Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea
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Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, periódico trimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estácio de Sá, publica estudos e pesquisas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento da área, propiciando o debate sobre os desafios postos à Educação pelas profundas mudanças que caracterizam a cultura contemporânea. A revista divulga artigos científicos inéditos que se concentrem no tema que a define. Em especial, resultados de pesquisas de caráter teórico e/ou empírico; revisão crítica da literatura de pesquisa educacional, tanto temática quanto metodológica; ensaios; resenhas de livros; entrevistas com profissionais da área de Educação ou áreas afins. Periodicamente, quando for julgado conveniente e oportuno pelo Conselho Editorial, será lançado um número que focalizará um tema específico referente a questões relevantes para a Educação na contemporaneidade. Esta decisão será divulgada com um mínimo de seis meses na página Notícias da revista, de modo a que os interessados possam enviar seus textos.
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- ItemA "experiência de si" em um processo avaliativo de estágio docente no campo da educação matemática(2005) KNIJIK, Gelsa; WANDERER, Fernanda; OLIVEIRA, Cláudio José deThe purpose of this paper is to discuss a process in which the self's experience, produced by Teacher Training Course students at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) is set up. The research data consist of the students' narratives when they evaluated their period as trainees, in which they had a pedagogical experience from an Ethnomathematics' perspective. The analytic tools that support the work come from the poststructuralist theorizations of Michel Foucault, especially those related to his studies on the technologies of self, and from Jorge Larrosa's contributions to this topic. The discussion of the data showed that, when the students were encouraged to tell about themselves, to evaluate themselves and reflect on their pedagogical practices, they produced their own ways of being a teacher, learning a new grammar for their self-interpretation and to interrogate the other. This grammar tells about the importance for the teachers to like mathematics and make her students like it too, about the relevance of making the mathematics lessons more pleasant and pleasurable, and that a good teacher is the one who reflects about her own practice.
- ItemA escola na literatura: do escárnio à gratidão(2008) DOZOL, Marlene de SouzaThe objective of this work is to discuss the value of teaching in current times. In order to do so, a philosophical-educational effort aimed at identifying some of the elements that indicate, regardless the ephemerality and transitoriness that characterize modern times, the timeless and stable meaning of one of the most relevant human social practices. Believing in the solidary ties between literature and education, and in the heuristic force of that crossing, chooses the prosaic motto theme of children's entrance in elementary school under two differentiated points of view: that of Raul Pompéia in his work "O Ateneu" and the poet Cora Coralina in her "Cântico Excelso", one of the texts that serve as introduction to a book of hers called " Vintém de cobre".
- ItemA filosofia esta carrancuda senhora(2008) SILVA, Divino José daThe present paper is about the relation between laughter and Philosophy and how such relation grasps the field of the Philophy of Education, here understood as ann effort to philosophize on education and in education that does not end in prior certainties, but it questions dogmatisms and the possibility of having the last claim about reality. We seek to exercise our thinking regarding laugher as a practice's device of philosophizing that makes us laugh of ourselves and of our aspirations and desire for truth. Rather than exhaustively, dealing whit laugher, our aim isto suggest based on some authors as Rabelais, Montaigne, and Foucault ,whom we just took a brief passge of a text, how important as the laughter, irony and parady are to denounce the nonsense in the claim of truth . At the end we sough approximate these discussions in the field of Philosophy of Education.
- ItemA logica de competência: uma analise da gestão da força de trabalho segundo as relações sociais de sexo(2006) PEREIRA, Jacqueline S. F.; FIDALGO, FernandoThe technological innovation of a microelectronic basis and the new ways of the production organization is manifesting itself through significant changes in the production systems unleashed from the last three decades of the Twentieth Century. Inserted in the context of changes it is outstanding the process named productive re-structuration which has provoked impacts in the social relations, especially the labour relations. New ways of using the labour force imply organizational re-structuration which express new power relations, as well as the emergence of new types of conflicts and resistance on the part of the workers. The impacts of these changes on the work conditions and on the social relations suffer alterations depending on the sex of the workers. Thus, this article deals with the sexual division of work, in the context of the re-structuration of production and insertion of the logic of competences as a policy of people management, in a motor cars industry. Would such changes be creating new perspectives for women in the world of labour or would they bring no change to the sexual division of work, historically produced? This is the guiding question of this work
- ItemA pedagogia como disciplina científica(2007) MOREIRA, Laélia PortelaThis work discusses the trajectory of Pedagogy as a field ofknowledge from three main points of view: a theoretical debate about the criteria to establish what is science, a critical review of the literature about "Science Education", which includes Brazilian and foreign authors, and the Pegadpgy as a "science of practice" on the Brazilian approach. It presents the problem of dermaction, discusses the relationships between the Pedagogy, and Social Sciences, and Philosophy and, to conclude, it arises some questions, to which there are no convincing answers yet.
