ACTIO (Curitiba)
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A ACTIO: Docência em Ciências é um periódico de caráter científico voltado à pesquisa em Educação de Ciências (Biologia, Física, Química ou Ciências) e em Educação Matemática, dentro da área de conhecimento Ciências Humanas e subárea Educação, para o CNPQ e na área Ensino e subárea Ensino de Ciências para a Capes e está organizada em três seções. A ACTIO destina-se a pesquisadores, graduandos, pós-graduandos, professores da educação básica, e público em geral que se relacionem às áreas indicadas anteriormente.
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- ItemAs percepções dos licenciandos em química sobre a carreira do magistério: um estudo sobre o processo de aprendizagem docente(2018) BRAGA, LaudelinaThis research analyzes the perceptions of chemistry graduates of the Federal Institute of Goiás -Campus Uruaçu in relation to initial training. The research aims to reflect on initial teacher training and teacher learning. The focus of the study will be on the influence / relation of the perceptions of the academics to the initial training in the Degree in Chemistry, as well as the motivations of these in following the teaching profession. In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, the students' speeches will be analyzed in four levels of perception of analysis systematized by the instrument FAD (Learning Learning Focus), which are: (1) interest; (2) knowledge; (3) reflection; (4) community. The analyzes and discussions of the perceptions of the graduates from the FAD indicate that the students' perceptions regarding the initial formation contain elements that influence the teacher learning process of the teachers in formation in one and more centers constituent of the FAD in differentiated degrees. Weidentified a great influence of the following focuses: interest in teaching (Focus 1), practical knowledge of teaching (Focus 2) and reflection on teaching (Focus 3).
- ItemTecendo a constituição identitária do professor de matemática narrado nos memoriais(2018) LIMA, Vanessa Suligo Araujo; KOCHHANN, Maria Elizabete RamboThis work presents a research developed in Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática -PPGEM from Mato Grosso University –UNEMAT, Deputado Renê Barbour Campus, located in Barra do Bugres-MT municipality. The purpose of the research was to investigate the process of teacher identity formation, which emerged from the production of Formation Memorials of Mathematics Graduates from UNEMAT, Deputado Renê Barbour Campus, Barra do Bugres -MT ; developed during SupervisedCurriculum I and II, developed in 2016/02 and 2017/01 periods. The methodology used was based on the qualitative approach, with an interpretive nature, adopting the (auto) biographical method, with emphasis on the narratives of life histories, having as an instrument of data production the Training Memorials produced by the graduates. This work was based on the theoretical contributions of authors who discuss themes related to teacher education, identity and memorial, such as Marcelo Garcia (1999), Larrosa(2002, 2004), Pimenta (1999, 2005), Fiorentini, Jaramillo (2003), Fiorentini e Castro (2003), Hall (2006), Silva, Woodward and Hall (2004), Nóvoa (1992, 2009, 2010), Nóvoa and Finger (2014), Passegi (2006, 2008), among others. The results of the analysis evidenced several elements in contact, influencing the constitution of the teaching identity of the researched licensees. Among them, we can highlight some, such as: family, friends, school, social contexts, teachers, university; the speeches produced by the graduates; marks (positive or negative) of training left by teachers etc. We conclude that the Memorial might be a valuable tool in the process of initial formation of graduates, and may contribute to the formation of reflexive subjects that understand their own process of forming teachers.
- ItemConfigurando a análise da produção escrita como estratégia de ensino a partir de uma experiência com o sétimo ano(2018) CARDOSO, Milene Aparecida Malaquias; PEREIRA, Fernando Francisco; DALTO, Jader OtávioThis paper is based on the idea presented by Santos (2014), that the Analysis of Written Production - APE can be conceived as a teaching strategy, going beyond an assessment or investigative opportunity. The research presented here aims to describe and analyze the classroom environment from the perspective of Santos (2014) with seventh grade students from a private school in the city of Apucarana, in the north of Paraná. Methodologically, in an assessment environment, the written test of the students gave rise to a task that presented five resolutions, written productions of other students, to be analyzed by the participants of the research. The analysis made by the participants, sustained the achievement of the goal. In general, not only was Analysis of Written Production described and analyzed as a teaching strategy, but it was also tried to exemplify it in practice. The results presented refer to one of the participating students, A47, and show that even though he did not use all the productions presented, the task helped him to verify possible errors and to rethink his own initial resolution. In addition, student A47's experience and responses allow us to understand that using APE in a task where the student tends to analyze the written output of other students has been characterized as a different alternative to investigating student learning , requiring not only the implementation of procedures for resolving issues, but also the capacity for reflection and judgment of other resolutions.
