Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação
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A revista Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação tem por finalidade publicar artigos relacionados à Educação, tendo como temática questões sobre avaliação e políticas públicas em educação, priorizando os resultados de pesquisas, estudos teóricos e ensaios.
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- ItemA avaliação institucional e à acreditação como base para qualidade em ensino à distancia(2002) PINTO, Fatima Cunha Ferreira; OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Pereira deThe article exposes the issue of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation as a basis for Quality Distance Learning in a knowledge society. It analyzes the methodology of distance learning, comparing it with that of conventional education, and its importance for developed countries. It also reports the Brazilian Policy on Distance Education and educational programs created in this area, such as: TV Escola, PROINFO, PROFORMAÇÃO and PAPED, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and recognizing the importance of expanding Distance Education beyond non- academic and postgraduate courses. It ends by emphasizing the importance of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation in improving the services offered to society as a whole and, mainly, as a support for the growth and improvement of the quality of Distance Education in Brazil.
- ItemA capacitação de professores em avaliação em salas de aula: um esboço de idéias e estratégias(2003) ELLIOT, Lígia Gomes; FONTANIVE, Nilma Santos; KLEIN, RubenThe consolidation of large scale evaluations systems has to be followed up by the implementation of educational policies at federal, state and county levels. By and large, quality of ecation has been the main targert of these policies. Their implementation however depends upon teachers action inside classroom and upon the way conduct students assessment. Teachers are known as the key element who is responsible for the improvement of classroom assessment and for using its results to benefit the teaching learning process. The results of students assessment answer to various stakeholders questions. For instance, schools need to know whether their can show a high level of achievement, mainly after an exam or an external evaluation. Teachers, by their side, need to confirm if their students had learned or not as well as to know how good they are when compared to other students results. Family, parents, and students themselves need to know how students are doing in relation to performance standards. School administrations, inclding the educational system, need to know how schools and their teachers are performing to get good assessment results. Thus, to perform an adequate classroom assessment teachers will need to improve knowledg and practices about it. How to do it? The main purpose of this paper is to present and discuss some ideas strategies related to the empowerment of teachers in classroom assessment.
- ItemA contribuição da disciplina de introdução a engenharia quimica no diagnostico da evasão(2006) SILVA, Rosenir Rita de Cássia Moreira da; MAINIER, Fernando Benedicto; PASSOS, Fabio BarbozaIt has told a lot about the evasion at the engineering course, but the solution hasn't been found yet. In recent statistics accomplished at the Chemical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF, it was checked out that the most of the students enrolled are the basic cycle, which becomes, at this way, a difficult obstacle to a lot of students. Several factors influences and the high index of reproval is one of those that causes a big lack of motivation among the students, specially to thoses who are on the first period, where there is the worst situation. This big retention provokes an increasing of average time of permanence in the university to 13 semesters, when the normal time is 10 semesters. Less than 20% of students are able to form in normal time. These indicates a enormous obstacle, which damaged the superior education system efficiency. The subject called Introduction to Chemical Engineering was included in the first period of the curriculum, intending to research about problem and study a way to solve it. The lessons of this subject used to have for purpose getting better the student's adaptation at the course, cooperating for his maturation. Severals informations are passed about the university, the course, the jobs, the marked, having always as an objective motivating the students. It has been verified that the relation teachers-students were very important in this experience, which resulted higher global academic performance
- ItemA gestão do espaço no ensino médio público: o caso do Distrito Federal(2003) GOMES, Candido Alberto; CASTRO, Plinio Eduardo Monteiro deThis work presents a comprehensive view of private education in Brazil, based on data from the 2000 sense of Higher Education and other sources. Private education serves about 2/3 of the country's university students in 946 institutions, directly mobilizing about of 10 billion reais annually and employing 200,000 people between teachers and employees. The analysis shows that private institutions are a very different group, with some institutions large and many small. Half of its students are in the so-called "social professions", which include Law, Administration, Economics and Social Sciences. The second area of importance is Education and the third is the professions associated with health. The private system has grown a lot and should grow even more, given the restricted size of Brazilian higher education and the limited expansion of the public sector. However, there are financing, efficiency and equity issues that could affect this expansion. The paper discusses some of the business strategies adopted by the private sector, the federal government's efforts to regulate the sector, and identifies issues that require additional field research to be elucidated.
