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- ItemA abordagem das Leis de Mendel numa perspectiva histórico-filosófica no Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo(2021) KAVALLEK, Débora Schmitt; MUSCARDI, Dalana CamposThe article proposes the insertion of the history of science in teaching, in an interdisciplinary perspective, through a work with students of the 8th period of the degree course in rural education, qualification in Natural Sciences. In a conversation with an epistemological approach, the teachers oriented to a reflection on Mendel's Laws as a paradigm widely present in science teaching. In the course of the conversation, the linear and dogmatized way that science is often presented in its teaching was discussed. We emphasize the validity of the methodology for learning scientific concepts in a significant, critical and broad way.
- ItemA abordagem de sexualidade e gênero na disciplina de ciências no currículo de São Paulo: análise dos cadernos do professor e aluno(2020) PAULA, Gabrielly Nunes de; CAMPOS MIRANDA, Meiri Aparecida Gurgel deThis study aimed to identify the conceptions of sexuality and sexuality education presented in the material of São Paulo Curriculum for Science Education, of the 8th grade, from the analysis of the orientations to the teachers and the suggested strategies and contents. This is a documentary research whose object of analysis was volume 1 of Teacher's and Student's Science Notebookof 7th grade / 8th grade of middle school. For such, we used as analysis referential the dimensions of sexuality; we identified if and how the material under study addresses gender issues and we discussed limits and possibilities of the proposal, within an emancipatory perspective of Sexuality Education. The analysis evidenced the predominance of the biological dimension inthe selected learning situations, which is in line with the expectations for a science curriculum. However, in several passages, there are guidelines for teachers and activities that address sociocultural and/or psychological aspects of sexuality. The learning situation about safe sex presented the largest amount of excerpts that address sociocultural and psychological aspects, highlighting individual components of vulnerability. On the other hand, the learning situation that deals with teenage pregnancy privileges the informative aspect, leaving aside the fundamental psychological and sociocultural factors to bring about reflection. We also observed that the approach to sexuality is broader in orienting teachers than in student material. Even with the limitations of the materials studied, it is possible to practice an emancipatory sexuality education, which brings about the creation of spaces for speech, listening and reflection in class, overcoming the information aspect that has long been criticized. To do so, initial and continuing training needs to sensitize teachers to the complexity of the topic and prepare them for the task.
- ItemA abordagem teórica de A. I. Mikhailov sobre o termo informação científica(2010) SANTOS JUNIOR, Roberto Lopes dos; PINHEIRO, Lena Vania RibeiroStudy on the approach of the Soviet researcher A. I. Mikhailov (1905-1988), in his bibliographic production, about the concept “scientific information”, the main object of research in Information Science field in the former Soviet Union, and also, analysis made by the author on the definition, characteristics and values related to this term. The study of these concepts, when possible, will be related to the emergence and development of Information Science in the period in which these ideas were developed and published (from 1950 to 1970), where this designation exercised considerable influence to, at the time, embryonic field of research.
- ItemA ação profissional do assessor pedagógico universitário (APU) diálogos acerca de sua trajetória no Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai(2022) CARRASCO, Ligia Bueno Zangali; RAMOS DE AZEVEDO, Maria AntoniaO presente artigo objetiva compreender a trajetória e a atuação profissional dos assessores pedagógicos universitários, a partir de uma investigação de abordagem qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, que se utilizou do método de estudo de caso múltiplo, com dados analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Foram investigados assessores de quatro universidades, sendo duas no Brasil, uma na Argentina e uma no Uruguai, cujos dados foram coletados entre 2018 e 2019. A análise indica que a profissionalidade do assessor está em desenvolvimento, no entanto, há inúmeros desafios que ele precisa superar, como a falta de autonomia, apoio institucional, legitimidade na função e a formação pedagógica do docente universitário. Concluímos que, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de sua profissionalidade e à superação dos ditos desafios, são necessários saberes profissionais específicos do assessor pedagógico universitário que, se desenvolvidos, podem auxiliar para o alcance de sua legitimidade profissional.
