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Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais é uma revista científica de responsabilidade do ISE/UNIARAXÁ - Instituto Superior de Educação do Centro Universitário do Planalto de Araxá - que trata de temas teóricos e práticos da educação, escritos por pesquisadores, docentes e discentes de Cursos de Graduação e de Pós-graduação na área da Educação, ou afins, com natureza de artigos de cunho científico, de resenhas de obras na área da Educação, de resumos de dissertações e teses, de entrevistas e de traduções consideradas relevantes.
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- ItemA aula - algumas considerações(2008) LODI, Ivana GuimarãesThis paper takes some reflections about lesson and the processes of construction and the experience of knowledge that have been lived and researched by m authors. To think on the lesson is to think about everything that enables it to happen, its limits and its potentialities. The moment of the lesson is not only of cumulating knowledge, acquaintances, but to search of constructing the cognitive, epistemology and human autonomy regarded to the involved ones. Eve with as many changes and transformations intra and extra classroom, the the citizenship in its various dimensions.
- ItemA contação de histórias e o fazer literário africano em Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra de Mia Couto(2008) COIMBRA, Adriene Costa de OliveiraThe course of African Literatures, mainly the Mozambican Literature, is founded in tradition, preserved by telling stories. The orality becomes one of the imperative for these citizens, so that the word is considered the vital force of universe, and, as that, represents a synthesis of his constant integration with nature. The African man has this word as a fundamental instrument of knowledge. This piece of work proposes to think and to analyse the function of this telling stories and how it accomplishes in composing African Literature, as the source of conservation of customs in that culture. This study took as the basis of analysis the book Um rio chamado tempo, uma casachamada terra, written by Mia Couto, a Mozambican author, as a mean of representing the importance of orality in this culture as well as the formation of this African literature.
- ItemA dimensão socioafetiva em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem nos tempos de Covid-19(2020) CASTANHO, Maria Eugênia; SOARES, Warlen FernandesThe profound changes in the socio-political-economic field have been placing great demands on education. Digital platforms occupy the place of the classroom (or the non-place) and raise the collective debate about the basic principles of guaranteeing access for all. New ways of teaching and learning are being presented and this achievement requires new ways to reflect the curriculum, interpersonal relationships and the posture of non-neutral teaching. The advent of technology, although it presents mitigating proposals for teaching, may not represent an improvement in the quality of pedagogical work. The search for quality in remote education is a strong concern present at all levels of education and involves the issue of maintaining social-affective bonds with students. The current proposal of a pedagogical practice linking the formation of children, young people and adults with themes encompassing knowledge that link theory and practice demonstrates that the path is still long in virtual learning environments, as it is not yet defined how to include social groups in this context excluded from digital media.
- ItemA etnometodologia como programa de investigação educacional(2007) RIBEIRO, Elisa Antônia
- ItemA importância dos valores na prática educativa(2020) SOUZA, Lilia Martins; LODI, Ivana GuimarãesThis paper presents a theoretical-practical study on the most recurrent concepts in literature on the theme “Ethics and Morality” and its application in schools. Its main objective was to understand the relevance and urgency of inserting an Ethical and Moral training into the daily activities of Basic Education, and researching the most used methodologies in pedagogical practices, in order to discuss the impacts that these teaching practices provide for the education. As a theoretical basis, several sources of bibliographic research were used, historically contextualizing ethics and morals, combining them with the educational field. A field research was carried out that sought to know, analyze and compare public and private education, as well as the coherence of the responses of students and teachers regarding ethical and moral education in schools. Considering the results, it was possible to notice that most of the interviewees already have a structured moral conscience and are able to distinguish between right and wrong. The results of this study reinforce 68 Evidência, Araxá, v. 16, n. 17, p. 67-81, 2020 the importance of working on this theme in school environments, as well as pointing out the importance of using innovative methodologies and practices that promote reflections about reality, combined with curricular disciplines, as a way to raise awareness and actions that improve the society in which we live daily, in addition to reinforce the important role of education in this construction.