- ItemAs concepções de um professor de biologia quanto ao uso de analogias na prática docente(2018) ALMEIDA, Hederson Aparecido de; LORENCINI JÚNIOR, ÁlvaroAnalogies aredidactic resources used to favor the communication between teachers and students. They differ from other resources by establishing comparisons between familiar and unfamiliar concepts. In biology teaching, the appropriation of analogies by teachers is commonly used to explain scientific concepts. This study has researched which are the conceptions about analogies that biology teachers have and what are their implication for the teaching and learning process of scientific concepts. The data were obtained through from three forms of registration: observation and recording of a teacher’s classes; a semi-structured interview; and notes from a field diary. The results show that the teacher uses the analogies in a spontaneous way. There is no teaching planning with this resource since the teacher doesn’t recognize it as a didactic resource, but as a strategy, procedure, technique or teaching mechanism. The origin of the analogies that he uses is directly related to his personal experiences, to the adopted textbook, and to the analogies that the students share in the classroom. A mistaken conception about the meaning of analogy compromises its use by the teacher in a systemic way. We consider that the investigation of teacher’s conceptions about analogies, during their teaching practice, is a way to enable the classroom activities to be planned of mode more conscious.
- ItemExploração-investigação matemática na educação infantil(2018) SOUZA, Luciana de; JUNKERFEURBOM, Maiara Aline; BASSOI, Tânia StellaMathematical research is a trend in mathematics education, used at different levels of education. This study focused on The Early Childhood Education, four and five years old, of a municipal school in Cascavel-PR. Two tasks with investigative characteristics were applied whose objectives were for the children to understand that in Mathematics there is not a single "way" for solving mathematical situations, that were able to explore diverse possibilities. The tasks applied were created in study meetings by the authors of the paper. At the time of application, the students' previous knowledge was considered. The results were satisfactory. Some students were able to make a one-to-one comparison, perceive regularities, compose and decompose geometric shapes. This process was of great value, providing moments of learning and exchange of experiences, both for the children and for the researchers involved in the construction of the mathematical notions, concepts that should offer conditions for understanding and assimilation of mathematical concepts. The process of analysis of the activities generated two categories, by the observation of the work done by the students and another of the work done by the teacher.
- ItemComunidade escolar e modelagem matemática na educação matemática: uma reflexão(2018) BELLEI, Patrick Bellei; KLÜBER, Tiago EmanuelThe documents that guide the teaching process of State Education present the necessary methodological references for the articulation of structuring content of mathematics. Among them is the mathematical modeling. Researches involving this trend point out some obstacles involved in the development. However, issues facing the school community external and internal as parents, teachers from other areas and school management, are only tangencial and even secondary regarding other aspects, such as, the curriculum. This article was developed based on a meta-analysis by collecting papers and books that deal with the mathematical modeling, without losing sight in the involvement of the school community with the teaching and school management. We carried out a discussion about the development of the mathematical modeling for the mathematics education and its relations with the school community which brings the question: which influences does the school community present to the development of activities of Mathematical Modeling for the Mathematics Education? The discussion points to the approximation of other actors in school community, in order to have a better understanding of the use and routing of Mathematical Modeling, so that this trend may be implemented with better results in schools. It is highlighted the importance of the presence and the construction of democratic management to ensure that the functioning of the educational institution is known and appreciated by all, aiming mainly that Mathematical Modeling is known by all the actors involved in the process of teaching.
- ItemO cinema como linguagem no ensino de ciências(2018) BUENO, Alcione José Alves; SILVA, Silvio Luiz Rutz daThinking about the teaching of science not only as a scientific product, but also and fundamentally, as a socio cultural product, this work aimed to present a reflection on the use of cinema as a language in Science Teaching. For this, it presents historically the formative process of the sciences as curricular discipline of basic education, as well as approaching the science teaching of the cinematographic language, which denominates of audiovisual language. In order to facilitate the process of reading a film, in the course of this work, we highlight the need for audiovisual literacy, both in cognitive terms and in technical terms of the methods used in the composition of a film. As initial results, emphasis is placed on the need to use this type of resource in the classroom, considering that they are part of the daily life of the student and should not be overlooked. However, this study did not stop to illustrate the constructive methods of a film production, but to point out ways for the teacher, that lead him to realize that these same constructive methods present characteristics that facilitate the reading of a film work, and must be present in their pedagogy, when they aim to sensitize students to knowledge, having films as mediator object.