- ItemA virada retórica(2007) MAZZOTTI, Tarso B.The rhetorical turn, which begins in the 50s, comes from a verification: the logic, for being a calculus, is not sufficient to establish the premises of the syllogisms with which it operates. The propositions is that constitute the premises of the syllogism originate themselves from a negotiation of meanings that requires, among other rules, the absence of petition of principle. This article shows that the problem of constitution of reliable knowledge requires the comprehemsion of the reasons sustained by those who consider being necessary that the categorical judgements have as premises incontrovetible, clear and distinct propositions, by which they deny the rhetorical condition. Besides, the article shows the necessity of surpassing this perspective in order to guarantee the rationality of the speechs in which the agents are humans, not the proper operators of the logical calculus, recovering the notion that the properly philosophical is the problematicity, which, by its turn seems to be the position of J. Dewey.
- ItemAcontecimento e filosofia. Acerca de uma poética do testemunho(2008) VILELA, EugéniaAfter the wound opened by totalitarianism in the twentieth century scenario, philosophical thought seems to realize that it is not possible to practice thought that does not start from the cry that, as humans, gives us to think.
- ItemApresentação(2008) PAGNI, Pedro AngeloThis collection of essays results from the conferences and round tables of the 1st International Symposium on Education and Philosophy - Contemporary Perspectives on the Philosophy of Education, held in Marília, in June 2006. The event was organized by the Group for Studies and Research in Education and Philosophy, under my coordination, with academic support from the Department of Education and School Supervision and the Graduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at UNESP and financial support from CAPES and FAPESP.
- ItemAs TIC abrindo caminho a um novo paradigma educacional(2008) SOUSA, Jesus Maria; FINO, Carlos NogueiraThe article starts from the characterization of the manufacturing paradigm to focus on the discussion of the first emerging signs of its obsolescence, such as the obsession with control and efficiency. Furthermore, it synthesizes these elements around the characterization of the teacher as the center of an increasingly closed curriculum. The second part of the article seeks to reflect on how the introduction of ICT, operated in the light of constructivist assumptions and after it is clear that its usefulness goes beyond that of a mere didactic resource, can help to precipitate a change in the educational paradigm.
- ItemAs TIC redesenhando as fronteiras do curículo(2005) FINO, Carlos Nogueira; SOUSA, Jesus MariaCharacterizing the school and its technological curriculum as products of the modernity, the article discusses the school paradigmatic transition, aiming at revealing the anxiety and malaise caused by the (new) technologies when used to strengthen a "scientific management" of education. Having the move towards post-modernity as a background, this article underlines the impact the ICT have in the official curriculum, faced as a linear, hierarchic and territorialized vision of the knowledge, since these technologies allow integration of subject-matters. The article also discusses the individualization of natural learning in accordance to personal motivations and interests, the recognition of the plurality of other sources of knowledge besides school and the openness to different cultural forms of being and thinking, giving way for an autonomous life-long learning
- ItemAs vicissitudes da cultura escolar e os seus desafios filosófico-educacionais na contemporaneidade(2008) VALDEMARIN, Vera TeresaWhen approaching the theme proposed by the Symposium - "New problems and themes in the philosophy of education" - I prioritized making a reflection against the background of analyzes and knowledge produced in different areas of the human sciences, asking them in order to seek possible meanings, interpretations and purposes. It is an attempt to transform parts, fragments and diversities of perspectives into an intelligible mosaic, with education and, more specifically, school education at the center. The result of the effort undertaken and presented here does not contain conclusions and certainties. It is, at the moment, an invitation to an exercise in reflection on open possibilities for the Philosophy of Education, which are based on the work developed in the Group for Studies and Research on Culture and Education and in the line of research Historical, philosophical studies and anthropological studies on school and culture at the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Araraquara/UNESP.