- ItemA arte e a história da ciência num diálogo com o ensino da fisiologia: um relato de experiência(2017) Leonardo Rossi Hecke, Laura Salve Silveira, Michelle Júlia de Souza, Antônio Fernandes Nascimento JúniorThe development of pedagogical practices is an important requirement in the initial and continuing education of teachers. In this sense, this work aims to report the development and presentation of a class built through a non-expository methodology in the discipline of Biology Teaching Methodology at the Federal University of Lavras. This class had as its theme the History of the Study of the Human Body, in which the museum and the visual arts were used as pedagogical resources. After the activity, an assessment was made with the students about the class. The statements were categorized and analyzed, and through them it was possible to see that the activity had a positive contribution to the initial training of teachers.
- ItemA aula - algumas considerações(2008) LODI, Ivana GuimarãesThis paper takes some reflections about lesson and the processes of construction and the experience of knowledge that have been lived and researched by m authors. To think on the lesson is to think about everything that enables it to happen, its limits and its potentialities. The moment of the lesson is not only of cumulating knowledge, acquaintances, but to search of constructing the cognitive, epistemology and human autonomy regarded to the involved ones. Eve with as many changes and transformations intra and extra classroom, the the citizenship in its various dimensions.
- ItemA ausência do diálogo no processo de formação profissional em saúde no ensino remoto: impactos na aprendizagem e na saúde mental de acadêmicos(2020) CORREIA, Mesaque Silva; ARAÚJO, Neuton Alves; MARQUES, Bruna GabrielaNeste texto o objetivo é o de analisar as significações que alunos vêm produzindo sobre o processo de formação profissional em saúde no ensino remoto. Com o intuito de alcançar o objetivo proposto, nos apropriamos dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Pedagogia Freireana especialmente dos pressupostos da categoria diálogo. A questão que orientou esta pesquisa foi: Nos discursos dos alunos e professores dos cursos de graduação da área da saúde de uma universidade pública do Piauí, quais as suas possíveis significações (sentidos e significados) produzidas sobre o processo de formação profissional no ensino remoto? Participaram do estudo 10 (dez) acadêmicos, sendo 5 (cinco) do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física e 05 do curso de bacharelado em Psicologia. Especificamente sobre a produção dos dados, se empregou a entrevista semiestruturada que foi realizada no período de 5 a 7 de outubro de 2020. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que o ensino centrado no docente, ancorado na dinâmica da escuta, na impossibilidade de dizer a palavra, de interação e troca de experiências dificulta o processo de produção de conhecimentos. Além disso, os sentidos produzidos a partir dos discursos dos acadêmicos investigados evidenciam que a ausência do diálogo, além de impossibilitar o pronunciamento do mundo através da palavra, institui a cultura do fingir ensinar e do fingir aprender. Para eles, essa situação provoca dor e sofrimento, por se sentirem culpados com relação ao processo de ensino. O que por sua vez, acaba impactando na saúde mental. Consideramos que os sentidos produzidos pelos alunos, dos cursos de Educação Física e Psicologia ao processo de formação profissional em saúde no ensino remoto, os levaram à tomada de consciência quanto ausência do diálogo quedificulta a aprendizagem e impacta na saúde mental.
- ItemA avaliação institucional e à acreditação como base para qualidade em ensino à distancia(2002) PINTO, Fatima Cunha Ferreira; OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Pereira deThe article exposes the issue of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation as a basis for Quality Distance Learning in a knowledge society. It analyzes the methodology of distance learning, comparing it with that of conventional education, and its importance for developed countries. It also reports the Brazilian Policy on Distance Education and educational programs created in this area, such as: TV Escola, PROINFO, PROFORMAÇÃO and PAPED, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and recognizing the importance of expanding Distance Education beyond non- academic and postgraduate courses. It ends by emphasizing the importance of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation in improving the services offered to society as a whole and, mainly, as a support for the growth and improvement of the quality of Distance Education in Brazil.
