Revista Saberes Universitários

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A "Revista Saberes Universitários" destina-se à publicação de trabalhos originais relacionados às atividades desenvolvidas pelos profissionais técnicos e administrativos das Universidades do Brasil e do exterior, bem como trabalhos de pesquisadores e docentes que apresentem relevância para o desenvolvimento das atividades técnicas e administrativas no âmbito universitário.


  • Mantenedor: UNICAMP
  • Tipo: IESE
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Campinas | SP
  • ISSN: 2447-9411
  • Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
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  • Editor: Gildenir Carolino Santos
  • Título abrev.: Rev. Saberes Univ.
  • Sistema de Preservação Digital: Rede Cariniana
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 35
    • Item
      Entrevista: Rosemeire Desidério fala sobre a profissão de intérprete de LIBRAS
      (2017) DESIDÉRIO, Rosemeire Aparecida Antunes; PAULA, Maria Alice da Cruz
      The recognition of the LIBRAS interpreter profession in 2010 mobilized many Brazilian universities in the search for professionals able to mediate communication between deaf teachers and students in the classroom. However, the hiring, as well as the training of these professionals, requires care and criteria that, if respected, will be the voice of the deaf in the transmission of the content of the classes, but, once not respected, can harm learning or teacher training. and other professionals. For Rosemeire Desidério, LIBRAS instructor at the Gabriel Porto Center for Studies and Research in Rehabilitation (CEPRE), the recognition of the translator/interpreter is one of the greatest achievements in the struggle for academic and academic inclusion, but with the requirement, many schools hire trained professionals in courses with insufficient time to meet the needs of deaf students. “The school and the university need competent translators/interpreters. In addition to transmitting the knowledge passed on by the teacher, they are also the active voice of the deaf person. There are cases of families that file resources against the school, for not hiring translators/interpreters for their deaf children, even,” notes Rosemeire.
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      Análise da gestão da informação e do conhecimento na superintendência de administração de pessoal de uma instituição de ensino superior pública
      (2017) MARCHIORO, Keila Aparecida; SIMON, Lilian Wrzesinski
      This article analyzes how information and knowledge management techniques are explored in the personnel administration sector of a public Higher Education Institution (HEI). The study carried out at the Superintendence of Personnel Administration (SUAPE) of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) uses a qualitative-quantitative approach, in a case study with a descriptive focus. The data collected through a structured questionnaire enabled the analysis of criteria such as: knowledge management, technology and information system, organizational processes, people management, learning and innovation. Based on the results, it is clear that there are already structured knowledge management practices, however, it is observed that the sector has some points that can still be explored with regard to the database and the retention and sharing of knowledge. When measuring the strengths and weaknesses about each criterion, among themselves, it is noted that technology, followed by organizational processes stand out positively, while learning and innovation followed by the criteria of knowledge management processes and people appear as points to be improved.
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      Ensino do Braille: estratégias de leitura
      (2017) MENDES, Fátima Aparecida Gonçalves
      This study reports the importance of Braille for people who have lost their sight and how significant reading is in their learning process. Simultaneously, it presents the trajectory of a professional in teaching Braille. The lack of reading habits is common to a large portion of the population, including people with visual impairments. The Reading Project was born from some studies (partial results presented in a symposium) carried out in a rehabilitation center, having started with two apprentices and, later, with the others, who also chose to learn Braille. Based on these studies, investments began to be made in the collection of books in Braille and to use strategies to increase interest in reading. All subjects aged over 12 years who are part of a rehabilitation program for learning Braille between 2009 and 2015 participated in this study. A qualitative study was carried out and observation records were used during the consultations. , reports on the learning and interaction process between the researcher and the subject and joint discussion of the results obtained in the consultations. There was an increase in the number of loans of books in Braille in the collection of the rehabilitation center and improvement in the writing of the apprentices. The reading strategies used were properly applied and were successful. Learning to read and write brought positive changes in these learners' lives. It is important to create public policies for the production of books and materials in Braille.
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      Primeiros socorros no ambiente escolar: relato de experiência na Divisão de Educação Infantil e Complementar da Universidade Estadual de Campinas
      (2017) BOAVENTURA, Ana Paula; MANDL, Sandra Regina Merlo; MORAES, Estelamares Silva dos Santos; SIMÕES, Célia; GASPAR, Adrielly Raymundo; VEDOVATO, Cleuza
      This article is an experience report of first aid training carried out in the Division of Child and Complementary Education of the State University of Campinas, whose objective was to train teachers and employees to provide immediate care to children victims of accidents or sudden illness, applying measures and first aid procedures until the arrival of more qualified assistance and institute a formal training program, establishing at the same time an integrated care plan with the local Emergency Medical System. The training resulted in a total of 84 hours spread over 28 days, in which 14 groups participated, making a total of 150 trained professionals. At the end of the training, the professionals evaluated the training. We emphasize the importance of carrying out a regular training project in first aid with employees and including in new approaches those responsible for children/adolescents and also children.
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      Sabor de Maboque, a magia multifacetada da África
      (2017) LINS, Edison Cardoso
      Review: BRAGA, Dulce. Taste of Maboque. 4th ed. Campinas: Bridges, 2012. 258p. ISBN 8571132992
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