Revista Internacional de Educação Superior
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O periódico tem como missão socializar a produção de estudos e pesquisas científicas, de caráter teórico ou empírico, na área da educação superior. É uma publicação eletrônica que se dedica à publicação de artigos da comunidade científica nacional e internacional que investiguem questões de interesse do campo da educação superior. Visa contribuir na formação do pesquisador da área de Educação Superior por meio da divulgação e disseminação de pesquisas e estudos realizados por educadores, vinculados a instituições nacionais e internacionais. São publicados artigos, relatos de experiência, comunicações, pesquisas e ensaios de autores avaliados por pares, especialmente convidados pelo Conselho Editorial.
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- ItemA (in)existência de estudantes do gênero masculino no curso de pedagogia por que eles desistem?(2023) GONÇALVES, Josiane Peres; BENITEZ, Maria Cristina de SousaA pesquisa trata da evasão acadêmica de homens no curso de graduação em Pedagogia do Campus de Naviraí da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (CPNV/UFMS) e visa identificar as principais razões que motivaram estudantes do gênero masculino a ingressar e desistir do referido curso. Após fazer o levantamento do número de homens ingressantes, desistentes e concluintes do curso pesquisado, foram identificados três dos desistentes e gravadas entrevistas individualizadas. Compreende-se que a dificuldade de conciliar o curso superior com o trabalho, o desconhecimento sobre a formação do pedagogo e a baixa remuneração da profissão docente são fatores que interferem na desistência de discentes do sexo masculino do curso de Pedagogia do CPNV/UFMS.
- ItemA agenda de pesquisa em sociologia da educação na pós-graduação brasileira.(2020) SILVA, Camila Ferreira da; LOPES, Rodrigo de Macedo; OLIVEIRA, AmurabiAbstract The self-reflection exercises have marked the history of the Sociology of Education (SE) in Brazil: while the discipline has developed, its researchers have dedicated themselves to thinking about its foundations, trajectory, disputes and contradictions. The fact that in this particular country SE lies at the intersection of two areas – sociology and education – gives it a particular heterogeneity. This article takes this intersection to the analysis and proposes to continue the debate about the specificities of the Brazilian SE, for such it takes as its research object its research agenda. Sociology and Education postgraduate programs (PPGs) served as the basis for mapping those with research lines directly linked to SE, accredited teachers / researchers on such lines had their curricula scrutinized to map research projects. In the current research, these projects, finally, were our main source to outline the research agenda of the Sociology of Education today.
- ItemA ambientalização curricular nos cursos de Agronomia em duas universidades paranaenses uma análise a partir das categorias propostas pela Rede Aces(2023) BORGES, Ceyça Lia Palerosi; SILVA, Letícia da Costa e; CARNIATTO, IreneNeste estudo objetivou-se analisar as diferenças curriculares, no que tange à inserção da temática ambiental nos currículos do curso de agronomia em duas universidades paranaenses. Optou-se por uma pesquisa qualitativa caracterizada como um estudo de caso explicativo, cujas técnicas de coletas de dados foram: pesquisa documental e entrevista semiestruturada com 21 docentes das 48 disciplinas selecionadas, com 4 coordenadores de curso (primeiro e atual) de ambos os cursos investigados. Ao analisar as 10 características que devem estar presentes em um currículo ambientalizado, proposta pela Rede Ambientalização Curricular dos Estudos Superiores, reforça-se a importância do papel do docente no sucesso da ambientalização curricular no ensino superior. Dessa forma, mesmo em cursos com viés sustentável, como é o caso do curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul – UFFS, são as práticas dos docentes durante o processo de ensino e aprendizado o diferencial para o êxito da ambientalização curricular no processo formativo do discente. Por isso, torna-se compreensível a semelhança na presença das categorias da Rede ACES nos currículos dos cursos de agronomia com ênfase em agroecologia da UFFS e de agronomia convencional da Unioeste, mesmo que a Unioeste tenha menor número de disciplinas que discutam a temática ambiental do que o da UFFS.