- ItemAvaliação das mudanças que as tecnologias estão provocando na educação presencial e a distância(2005) MORAN, José ManuelNets, mainly Internet, provoke deep changes in the distance and in the face-to-face education. They change - in the face-to-face education - the concept of space and time of teaching and learning. We can learn all together and in separate places, at the same time and in different times. As in the banks, we have our agency (school) that it is our reference point; but we don't need to go there all the time to be able to learn. The nets also are provoking deep changes in distance education. In the past, distance education was a solitary activity and demanded much self-discipline. Now, with the nets, distance education (DE) continues as an individual activity, combined with the possibility of creating groups of learning in real time. The face to face education is incorporating technologies, functions, activities that were typical of the distance education, and DE is discovering that it can teach in a less individualistic form, keeping a balance between flexibility and the interaction
- ItemConceitos para pensar o trabalho e o meio ambiente(2006) PEDROSA, José GeraldoIt is an approach that tries to create a conceptual sketch so as to contribute to the understanding of the interface between Work and Education and the most alarming contemporary metamorphosis: the environmental one. This is the background: What is the relation between 'environmental crisis' and 'working crisis'? The hypothesis is that the reflection about this matter suggests a direct dialogue with materialistic dialectic Marx and Engels. However, bringing Marx and Engels to a contemporary reflection about the exhaustiveness of the civilization ruled by the logic of production and consumption demands a refusal to any compartmentalization of their work as a whole, specially the one that gives secondary importance to the first texts dedicated to come to terms with Hegel's dialectic. It is the refusal to this compartmentalization and, mainly, to the appreciation of the dialogue with Hegel the most lucid and radical bourgeois that it is possible to understand why it is Nature rather than Work the touchstone of materialistic dialectics. It is through this understanding that a specific conceptual sketch is presented. The first reference is the concept of Nature, which is reduced to raw material to produce goods in the world of capital. Three more references are incorporated afterwards: Natural History, Domination of Nature and Revolt of Nature. This conceptual basis and this understanding about Marx and Engel's work are done with the help of Frankfurt School's Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer.
- ItemContribuições foucaltianas para se pensar o presente: os restos, o cuidado e o ensino(2008) GELAMO, Rodrigo Pelloso; PAGNI, Pedro AngeloWe live in a time in which asking about what we do to ourselves seems to sound strange. About this place of absense we can think what to do, especially when we are before the teaching of philosophy and we come across current impasse about what is valid to think for students and for teachers in this activity. In general, in the classes of philosophy is only considered valid to think the problems traditionally developed in the disciplinary field, without questionting how its formalization has contributed to the way, dissociated from life, that it is treated. This article discusses what makes a problem a valid problem, even better, worthy of being treated by philosophy and of being taught in theaching situations, presuposing an enlargement of what has been considered as such and of its association with life. The objective is to discuss how it is possible to think what affects our lives more directly; to think to what we are connected;to think what is connected to our own experience that, in kidnapping our throught, helps us to think our own existence. The hypothesis that it tries to discuss is that, if the problems can emerge from the events produced by encouters, called forth in life and, also, in educational relation, then, they can be considered as philosophical problems and to propitiate an effective exercise of thinking in action. In discussing this hypothesis, we supported ourserlves in Mchel Foucault' thinking, especially in the notions of Ontology of the present and Care of yourself, to find a place of resistance to think our to propose other way of doing and teaching to philosophy.
- ItemCrianças, filosofia e literatura(2008) OLIVEIRA, Paula Ramos deThis article intends to think the relation among children, philosophy and literature through questions that emerge from an experience that has occurs since 1989 in the ambit of the Philosophy for Children Studies and Research Group (GEPFC), namely: the production of texts for teaching philosophy to children. Some questions are are central here: a) Why to write texts classes of philosophy for children? B) Would not be more interesting to use the literature in these classes? These are, for us, recurrent questions and, therefore, the reflection about them remains pending, since, regarding the teaching of philosophy to children and the formation we want for these children, we see advantages and disadvantages in the literature and also in the texts we write.
- ItemCrítica e contexto: acerca do auditório de John Dewey(2008) CUNHA, Marcus Vinicius daThe present article analyzes some evaluations concerning the ideias of John Dewey elaborated in the XX century, focusing exclusively onthe opposing critics to the author. The intention of the article is not to defend the American philosopher, neither to add new evaluations, but to discuss the contexts in which those criticisms were elaborated. In the theoretical bases of the analysis the notions of appropriation and recontextualization, as well as concepts derived from the philosophy of Aristotle and of the new rhetoric of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, such as ethos, logos and pahos are highlighted.