- ItemA pesquisa multicultural como eixo na formação docente: potenciais para a discussão da diversidade e das diferenças(2008) CANEN, AnaThis paper argues that the comprehension of the research as a multicultural phenomenon can give the link teach-research a great significance to teachers formation. The article develops this idea by suggesting four main dimensions on this viewpoint: first, the conception of future teachers and teacher educators as researchers in action of plural cultural identity; second, the encouragement of discussions about educational themes in terms of silenced and represented voices, analyzing tensions between universal and diversity value; third, the expose of the future teachers to plural research methodologies; and finally, the analysis of the institution or organization identity where teachers formation happens, showing the problems related to unequal power relations and trying to make these institutions become multicultural organizations.
- ItemA questão da acessabilidade em uma rede escolar(2003) ALMEIDA, Lourdes Maria Werle de; DIAS, Michele RegianeIn this work we analyze the performance of a network of public schools from 5th to 8th grades of elementary school in relation to the level of accessibility of students to schools. The application of an accessibility indicator, which incorporates a measure of spatial separation and the capacity of schools, leads to results that demonstrate that there are moderate variations between the level of accessibility of students from different regions of the city of Londrina-Paraná. Information about Elementary Education in public schools in the city of Londrina is undoubtedly important for administrators, teachers and students of the system and can be taken into account, especially in the planning phase, to define actions on the system subject to sector budget constraints.
- ItemAnálise do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes após o primeiro ciclo avaliativo das áreas de agrárias, saúde e serviço social do Estado do Piauí(2010) GURGEL, Carmesina RibeiroThe objective of this work is to verify the performance of the undergraduate courses - Agronomy, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Social Service - after the first National Student Performance Exam (ENADE) evaluative cycle in three campi of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) (Teresina, Bom Jesus e Parnaíba). The data are compared with the performance of other educational institutions state of Piauí, in order to check if the formative function of the evaluation proposed by ENADE was significantly accomplished for the period between 2004 and 2007. The study is based on the analysis of the ENADE data, inclining difference index between the Observed and Expected (PDI) and on the preliminary speaking, the formative function of evaluation does not present significative effect on results between the exams, except on courses of Medicine, Dentistry and Social Service which present better performance compared to 2004.
- ItemAs perspectivas da pesquisa qualitativa para as políticas em educação pública(2002) MOREIRA, HeliveltoThe purpose of this article is twofold. The first is to define the main characteristics of qualitative research in the field of educational research in comparison with quantitative research originating from the polypositivist paradigm. The second is how this type of research can, through its results, also serve as a reference to guide the decision-making processes of educational policy managers. The article also explores how researchers using this approach are studying educational phenomena in their natural environment, seeking to make sense of or interpret them in terms of the meaning people give to them.
- ItemAuto-avaliação de centros de pos-graduação: uma proposta em ação(2006) ROCHA, Nivea Maria FragaThe research on Self-evaluation Post-graduation Centers was thought as a quality instrument of the Foundation Visconde de Cairu (FVC). The goals aimed elaborating a Self-evaluation proposal for the Post-graduation Center of that Foundation were in order to meet the context requirements, its characteristics and also to enable community academic participation. The methodology used was a research through workshops. This process allowed to build up not only an institutional diagnosis collectivelly, but also to identify forces that facilitate and
- ItemAvaliação constitucional conseqüente: uma proposta metodológica(2002) NASCIMENTO, Alberto Fernando Monteiro do; SOUZA, Paulo Fernado Araújo de; LASSANCE, RobertThis article is based on the experience of institutional evaluation at the Catholic University of Brasília - UCB, from 1997 to 2000, which led to the conception of a simple and objective methodology. This new way of organizing and exposing the results of evaluations makes the decision-making process more efficient and the consequent implementation of the necessary changes to respond to the identified problems. Preliminarily, the theoretical foundations of the evaluation of educational programs and projects are considered, within the scope of institutional evaluation. The main item contains the justification and description of the proposed methodology, presenting the Results and Action Worksheet as an instrument for organizing and presenting the results of evaluations. With the described instrument, the evaluators provide the authorities involved with the opportunity to know the critical points raised and decide on the forwarding of solutions, in an objective, reasoned, rational and safe way. Finally, its experimentation in other situations is recommended in order to take advantage of its capacity to contribute to the generation of consequences for the undertaken evaluations.