- ItemA aquisição de habilidades didático-pedagógicas de professores do ensino superior(2020) LUZ, Samoara Viacelli da; MOREIRA, HeriveltoThe objective of this article was to identify the activities that contribute most to the acquisition of didactic-pedagogical skills of teachers of undergraduate courses in Civil Engineering, Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanics on three campus of a public university in southern Brazil. The research methodology used was the mixed sequential explanatory design, in which quantitative data were collected and, subsequently, to deepen these results, interviews were conducted with teachers. The main results show that the experience acquired in the day-to-day consists of the main source of contribution to the acquisition of didactic-pedagogical skills, despite the Brazilian legislation predicting that the preparation for teaching in higher education takes effect in graduate courses.
- ItemA avaliação “é a bola girando na roda”: reflexões sobre práticas avaliativas na universidade(2018) SILVA, Fabrício Oliveira da; RIBEIRO, Marinalva Lopes; ALMEIDA, Lucile Ruth de MenezesThe paper analyzes how action-collaborative research constitutes a space for dialogue and reflection on educational and evaluative practices in the university. It is a research dynamic developed with teachers from several areas of a public university in the state of Bahia, who regularly discuss their pedagogical practices in the contexts of teaching in which they work. For this article, we analyze the reflections made by a professor at the University's Department of Sciences, in order to understand how the teacher is inserted in a self-evaluation process through which she reveals and (re) defines her educational and evaluative practices in the context of chemistry teaching. As a methodological device, we used teacher narratives produced in the form of oral reports during a research group meeting. The results of the study show that, initially, the teacher conceives the evaluation of learning as a verification process, whose concern is the existence of a note as a reflection of learning. The sharing, exchange of experiences and self-assessment about practices in university teaching promote reflections that reverberate other ways of understanding and developing teaching at the university.
- ItemA avaliação “é a bola girando na roda”: reflexões sobre práticas avaliativas na universidade(2018) SILVA, Fabrício Oliveira da; RIBEIRO, Marinalva Lopes; ALMEIDA, Lucile Ruth de MenezesThe paper analyzes how action-collaborative research constitutes a space for dialogue and reflection on educational and evaluative practices in the university. It is a research dynamic developed with teachers from several areas of a public university in the state of Bahia, who regularly discuss their pedagogical practices in the contexts of teaching in which they work. For this article, we analyze the reflections made by a professor at the University 's Department of Exact, in order to understand how the teacher is inserted in a self -assessment movement through which she reveals and (re) means her educational and evaluative practices in the teaching context of chemistry. As a methodological device, we used teacher narratives produced in the form of oral reports during a research group meeting. The results of the study show that, initially, the teacher conceives the evaluation of learning as a verification process, whose concern is the existence of a note as a reflection of learning. The sharing, exchange of experiences and self-assessment about practices in university teaching promote reflections that reverberate other ways of understanding and developing teaching at the university.
- ItemA BNC-formação e a formação docente em cursos de licenciatura na Universidade Brasileira a formação do professor intelectual em disputa(2023) GIARETA, Paula Fioravante; ZILIANI, Arlete Cristina Motovani; SILVA, Ligiane Aparecida daEste trabalho tem por objeto a pedagogia universitária para a formação de professores no âmbito da Resolução No 2, de 20 de dezembro de 2019, a Base Nacional Comum para a Formação Inicial de Professores da Educação Básica (BNC-Formação). Para tanto, objetiva apresentar uma análise do possível impacto das novas diretrizes curriculares para a formação de professores nos cursos de Licenciatura na universidade brasileira. Metodologicamente, o trabalho apresenta-se como exercício analítico-crítico, estruturado a partir do materialismo histórico-dialético e com aporte teórico nas concepções de Gramsci (1968, 2002). A pesquisa indica o desenho de uma lógica homogeneizante para a política de formação de professores da BNC-Formação, produzida a partir da intelectualidade orgânica do capital e focada em uma pedagogia de resultados, com explícita intencionalidade de reduzir os espaços para pensar a formação para a docência em uma perspectiva de promoção cultural, da expressão e da organização da práxis social da atividade humana das classes subalternas e de uma pedagogia capaz de promover uma articulação indissociável entre as dimensões técnica, científico-pedagógica e sociopolítica da formação de professores.
