Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea

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Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, periódico trimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estácio de Sá, publica estudos e pesquisas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento da área, propiciando o debate sobre os desafios postos à Educação pelas profundas mudanças que caracterizam a cultura contemporânea. A revista divulga artigos científicos inéditos que se concentrem no tema que a define. Em especial, resultados de pesquisas de caráter teórico e/ou empírico; revisão crítica da literatura de pesquisa educacional, tanto temática quanto metodológica; ensaios; resenhas de livros; entrevistas com profissionais da área de Educação ou áreas afins. Periodicamente, quando for julgado conveniente e oportuno pelo Conselho Editorial, será lançado um número que focalizará um tema específico referente a questões relevantes para a Educação na contemporaneidade. Esta decisão será divulgada com um mínimo de seis meses na página Notícias da revista, de modo a que os interessados possam enviar seus textos.


  • Mantenedor: Unesa
  • Tipo: IESP
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Rio de Janeiro/RJ
  • ISSN: 2238-1279
  • Qualis: A2
  • Periodicidade: Trimestral
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 69
    • Item
      Ser professor universitário
      (2008) PAREDES, Eugênia Coelho; LIMA, Rosely Ribeiro; TRINDADE, Dionéia da Silva; VICENTE, Simone Sanches
      How do teachers, working at a public university, represent themselves concerning their academic activities performances? The study compares data from two researches, and was carried out in the Federal University of Mato Grosso's campus of Cuiabá: PROF. 1, in 2000, and PROF. 2, in 2005. The analyses were based on the Theory of the Social Representations, developed by Serge Moscovici, and, also, the approaches of Jean-Claude Abric and Claude Flament. It was aimed to find out and interpret the teachers' social representations related to the theme to be a teacher at UFMT, in order to analyze them, and finally establish a comparative analysis. The data lead us to conclude that the social representations concerning teaching at UFMT are being consolidated as years go by, in traces of hegemonic dimensions, which reveal the teacher as being a professional who needs several personal qualities to perform their work. It was also possible to verify the emergence and disappearance of social representations showing, this way, the dynamics of this phenomenon.
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      Para uma "pedagogia das representações sociais"
      (2008) MAZZOTTI, Tarso
      This article presents a review of the theory of social representation, proposed by Serge Moscovici, which characterizes as the transposition of knowledge in social groups carried out by specialists, among which can include producers of textbooks and teachers. The transposition of scientific ideas, guided by the values of the groups to which they are intended, determine its entirety, making them contemporary common sense. The article presents some objections to the characterizations of Moscovici on the logic and language, saying that the usual assumptions in social or other representations are removed from what is said to be the real or assumed to be in the structure of the real, which does not implies the existence of a logical or not a particular language. From this, argues that the formation of a "pedagogy of social representations" proposed by Moscovici, who is yet to be done, requires research about the procedures for implementation of ideas usual in our schools. Such research would have to object to seize the social representations made by writes of textbooks by teachers and other social actors that determine the knowledge considered educational. They consider the school as an institution psychosocial formed by groups of teachers in the subjects they teach, seizing what they say about their subjects and the other, and their seats in the technical division of social teaching.
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      TV e escola: discursos em confronto
      (2008) BATISTA JUNIOR, Gutenberg Barbosa
      The book by the pedagogue and master in Education from UFRJ, Gláucia Guimarães takes as a starting point her experience as an educator of literacy classes in public and private schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where she began, from academic work, to observe the existence, at times, of pleasure and rejection in knowing/learning by students. This experience led her to question whether the pedagogy that she and the school were applying was somehow excluding. Based on this observation, she began to analyze the pedagogical discourse dictated by schools which, for her, ended up becoming a strong component in the success or not of the proposed learning.
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      Lendo imagem na escoalrização básica
      (2008) OLIVEIRA, Esequiel R.; DAVID, Maria Ignez Rocha; NOVAES, José Antonio; REZENDE, Nelson M. de
      This study investigated ways in which the image enables the student to elaborate/formalize the mathematical text and to what extent it constitutes an alternative to verbal language. The analysis focused on modeling and solving problem-situations from two different texts: one predominantly visual and the other verbal. We start from the premise that the association of different ways of approaching an object, here mathematics, expands the possibilities of knowledge about it. The results allow us to state that the image enabled the student to read the mathematical text resulting in greater familiarity with the task. Another important aspect to highlight is the fact that good performance in the activity was registered both among students with high performance in the school year and among students with low performance, in at least one of the proposals presented.
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      Educação Matemática e inclusão: abrindo janelas teóricas para a aprendizagem de alunos cegos
      (2008) FERNADES, Solange Hassan Ahmad Ali; HEALY, Lulu
      With the growing presence of learners with special needs in the classrooms of regular schools, it is crucial to seek a deeper understanding of how knowledge construction, in our case mathematical knowledge, is mediated by different means of access to sensory systems of the human body, as the semiotic tools that can be used to constitute classroom culture. In this article, we describe how theoretical constructs rooted in the studies Vygotsky called Defectology guide us in our attempts to make sense of the inclusion of students with visual impairments in mathematics activities. We present a brief description of the development of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and its relationship to his work with learners with special needs. We then describe our intent to apply the Vygotskian framework in our analysis of interactions with blind learners in geometry activities.
    Os autores que publicam no periódico concordam com o texto simultaneamente licenciado sob a Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional. (CC BY 4.0).