- ItemA capacitação de professores em avaliação em salas de aula: um esboço de idéias e estratégias(2003) ELLIOT, Lígia Gomes; FONTANIVE, Nilma Santos; KLEIN, RubenThe consolidation of large scale evaluations systems has to be followed up by the implementation of educational policies at federal, state and county levels. By and large, quality of ecation has been the main targert of these policies. Their implementation however depends upon teachers action inside classroom and upon the way conduct students assessment. Teachers are known as the key element who is responsible for the improvement of classroom assessment and for using its results to benefit the teaching learning process. The results of students assessment answer to various stakeholders questions. For instance, schools need to know whether their can show a high level of achievement, mainly after an exam or an external evaluation. Teachers, by their side, need to confirm if their students had learned or not as well as to know how good they are when compared to other students results. Family, parents, and students themselves need to know how students are doing in relation to performance standards. School administrations, inclding the educational system, need to know how schools and their teachers are performing to get good assessment results. Thus, to perform an adequate classroom assessment teachers will need to improve knowledg and practices about it. How to do it? The main purpose of this paper is to present and discuss some ideas strategies related to the empowerment of teachers in classroom assessment.
- ItemA categoria da prática e a crítica da formação de professores [Elza Margarida de Mendonça Peixoto](2021) COSTA NETO, Pedro LeãoO livro em tela é resultado do estágio de pós-doutorado realizado por Elza Margarida de Mendonça Peixoto na Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Dança da UFRGS (2019-2020), sob a supervisão do professor Alberto Reinaldo Reppold Filho. Esse estágio permitiu a sistematização de pesquisas que estavam sendo desenvolvidas há alguns anos, em particular a do seu primeiro pós-doutorado em Filosofia da Educação, realizado na Universidade de Lisboa (2014-2015), sob a tutoria do destacado marxista português José Barata-Moura, e dedicado à categoria da prática e da crítica às diferentes concepções idealistas desta categoria – os “idealismos da prática”. A continuidade da sua investigação permitiu estendê-la e aprofundá-la, agora voltada a uma problematização da categoria da prática no pensamento crítico educacional brasileiro, em geral, e na formação de professores, em particular.
- ItemA cidade educativa como espaço de educação não formal, as crianças e os jovens(2009) FERNANDES, Renata SieiroThe objective of this article is to present the idea of which any city is potentially an educator understood like space of non-formal education. The children and the young persons can be indicative of a city educator so they are actors who come, hear, act and intervene in the urbane space trying to leave marks of his impressions or re-preparing the urbane tracks through his memories. The exercise of floor and to think on the city and in the city they are basic and the urbane ethnography shows up like a methodology adapted for the investigator knows this repertoire. The ways of seeing, hearing and feeling the city and the actions and interventions of different publics show that they rebuild this public space through his memories and inventions and that this space opens how potentially educative for besides the conventional institutions of educating.
- ItemA colaboração facilitando o processo de difusão das experiências vividas no programa professores para o futuro: relatos de experiências(2018) PASSOS, Marize Lyra Silva; VIEIRA, Azenaide Abreu Soares; COSTA, Conceição de Maria CardosoEste trabalho faz um breve relato do processo de difusão dos conhecimentos adquiridos pelos professores brasileiros durante a fase final do curso na Finlândia: VET (Vocational Education and Training) Teachers for the Future - Professional Development Certificate - Cohort III (2016).
- ItemA concepção de matemática de Auguste Comte(1994) SILVA, Circe Mary Silva daAn analysis of the conception of Mathematics according to Comte is only possible within the context of his Philosophy. Conte does not think of mathematics in a way dissociated from his philosophical conception.
- ItemA construção da relação creche-família no berçário: contribuição da pesquisa-formação(2017) BAHIA, Celi Costa; MOCIUTTI, SolangeEste estudo objetivou refletir sobre a relação creche-família em uma Unidade de Educação Infantil e analisar a contribuição da pesquisa-formação na construção de práticas que favoreçam tal relação. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa-formação.
- ItemA construção de um programa de letramento informacional e arte educação(2017) ZINN, Alexandra César; GASQUE, Kelley Cristine Gonçalves DiasThis article analyzes the interconnection of Information Literacy content to Art content in High School by a descriptive research with art educators who work at the Public Education Schools (Recanto das Emas regional area) in the Distrito Federal Government. The educators who were researched, they had participated in the information literacy basic course, which has the purpose to support the next step of the research, which they answered some group of questionnaires, that after each of them, the art educators received a feedback of it. This study used the Delphi method and the research tools were questionnaires structured with some objective and subjective questions. The results disclosed the feasibility to apply this kind of literacy purposed in the study, even though the challenges related to the general incipient information literacy of the educators, the infrastructure problems and the actual organization of the curriculum school.