- ItemA comunicação institucional e a internacionalização da educação superior: uma revisão de literatura(2021) ROCHA, Leando Cunha; STALIVIERI, LucianeThe internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is recommended to be conducted in a comprehensive manner, through committed and targeted actions, having the participation of all members of the university communities. Institutional communication is one of the actions that help in the dissemination and visibility of such process. This present study carries out a literature review with a qualitative and exploratory approach of an applied nature. By using bibliographic research, document analysis in data collection and content analysis for the treatment of those data, it follows an inductive logic. It was conducted through two objectives; (i) to investigate the trend of scientific production in relation to communication and/or promotion of internationalization of HEIs and; (ii) to determine points of connection between the themes of institutional communication and internationalization of HEIs. It was found that institutional communication, from an international perspective, tends to be used, with greater relevance, to attract international students, through social media and web pages; failing to consider, however, the other actors involved in that process, such as, professors, researchers and educational managers. It was also found that the emphasis of institutional communication actions fails to show other forms of international cooperation, fundamental to the projection and visibility of an HEI, such as research results and university extension projects.
- ItemA condicionalidade do estado avaliador e suas implicações na avaliação e a expansão mercantilizada da educação superior brasileira(2018) PAULA, Alisson Slider do Nascimento de; COSTA, Frederico Jorge Ferreira; LIMA, Kátia Regina RodriguesThe present work will seek to analyze the conditionalities of the rationality of the evaluating State for the evaluation of Brazilian higher education. The private/commercial sector has gained space in the state sector, since the state conditions in its own processuality the accountability mechanisms of the international market. The methodological procedures used are a theoretical study with a bibliographical and documentary character, with a qualitative research approach. It was considered that in the logic of the large-scale evaluation its results are eventually usedto build rankings among institutions, cities, states and countries. In the scope of higher education this evaluation process gives direct emphasis to teaching overvaluing it to the detriment of research and extension.
- ItemA condicionalidade do estado avaliador e suas implicações na avaliação e a expansão mercantilizada da educação superior brasileira(2018) PAULA, Alisson Slider do Nascimento de; COSTA, Frederico Jorge Ferreira; LIMA, Kátia Regina RodriguesThe present work will seek to analyze the conditionalities of the rationality of the evaluating State for the evaluation of Brazilian higher education. The private/commercial sector has gained space in the state sector, since the state conditions in its own processuality the accountability mechanisms of the international market. The methodological procedures used are a theoretical study with a bibliographical and documentary character, with a qualitative research approach. It was considered that in the logic of the large-scale evaluation its results are eventually usedto build rankings among institutions, cities, states and countries. In the scope of higher education this evaluation process gives direct emphasis to teaching overvaluing it to the detriment of research and extension.
- ItemA construção de comunidades educativas e pedagógicas: para uma formação e prática pedagógica articulada(2016) DUARTE, PedroThis paper aims to reflect on the relationship between higher education institutions (universities and polytechnic institutes) and intuitions of non-higher education (primary and secondary schools) in the context of initial teacher training.This reflection is implicitly related to the process of supervision in initial formation, and how this contributes to the formation of teachers who reflect on their action, assuming that this practice is sustained in a praxiological knowledge simultaneously individual and collective. Taking into account this reflection, and taking into account the theoretical assumptions explored, it is intended to reflect and indicate possible problems / challenges inherent to the supervision process in the initial teacher training and to the relationship between higher education institutions and educational not higher education institutions. Based on the problems / challenges indicated, it is proposed a system / structure (Educational and Pedagogical Communities) of sharing and collaboration between the different organizations that enables an integrated and integral initial teacher training that values the continuum theory and practice.
- ItemA construção do campo epistemológico da pedagogia universitária no Brasil(2022) QUEIROS, Gean Breda, AROEIRA, Kalline Pereira
- ItemA democratização do ensino superior no Brasil, uma breve história: da Colônia a República(2017) FLORES, Sharon RigazzoThe text presents the history of the democratization of higher education in Brazil in periods between colony, empire and republic. The study did not aim to explain the transformations that occurred in higher education, but sought to describe the challenges, problems and historical advances that the Brazilian population has experienced in order to have access to this type of education. The methodological procedure used was the bibliographic research. That, as a result, indicates the late interest of the Brazilian government for the establishment of universities in the country, besides showing the strong concern with the control and distribution of what was entitled to privilege to the less wealthy citizens. As a consequence, the elitist and selective panorama of national institutions of higher education, as well as a hybrid policy of access with governmental investments in public institutions, but also in the private education network, which does not always offer the same pedagogical quality, is evidenced.