- ItemAvaliação da aprendizagem de ética em curso de formação de professores de Ensino Fundamental(2007) LINS, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa; SANTOS, Paulo Ruas; OLIVEIRA, João Eduardo Bastos Malheiro de; LONGO, Monique Marques; MIYATA, Edson Seiti; DANTAS, Juliana Viana Mählmann MunizTeachers don't feel always confident concerning Moral Education topics they teach to children in elementary school. Because of this we decided to know how and what future teachers in Brazilian education courses learn about Moral Education. According to the Brazilian educational law (9394
- ItemAvaliação da busca da cidadania pelo Projeto Olímpico da Mangueira(2006) DÓRIA, Carlos; TUBINO, Manoel José GomesThe publication of this article is a natural consequence of the success achieved by the Citizenship Mangueira Olympic Project, which deals with the need to rise citizenship and sport teamwork consciousness. Its main objective is to verify, if the established goals were met by the participants, pointing out the adjustments and changes occurred in the last fifteen years.
- ItemAvaliação da qualidade educacional da Faculdade de Educação (FACED) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)(2009) ANDRIOLA, Wagner Bandeira; ANDRIOLA, Cristiany Gomes.The aim of this research is to evaluate some aspects of the Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education (FACED) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) which endangers the quality of education. At that moment, we focus on the following: adequacy of the physical installations; informatics equipments and audiovisual resources as well as teachers' involvement in the teaching-learning process. For so, it was used the sample composed by 124 university students of the UFC Pedagogy course, at the average of 26,8 years of age (Standard deviation = 7.05 years), of which 96 were female (77,2%) and 83 from the night course (66,9%). We observed that 32 of the interviewed students (25, 7%) had enrolled in 1999.2, and were conscious of the aspects that compose the evaluated reality for at least, four years. The main results pointed out the existence of the following kinds of problems:1) structural: inadequacy of the physical installations at the FACED; and 2) conjuncture: (a) safety inadequacy at the FACED, (b) maintenance inadequacy of the audiovisual and informatics equipments, (c) inadequacy of the teachers' involvement in some academic activities, (d) inadequacy of attendance given from the coordination of graduation to the students staff, (e) inadequacy of optional discipline (f) inadequacy of the internet registering system and finally, (g) loss of the evening course of Pedagogy prestige.
- ItemAvaliação da relação entre identidade, trabalho e emprego num curso destinado a formação de administradores públicos(2004) NICACIO, Claudia Beatriz Machado Monteiro de Lima; GOULART, Iris BarbosaImmersed in a context full of political, economic, social and, above all, technological changes, the world of work is faced with serious issues, such as the weakening of formal employment, salary reductions, precariousness and computerization of work. This article summarizes a study that aimed to assess the relationship between identity, work and employment, taking as subjects the students of a course that links professional training to job security. A qualitative case study research was carried out, with semi-structured interviews. The collected data were interpreted through content analysis, which allowed inferring the assessment of the respondents' universe of meanings. The theoretical framework was based on the thesis of dialectical materialism, which defends the centrality of work in human life.
