RBEC - Revista Brasileira de Educação Comparada

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A RBEC: Revista Brasileira de Educação Comparada tem como missão difundir a produção qualificada de estudos e pesquisas científicas, de caráter teórico ou empírico sobre educação comparada. Esta publicação eletrônica difunde artigos da comunidade científica nacional e internacional, em português, espanhol, inglês e francês, que tratem assuntos e questões de interesse do campo da educação comparada nacional e internacional. Procura contribuir com formação de investigadores do campo da Educação Comparada divulgando estudos e pesquisas realizados por educadores, vinculados a instituições acadêmicas nacionais e internacionais. Artigos, relatos de experiência, entrevistas, comunicações, pesquisas e ensaios de autores interessados, são avaliados por pares, especialmente convidados pelo Conselho Editorial.


  • Mantenedor: UNICAMP
  • Tipo: IESE
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Campinas | SP
  • ISSN: 2595-7171
  • Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
  • E-mail: luis.aguilar@merconet.com.br
  • Editor: Luis Enrique Aguilar
  • Título abrev.: Rev. Bras. Educ. Comp.
  • Sistema de Preservação Digital: Rede Cariniana
  • Link de acesso ao site
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 22
    • Item
      Os Itinerários formativos da educação secundária nos contextos sueco e espanhol e a educação profissionalizante
      (2021) BRANDÃO, Carlos da Fonseca
      This article proposes to analyze the options of Professional Education of secondary level that the basic education systems of Sweden and Spain offer for its young people to, in the end, make some comparative considerations with the reality of the Professional Education of secondary level existing in Brazil. We consider it relevant to compare these two medium level Professional Education systems, because the exercise of the comparison shows us the main similarities and differences between such systems and the Brazilian educational reality with regard to medium level Professional Education. The methodology adopted was based on studies and concepts from the area of Comparative and International Education.
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      As competências soft nas políticas internacionais para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica pós-pandemia
      (2021) FREIRE, Emerson; DELGADO, Darlan Marcelo; BATISTA, Sueli Soares dos Santos
      The purpose of this article is to study and debate, based on bibliographical and documentary research, whether the notion of competences based on soft skills would still be able to face the challenges posed after the 2008 crisis and, even more so today, with Covid -19, in a context of internationalization of education governed by guidelines forged in multilateral agencies for training that advocates solid technical and technological knowledge, such as Professional and Technological Education. What can be seen is a growing side effect of the application of this notion, a weakness in training for knowledge strongly anchored in content based on exact sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, logic, among others, and, even less, in contents of human sciences, such as history, philosophy, sociology, as important as those for the formation of a technical, non-technicist culture, as conceptualized by the French philosopher Gilbert Simondon.
    • Item
      Educação comparada: o conceito que desafia
      (2019) SILVA, Karine Rocha Lemes
      This article introduces the concept of Comparative Education, its challenges and possibilities. Interest in this line of research has been growing in the educational field, which encourages the need to produce texts that explain everything from elementary concepts to in-depth discussions on the subject. The work thus proposes an easy-to-understand reading for beginners in this line of research in order to provide a primary concept of the most relevant points for research in this field. Therefore, a qualitative approach is used through documentary research in articles and books dealing with the topic. The act of comparing is presented as a process of knowledge construction inherent to those proposed for research in education and social studies in general. As a line of research, this method, which has been practiced for a long time, has been improved over time, leading to a more careful treatment in data analysis and observation of the researched object. This form of investigation has revealed very important contributions to the reflection on education worldwide, including in the production and analysis of educational quality indicators.
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      Usos de la Educación Comparada en América Latina:un análisis entre el siglo XX y el siglo XXI
      (2019) ACOSTA, Felicitas
      The article examines the relationships between the discourses and practices related to the development of comparative education in Latin America. Throughout the presentation of three trends, the article analyzes how was this discipline introduced andthe different ways it took to develop. Connections between historical relationships and the most recent debates and practices revolving comparative education in the region are established. Emphasis is placed on specific features of the region considering the notion of uses of comparison: how was comparison introduced, who tends to use it, for what purpose, what are the possible effects of such use of the comparison for educational systems in Latin America regarding the expansion of schooling.
    • Item
      A internacionalização das instituições de educação profissional e tecnológica: o Instituto Federal de São Paulo
      (2021) BOSCHINI, Fernanda; FISCHER, Cynthia; BATISTA, Sueli Soares dos Santos
      This article presents some theoretical and methodological decisions that were carried out within the framework of an investigation that addressed the study of educational policies for Professional Technical Education in Argentina and Brazil, during the period 2004-2015. For this purpose, the socio-political approach of the Policy Cycle was recovered in conjunction with the moments of comparative analysis; as a proposal to distinguish specificities, identify possible relationships between countries and reach levels of understanding that allow the development of interpretative explanations about the processes of design and implementation of educational policies for Professional Technical Education in / between Argentina and Brazil. The writing seeks to contribute, in general terms, to the field of studies on educational policies and provide reflections on the possibilities and opportunities offered by comparative study.
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