- ItemA dinamização de vivências lúdicas nas aulas de pesquisa e estágio em educação infantil(2023) OLIVEIRA, Sandra Alves de; PRADO, Jany Rodrigues; REIS, Sônia Maria Alves de OliveiraNos processos formativos de professores, a dinamização de vivências lúdicas constitui-se uma estratégia teórico-metodológica na ação de ensino-aprendizagem dos fundamentos da educação infantil no âmbito da formação e prática docente de futuros professores que se encontram com o outro nos espaços da universidade e da escola de educação básica para compartilhamento de saberes, experiências e aprendizagens da docência. Esses momentos serão narrados neste relato de experiência que tem por objetivo analisar os sentidos da dinamização de vivências lúdicas na formação e prática docente de futuras professoras que participaram das diferentes metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem utilizadas nas aulas de Pesquisa e Estágio em Educação Infantil pelas professoras formadoras desse componente curricular, pela bolsista de ensino e pelas estudantes do 6.° semestre do turno matutino do curso de Pedagogia do Departamento de Educação (DEDC) de Guanambi, Campus XII da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), no primeiro semestre de 2018. As vivências lúdicas durante as aulas constituíram-se em um importante momento de reflexão sobre como as acadêmicas poderiam pensar seu planejamento para as crianças da educação infantil, etapa na qual teriam que realizar as atividades de estágio. É importante pensar a formação docente a partir da relação teoria e prática, do trânsito entre universidade e educação básica, da indissociabilidade dos saberes curriculares, acadêmicos e experienciais.
- ItemA docência universitária formação do professorado da área de Ciência da Computação(2023) MORAIS, Pauleany Simões de; SOUZA, Marlo Vieira dos Santos e; ROSA, Jean Clemisson SantosA formação docente universitária configura-se como um desafio histórico constituído desde a origem da própria universidade devido a sua natureza principal ser relacionada à pesquisa. A formação em Ciência da Computação para o Ensino Superior, em específico, representa-se com uma temática desafiadora na realidade universitária e em estudos acadêmicocientíficos. Nesse sentido, este artigo apresenta um estudo realizado no Departamento de Ciência da Computação na Universidade Federal da Bahia(UFBA), em Salvador- Brasil. Como metodologia, utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa e pesquisa-ação com procedimentos direcionados à revisão de literatura, observação em sala de aula e formação dos docentes do departamento referido. Este estudo busca contribuir para a discussão sobre a formação docente universitária na Ciência da Computação, de modo a compreender as necessidades da área e a relação sistêmica que deveria contribuir para o Ensino da Computação e a disseminação do pensamento computacional. Como resultado, observa-se que as formações oferecidas na Pós-Graduação aos professores universitários poderiam ser instituídas demaneira interdisciplinar com encaminhamentos didático-pedagógicos e específicos, enfatizando a constituição dos saberes necessários ao exercício da docência no Ensino Superior. Ainda nota-se a ênfase dada à pesquisa em detrimento à formação do docente universitário em nível de Mestrado e Doutorado, com ausência de uma atuação sistêmica entre as várias modalidades de ensino, bem como reflexões sobre a prática docente no Ensino Superior.
- ItemA EaD como renovação do mercado educacional brasileiro do nível superior(2017) PIMENTA, Alexandre MarinhoThe Distance Education is an educational modality that has grown vertiginously in Brazil, especially in the higher education, made possible by the New Technologies of Information and Communication. Seeking to move away from the ideological discourse that circulates this modality, we will analyze the currentrole of the Distance Education in the Brazilian higher education system, whose educational market is highly consolidated and financed. To do this, we start with a critical understanding of education in a capitalist society, then quantitatively and qualitatively dimension our system. There is a strong relationship between system expansion, commodification and Distance Education, notorious for data and public discourses and large companies in the sector. At the end, the Distance Education can be indicated asa mechanism of renewal of the educational market of the country.