- ItemDa "profissão de fe" ao "mercado em constante mutação": trajetórias e profissionalização de desempregados(2006) FRANZOI, Naira LisboaThis paper is based in thesis that studied the role of the Qualifying State Plan of the State of Rio Grande do Sul -PEQ-RS, which is a state version of the National Plan of Professional Education (PLANFOR), regarding the professionalization of its users basically, people with few opportunities in the labor market. The Plan was inaugurated in Brazil in 1995, by the Ministry of Labor. The field search consisted of 34 students (or dropout students) of the Plan. The study analyzes formative and occupational path of those students, and has as a basis, the concept of professionalization, considered as a result of the articulation between acquired knowledge and insertion in the labor market. It is said that such articulation requires the existence of an institutional network that is able to promote it. The conclusion of the search states that the students benefit from the Plan according to the resources they bring along their professional path. The students who have a greater benefit are the ones who already have a profession and search for improving their professional path. Those who do not have a profession, depend on a network that articulates professional formation and insertion in the labor market. The Plan, not being able to provide that network, is not very efficient concerning the professionalization of those interviewed, who actually depend more on the Plan and are its main population.
- ItemDa filosofia da educação a uma educação da filosofia. Do estatuto à experiência: da quietude ao movimento(2008) KOHAN, Walter OmarGoodnight. I sincerely thank the organizers, in the figure of Pedro Pagni and his team, for the invitation to participate in this table and also for the work to organize the event in such a careful and serious way. Although my title may suggest the opposite, I am going to make an unpretentious and, at the same time, affirmative speech, which will seek to affirm a certain shift in the title suggested for our table. In this presentation, I'm not going to read a text, to be somewhat coherent with what I'm going to say. You will probably understand, only at the end, why I didn't read it and also why I kept moving to follow along with gestures the ideas I want to share with you. The form is intended to speak as much as the content.
- ItemDas imagéticas nacional-brasileiras e suas versões: identidades e diferenciações nas representações de normalistas em formação superior(2007) MARANHÃO, Helena PonceImages of Brazil and Brazilians related to its history, society, culture, nature etc. were the main focus of the investigation summarised in this paper, identifying which value systems and / or meanings are of greater or less significance through an analysis of the representations of faculty and / or students. It thus examines the nature of these categorisations (meaning the discursive records) related to the conformations of Brazilian identities and their specific characteristics within the contemporary context, as well as relationships with socio-cultural differentiations. These neatly-aligned interpretative processes which are engendered and composed in the complexity of the range of historical, cultural, ideological and educational dynamics that shape the contexts of broad-ranging societies ? their group face-offs and their identity policies have been clustered together, mainly from the standpoint of assimilation by the agents being researched. The group under analysis consists of 85 male and female university students enrolled in teacher training courses. It thus consists of male / female primary school teachers ? also graduands in Education courses ? and graduands and / or teachers enrolled in Teacher Training courses. Their conceptualisations were collected through focus groups and individual compositions stimulated by the question: If Brazil were a person, how would you describe it? The analytical approach presented in this paper addresses mainly the modes of social representation or signification of teachers with medium-level training, working with basic education and enrolled in the fifth semester of the Teacher Training course offered by a specialised teacher training university college during the first six months of 2001. The analysis thus focuses on this sub-group, consisting of eighteen graduands and /or students in teacher training courses
- ItemEcologias da comunicação e contextos educacionais(2005) SILVA, Bento Duarte daThis paper flags that the development of Information and Communication Technology's approach(es) (ICT) provides a framework of understanding over the effects of informational technological systems, both within the enhancement of processes between man and communication, and the consequences instilled by the changes that occurred at the very marrow of educational structures. Basically the ICT should not be seen as a pale platform that allows an intricate set of interpellation practices. In fact, above all, it contributes deeply to structure communicational ecology and educational societal contexts, synchronically and diachronically. Thus, the author analyses the development of ICTs throughout the civilization processes - from homo loquens and pictor to homo digital - arguing both over the communicative configurations that occurred, and its particular effects over educational structures, such as, 'from interpersonal communication to communication within a virtual environment', and 'from family education to learning communities'. To explore such set of processes implies, above all, analysis over communicational and educational ecology in order to get and to bring in crucial information about the structural impacts of the ICTs to improve educational practices nowadays.
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