- ItemA construção do conhecimento sobre a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica em um Curso de Medicina da Bahia(2020) SANTIAGO, Nadilla Laís Gomes; PEIXOTO, Marcelo TorresA criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) contribuiu para a reorientação da educação médica no Brasil. AsDiretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a graduação em medicinafortalecema formação profissional na Atenção Primaria à Saúde (APS). O objetivo deste artigo foi correlacionar os componentes curriculares do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), a partir dos conhecimentos e práticas construídas sobre a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS). Esteestudo documental utilizou o software IRaMuTeQ para o processamento das informações, possibilitando a construção da nuvem de palavrase da árvore de similitude. Os resultados indicam que o processo ensino-aprendizagem da HAS é fragmentado,comos módulos de Habilidades e Tutorial buscandocapacitar os estudantes para realizar procedimentos clínicos com base nas especialidades médicas, enquanto as Práticas de Integração Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade (PIESC) possibilitam a vivênciada realidade do SUS nos ambientes da APS.
- ItemA construção do mote na terapia comunitária integrativa(2015) MARACHETTI, Liliana BeccaroA autora, coordenadora do TCendo.sp – ensino e desenvolvimento, polo formador de terapia comunitária integrativa na cidade de São Paulo desde 2002, em sua atividade de formadora se deparou com a dificuldade na utilização do mote pelos terapeutas comunitários, independentemente da sua experiência. Assim, criou uma metodologia para superar esta dificuldade, cujo resultado foi apresentado no Congresso Brasileiro e Internacional de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (TCI) 2015, na cidade de Ouro Preto em Minas Gerais, Brasil.
- ItemA contação de histórias e o fazer literário africano em Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra de Mia Couto(2008) COIMBRA, Adriene Costa de OliveiraThe course of African Literatures, mainly the Mozambican Literature, is founded in tradition, preserved by telling stories. The orality becomes one of the imperative for these citizens, so that the word is considered the vital force of universe, and, as that, represents a synthesis of his constant integration with nature. The African man has this word as a fundamental instrument of knowledge. This piece of work proposes to think and to analyse the function of this telling stories and how it accomplishes in composing African Literature, as the source of conservation of customs in that culture. This study took as the basis of analysis the book Um rio chamado tempo, uma casachamada terra, written by Mia Couto, a Mozambican author, as a mean of representing the importance of orality in this culture as well as the formation of this African literature.
- ItemA contextualização na formação de professores de química(2018) LARA, Moisés da Silva; DUARTE, Luciana Gili VieiraThis paper discusses the elaboration of a learning workshop proposed as an extension
- ItemA contribuição da disciplina de introdução a engenharia quimica no diagnostico da evasão(2006) SILVA, Rosenir Rita de Cássia Moreira da; MAINIER, Fernando Benedicto; PASSOS, Fabio BarbozaIt has told a lot about the evasion at the engineering course, but the solution hasn't been found yet. In recent statistics accomplished at the Chemical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF, it was checked out that the most of the students enrolled are the basic cycle, which becomes, at this way, a difficult obstacle to a lot of students. Several factors influences and the high index of reproval is one of those that causes a big lack of motivation among the students, specially to thoses who are on the first period, where there is the worst situation. This big retention provokes an increasing of average time of permanence in the university to 13 semesters, when the normal time is 10 semesters. Less than 20% of students are able to form in normal time. These indicates a enormous obstacle, which damaged the superior education system efficiency. The subject called Introduction to Chemical Engineering was included in the first period of the curriculum, intending to research about problem and study a way to solve it. The lessons of this subject used to have for purpose getting better the student's adaptation at the course, cooperating for his maturation. Severals informations are passed about the university, the course, the jobs, the marked, having always as an objective motivating the students. It has been verified that the relation teachers-students were very important in this experience, which resulted higher global academic performance