- ItemA propósito de uma leitura de jornal - controle, censura, interdição... qual a saída?(2009) COSTA, Hermes Honório da
- ItemA utilizaçao do júri simulado como ferramenta metodológica ativa para o curso de Direito(2020) VERAS, Bárbara Melo; ANDRADE, Maria Celeste de MouraThe present article aims to provide the study of the benefits of jury simulation regarding to educational practice of law. For that matter, some recurring issues from Brazilian legal education system were pointed out, presenting also, aspects of active methodology, pedagogical practises and jury simulation. With fulcrum in the literature, there is a conclusion about the impacts of those practises over learning and academic education of the law students.
- ItemConhecendo a realidade da educação matemática no Ensino fundamental(2008) MORAIS, Gaspar Antônio deWe believe that the decrease results presented by pupils in external evaluation applied in every country and the peculiar vestibular are connected with absence of educational attention more individualized because each one has a proper rhythm and their singularities to comprehend and to construct their concepts. In order to attend this proposal of study, we search to work the objective of transforming the actual reality, and this way to contribute to change the criticism of mathematics Education in our country today. We commune with the idea that the work with Mathematics turns to be a pleasant form to become less arid, more practical and essential for the development of every student and to construct more capable persons to modify the way they live.
- ItemDiscurso, identidade e processo de subjetivação na prática dos professores(2006) MELO, Fabíola Cristina
- ItemEnsino superior remoto: impactos do Coronavírus em 2020(2020) SANTOS, Valmir José dos; CAMARGO, CeliThe coronavirus arrived in the world in the year 2020, and brought with it several changes in the personal and educational scope. Social isolation is one of the main protective measures against the spread of the new virus. Thus, classes were suspended and HEIs, teachers and students began to give a new direction to the teaching-learning process, through emergency remote teaching, greatly impacting everyone’s life. Regarding the application of content using technology, teachers were exposed to enormous challenges. In this perspective, this study, through bibliographic research based on: Gil (2006)
- ItemLa ideología en el género periodístico según el análisis crítico del discurso(2010) GRIZZUTI, Gustavo FélixUsing the ACD methodology, this article investigates the concept of ideology (constitution, democracy and powers) in the journalistic text genre, based on a Corpus of five texts by M. Grondona, published in the newspaper La Nación. The study of ideology and the concept of text will be addressed in order to show how liberal ideology, like any other ideology, is based on discursive, social and especially contextual practices, in order to prove that the discourses "we" and "them or the others" configure as an opposite concept, in the case of the liberalism of the author's speech because it is "dominant" in the sense of what everyone thinks and, generally, it admits itself in front of others, as well as contributing to the maintenance of the status quo as opposite and /or, sometimes, denying or silencing the concept of the Democratic Rule of Law and what are the social implications of this process. It is known that discourse and its space do not reflect or mirror reality, because discourse is subject to its production conditions in the space of social relations. In this way, the discourse is for the structures and social relations, sometimes confirming them, sometimes questioning them. The distinctive features of the discourse of the “other” appear in the Corpus as a necessary complement to the “delegitimation” of other points of view, and, consequently, the silencing and denial of their discourse.
- ItemNotas sobre a constituição da análise do discurso: um gesto de leitura(2009) FERNANDES, Cleudemar Alves; ALVES JÚNIOR, José Antonio
- ItemO discurso religioso na formaçãoda professora mineira(2008) VASCONCELOS, Fábio; ANDRADE, Maria Celeste de MouraThis text analyses the circumstances of the historical context in which the constitution of woman teacher in Brazil, more specifically in Minas Gerais, was made. It has the purpose of circumscribing the evidences of women teacher's religious speech about their pedagogical functions. It tries to illustrate the interfaces between Christian language and the forms that the woman teacher is related with herself and with other people in school spaces. It uses an after-modern vision, based in recent Cultural Studies and their implications in questions of gender. This research intends to put in evidence how and why woman and not man was, progressively, being involved in educationalfunctions. The corpus of analysis is the Bible and the way which religious speech crosses feminine roles in considering that most part of woman teachers of Minas Gerais has passed by confessional schools. The theoretical fundaments for this work were searched in Michel Foucault
- ItemO proposto e o concretizadonos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de Licenciatura da UFTM(2020) LODI, Ivana GuimarãesResearch in progress with the objective of analyzing the relationship between the proposed in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses of the UFTM and what has been effectively accomplished. To carry out the research, the following methodological procedures were used: bibliographic review, application of questionnaires and analysis of documents. The first analyzes indicated that there is no consensus among teachers about what is positive and what is considered limit or difficulty with respect to curricular organization and practice, which indicates the need to invest even more in collective work as a form to build the possible changes that are necessary in the courses, considering the context and the current legislation.