- ItemAvaliação de escolas públicas através de desenhos: um estudo comparativo de três escolas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro(2010) SOUZA FILHO, Edson de; INSFRAN, Fernanda; MAGALHAES, Ana Paula; ROSAS, DaiseThis work aimed at testing a method of evaluation of public schools through drawings and to reflect on its applicability to the understanding of psychosocial phenomena taking place in the school's realm. We assume that verbal language tends to favor those social norms which are more influential in the academic milieu and away, which is detrimental to the expression of individuals and groups who adopt other norms thought to be less legitimate and
- ItemAvaliação de uma intervenção pedagógica na aprendizagem de crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade - TDAH - no âmbito das políticas públicas do Estado do Pará(2010) PINA, Ione Lima; MACEDO, Luciel da Silva; SEQUEIRA, Manuel Elbio Aquino; SILVA, Iris Lima e; CARDOSO, Fabrício; PINTO, Fátima Cunha; BERESFORD, HeronThe Educational Policies in Pará State are established according the Federal Power through statements with the objective of attend their students with a democratic process of learning. The students with special necessities find protection inside the planned interventions that were executed as valorous mean to fulfill in the positive way some necessities. This paper had the aim to evaluate the efficiency of a pedagogic intervention toward the learning process of children that are 7 to 10 years old and were diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity mental disorder (ADHD). Was applied a Mental Process Test a Scholar Development Test and a pedagogic intervention starting from a combination of motor-play skill activities composed by educational games, and a cortical stimulation program. Suggested results gave non conservatives and positive responses related to the acquiring of writing and reading process. Also, the intervention based on motor-play skills, showed a positive effect and proved its value because allowed an improvement of those children related to the difficulty expressed by themselves.
- ItemAvaliação do perfil cinestésico-corporal de crianças con Síndrome de Down: um parâmetro para se atender à proposta das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para educação especial(2009) BRITTO, Ariella; SILVA, Iris Lima e; CARDOSO, Fabrício; BERESFORD, HeronThis article aims to evaluate the corporal-movement profile of 20 children, with -Down's syndrome DS, between 06 and 12 years of age, resident in the Southern Region of the State of Tocatins, Brazil. The purpose of this work is to establish cognitive-motor parameters which are able to found heterogeneous practices in the pedagogic-policy project of the curriculum, in the teaching methodology and also, in the evaluation of these individuals, in agreement with the National Curricular Guidelines for Special Education (MEC/SEESP, 1998), thus favoring the education and social integration of people with such special needs. This aim was achieved with a context evaluation in which the "Operational Portage" Inventory (Williams & Aiello, 2001) and the protocol of evaluation of motor ability of Bruininks - Oseretsky (BRUININKS, 1978) were used. It was concluded that individuals with Down's syndrome present a deficit of cognitive-motor ability, which is related the fine motor coordination and also a limited development of language, whether oral or written, resulting in lack of success in school chores. Finally, an important aspect had caught attention, that is, although some individuals with Down's syndrome have got a lower level of cerebral deficiency or of motor function, they can achieve success in a great variety of tasks, even in the school environment.
- ItemAvaliação revela impacto de um programa de formação de professores(2008) ANDRE, MarliTaking into consideration an external evaluation of a Teacher Education Program, this paper intends to show the usefulness of case studies to appraise changes in teachers' perspectives and practices and to disclose the social impact of the program. First, a brief description of the Teacher Education Program shows that it associates self instructional material and group meetings. Next, the paper presents the Program evaluation procedures: six case studies were conducted in three different states in the country, including classroom observations; analysis of teachers' written memories; interviews with teachers, tutors and local staff; and administration of teacher's written tests. The last part of the paper discusses the case studies main outcomes: changes in teachers' conceptions and practices; improvement in their writing abilities; improvement in teachers' self confidence; increasing teachers' evaluation of local culture and pupils' experiences; and positive effects in local policies and in schools contexts.
- ItemAvaliando a aprendizagem de criatividade em uma oficina pedagógica(2008) LINS, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa; MIYATA, Edson SeitiCreativity and mental image are important human beings characteristics and can be observed in the behavior of different people. A great number of researchers has studied creativity and mental image in order to set up the origin and process of both. This article focuses on creativity and mental image main theories contribution and discusses how it is possible to assess creativity learning by using a pedagogic workshop in a technical school. This workshop intended to observe how creativity can be improved by these technical school students. The results showed that the educational process must pay attention to the students' development in order to provide creativity and mental image learning.
- ItemBoletim da escola: diagnóstico multidimensional das escolas do Paraná(2003) AYRES, SandraThis text intends to record the construction of an instrument for disseminating the results of a large-scale assessment, based on the understanding of its illuminating character, and which, therefore, required the simultaneous presentation of other educational indicators. It also presents what was in practice exercised as a social role of evaluation, insofar as the involvement of the entire school community in the process, with great involvement and participation of the students' parents.
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