of the 6th to the 9th grade. In the results, five teachers indicated to make adaptations of contents and activities, four teachers did not indicate to make adaptations; about the evaluation, four teachers indicated to make adapted tests, three teachers evaluate the everyday activities of the student and two do notdevelop the evaluation. It was concluded which the inclusion on the educational reality is a process with advances and setbacks, needing of a policy with actions more directed to the situations of the school context.