- ItemO sujeito contemporâneo nas cenas de Variações Enigmáticas(2008) CROZARA, Marília Simari; CUNHA, Betina Ribeiro Rodrigues daThis paper aims at showing Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's 'Enigmatic Variations' as a contemporary drama, which is considered one of the most important cultural and ideological expressions of modern classic tragedy. There is a mixture between classic and contemporary aesthetic style, assuring features of beauty and harmony oscillating narrative and dramatic aspects. It shows how modern culture is linked to Greek Latin style to approach human relationships. We came to the conclusion that Schmitt tries to show world and contemporary subject complexity.
- ItemPara além-mar e para além da ortografia: português brasileiro e português europeu têm comportamentos diferenciados(2008) ASSIS, Jacqueline Sousa Borges deThis study starts on the polemic involving the orthographic accord among the Portuguese language countries, with the aim to show that the differences between the Brazilian (PB) an Europe (PE) language varieties exceed the orthographic frontiers, under the suggestion that with the accord or not, with difficultly the two varieties, or languages, as suggested by some linguists, would converge again, duo to the changes that has happened in PB influenced by social-historic and geographic factors. The paper searched, even, based on differences of syntactic structure, shows the divergence between PB and PE, which amplifies with the use in PB of the innovator gerund periphrases v.aux. + estar +-ndo. It even shows that, differently that it is supposed, the periphrases with gerund estar+- ndo, used to mark the progressive present in PB, aren't an innovation in relation to Portugal, but a case of conservation of Classic Portuguese in Brazil.
- ItemPolíticas públicas para a educação superior: a percepção dos docentes sobre os impactos da avaliação institucional(2009) RIBEIRO, Elisa Antônia
- ItemReflexões sobre Educação permanente na área da saúde: construir saberes para transformar a prática(2020) CAETANO, Sharon Sampaio; ANDRADE, Maria Celeste de MouraPermanent Education was established as a National Policy, as a way of reaffirming the principles of SUS and improving health promotion in our country. In this study, we start from a bibliographic research to analyze the different ways to expand the training of health professionals. The aim is to reflect the practice or praxis of this professional, identifying which conception would be most suitable to broaden their education: Permanent Education, Continuing Education or in-service education. It was identified that there are many ways to continue promoting the professionals’ education at work, and that they have different methodologies, depending on the area and type of work. Knowing and understand to differentiating can be important for us to make changes in health services practices, and thus best suit the requirements at the moment. Permanent Education uses the problematizing methodology, based on everyday situations of the Health Services, and search for interlacing of the educational institutions experiences and healthcare establishment. We seek to analyze if it is the best way to promote any necessary changes that sorely needs into national health systems, if they are being fulfilled and if can incorporate conceptions by other Continuing Education conceptions to suit your specific requirements.
- ItemRepensar a educação como forma de organização social(2006) VIEIRA, Wanilza Aparecida
- ItemThe Construction of Brazilian Identity in the Context of the United States(2008) COSTA, DeniseThis research paper examines how some Brazilians in New York see themselves in racial and ethnic terms, specially regarding the label Latino/Hispanic. Three Brazilians who live in New York City participated in this research. Through the discourse analysis of their interviews, the ways in which their identity is negotiated and constructed in the United States are revealed. The Portuguese language, which is seen as a strong mark of identity for Brazilians, and the lack of a clear definition of Latino and Hispanic, among other concerns, have a strong influence on how Brazilians define themselves ethnically. The lack of a specific ethnic category may have a negative impact on Brazilians since it reinforces their invisibility as a community in the context of the US. This research paper may be considered as a first step towards a better understanding the complexity of the construction of Brazilian identity in the United States.