- ItemA educação superior à luz da produção do conhecimento: o contexto emergente dos Institutos Federais/Brasil(2017) FONTOURA, Julian Silveira Diogo de Ávila; MOROSINI, Marilia CostaThe law of nº 11.892/08 introduced to Brazil a new model of institutional education. This new model adds science and technology to citizens’ development by coordinating different levels and modes of such development with profissional and technological education. In such case, higher eduction is also included in the framework: the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IF’s). In the purpose of realizing the concept that the legislation defends in current higher education context, to comprehend this new institutional model arises as an important issue for scientific researches. Therefore, we believe that it is essencial to identify which are the major focuses of researches. Through such studies, we are able to understand more about the phenomenon. The present research seeks to locate academic researches developed by various Brazilian Post-Graduation programs within the scope of educational administration, in the context of higher education of Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology during 2011 to 2016. In the section of datas, we utilize principles of State of Arts with focus on descriptive approach of biographical research. The outcome of the present research indicates a tendency within the studied field and the perception of implemented practice in higher education within this new institutional model where the related aspects, the pedagogical effectiveness and the cultural relevance are placed in the centre of the researches carried out. It emphasizes, as well, the categories used in current paper in order to comprehend academic works about higher education in the new institutional perspective.
- ItemA evasão em disciplinas de cursos de graduação: fatores intervenientes.(2020) FRITSCH, Rosangela; VITELLI, Ricardo Ferreira; ROCHA, Cleonice SilveiraThe article focuses on school dropout in higher education. The objective is to identify factors that interfere in the avoidance of undergraduate courses at a private community college. As a method, descriptive analyzes of information collected in institution databases were performed, as well as multivariate analysis, allowing to identify a set of intervening factors in the problem of evasion. As a result, the groups of risk factors identified are of a structural nature, difficulties in the subjects and choice of course. The factorsthat individually contribute to dropoutare: the average of the initial degree in the discipline; the percentage of disapproval of the class and the general average of the class; the size of the class; and the average of credits completed by the student, that is, the more at the beginning of the course, the greater the chance of avoidance. It is possible to conclude that dropout is significantly related to school failure paths, especially of disapprovals, indicating their involvement with students from socially and culturally disadvantaged classes with macro processes of social exclusion.
- ItemA expansão da educação a distância no Brasil e as contradições entre capital e trabalho(2021) ARAÚJO, Rhoberta Santana de; JEZINE, EdineideThe article analyses the phenomenon of expansion of distance education (DE) in Brazil, as determined by the private-mercantile sector. The Brazilian State has encouraged such expansion through deregulation and flexibilization of the rules referring to the opening of poles and courses, thereby taking into account the private sector lobby that sights in DE a business alternative for the economic crisis Brazil has faced throughout the last decade. The economic rationality that seeks to associate rapid training and lower monthly fees is imposed upon workers, who are subjected to the deepening of the process of exploitation and the dismantling of labor’s social protection structures. A project for the mass education of the working class is fabricated, via distance education in private-mercantile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) whose long-term developments are uncertain and demand the continuity of studies. The methodological approach is based on the contributions of historical-dialectical materialism. The research procedures were guided by bibliographic review, documentary analysis, consultation of the statistical databases of the National Institute for Educational Research (Inep), and the websites of the HEIs. The results evidence that corporate businesses act to minimize the effects of the economic crisis on the financial performance of these institutions; in addition, they seek to build consensus around the economic, pedagogical and formative feasibility of distance learning courses, whose target audience is young people excluded from access to public institutions of higher education.
- ItemA expansão da educação superior presencial em Santa Catarina (1990-2016)(2018) BASTIANI, Sherlon Cristina De; TREVISOL, Joviles VitórioThis article presents the results of a research on the dynamics of development of higher education in the state of Santa Catarina. In a special way, this article intends to analyze how the current panorama of the graduation in the face-to-face modality in Santa Catarina is established and, with this, it analyzes in retrospect how this modality has been evolving over the years. The study was developed between August 2015 and July 2017. Quantitative and qualitative procedures and techniques were used. Bibliographical and documentary research was developed through books, articles, theses, dissertations, reports and documents. The quantitative data were obtained from the INEP database, IBGE information, the electronic addresses of the higher education institutions surveyed and through electronic inquiries. Among other conclusions, the study shows that the expansion of higher education in Santa Catarina occurred initially through educational foundations under private law, which also contributed to a predominance of private HEIs in the state. Of the total HEIs in 2016, 94% were private (for profit and nonprofit), area of which corresponded for 68.2% of undergraduate enrollment in that year.