- ItemA fotografia científica e as atividades experimentais: livros didáticos de química(2018) VOGT, Catherine Flor Geraldi, CECATTO, Ana Julia; CUNHA, Marcia Borin daPhotography is a non-verbal language that contributes to the exposition of theoretical research, artistic-cultural manifestations and as an effective adjunct in numerous scientific-technological discoveries. In regular science teaching, especially in experiments, photography can be used as an effective means for observation and also for the recording of phenomena. This research aims to analyze images (photographs) and texts present in the experimental activities of Chemistry textbooks, approved by the National Program of Textbooks (PNLD) 2015. In particular, we want to investigate the way in which the photographs are presented and the validity of their use for the experimentation in Chemistry, when these are accompanying the texts referring to the conduction of the experiments. After selecting all the experiments present in all volumes of the four PNLD collections, we then proceeded to the analysis of texts and images, considering the definition of categories of analysis. These data were quantified and tabulated, for the analysis according to the categories. The results indicate that the authors do not prioritize the use of photography as a means of observing phenomena and analyzing stages of an experiment. We observed that photography is used only to illustrate a stage of the experiment, not being part of the more elaborate process of teaching and learning. In this way, we point out the need of textbook authors to consider scientific photography as a pedagogical resource, since they can contribute to the understanding of scientific knowledge.
- ItemA tradição de linguagem em Gadamer e o professor de química como tradutor-intérprete(2018) SOUSA, Robson Simplicio de; GALIAZZI, Maria do CarmoIn this study, we articulate Hans-Georg Gadamer'slinguistic tradition concept and its educational repercussionwith the idea of the teacher as translator-interpreter in Chemistry teaching. Our starting point ismotivatedby the chemist Pierre Laszlo,whofollowsan ontological perspective of language, especially Gadamer’s, a German philosopher who established the Philosophical Hermeneutics with his 1960’sworkTruth and Method. We present elements that help us to dedicate to the concept of linguistic tradition brought by Gadamer and in how this concept reverberates in the fieldof the Philosophy of Education. From Gadamer’s illustration about the interpreters of the linguistic tradition it was possible to perceive the Chemistry teacher also as a translator-interpreter of the linguistic tradition of science that he intends to teach. Thus, we draw provocations to the formation and performance of the Chemistry teacher while we try to seek to overcome what we call dialogic limitation, historical limitation and writtinglimitation. We consider that these formative provocations about the tradition can contribute to the Chemistry Education with more history, more criticalness, more subjectivity and experience of the subjects that work in it.
- ItemCurso de licenciatura em química: motivações para a evasão discente(2018) SILVA, Kauane Nogueira da; FIGUEIREDO, Márcia CamiloAn attempt to improve the training of teachers in Brazil was based on the implementation of public policies. Despite the disconnection of the undergraduate and baccalaureate degrees from the chemistry course, what still prevails in most universities is a night degree that ends up having a strong "baccalaureate" nature. For many of the professionals who work in teacher education are bachelors in chemistry, and many are not committed to the training of future teachers, because they prioritize the area of research that has been formed or they turn their attention to the industry. This issue is complex and needs to be addressed systematically and continuously by higher education institutions. Faced with this concern, the present article aimed to investigate the reasons that have led undergraduate students in Chemistry of the Universidad Technological Federal do Paraná to abandon this course. The qualitative research was carried out through the application of an open questionnaire for ten ex-students in the periods from 2011 to 2016. The data obtained were treated, providing the general interpretation and information about
- ItemAromas e odores: ensino de funções orgânicas em sequência de ensino-aprendizagem(2018) KAZMIERCZAK, Elton; ROCHA, Rafael Novatski da; MONTEIRO, Tatiane Skeika, FREIRE, Leila Ines Follmann | SILVA, Jeremias Borges da SilvaThis research is result of the Work of Completing the Teaching for the discipline Supervised Curricular Stage II, characterized by an action research carried out during stage regency. In this work, was developed a story and an analysis of a didactic sequence developed from the teaching-learning sequence(TLS) on perspective of Mehéut & Psillos (2004) . The subject of the classroom worker deals with Organic Functions starting from the sensation of "happiness". Work with 3rd year High School students of Ponta Grossa-PR public school, with the theme "Smells and Odors", seeking to relate the sensations and the organic functions. The activities developed included experimental practices, use of movies, demonstrative activities, groups works and individuals. As the main results of the developed teaching-learning sequence (TLS), we highlight an approach in which the students are able to make between the scientific knowledge and the real world, propitiated by the TLS classroom structure. And of the activities used in the classroom we obtain also as product of this sequence a production of two poems developed by two groups of students.
- ItemO Manual do Mundo: as derivas da educação química(2018) GOMES, Fabiana; OLIVEIRA, Moisés Alves deThis work sought to present and discuss the movement of chemistry in the channelknown as World's Manual, an educational entertainment channel that has already attracted more than 8 million people. The channel specializes in producing videos demonstrating science experiments using an informal language that speaks to young audiences. We looked at the shift of chemistry education from the offline world to the online world as a recruitment and persuasion strategy to keep the channel running. These new spaces available to young peo-ple are resulting in a different way of thinking and learning, to mention just two conse-quences. We make use of Bruno Latour's theorizations on principles and modalities to ana-lyze these shifts in relation to the pedagogical discourse presented in the video "how to make invisible ink". In it we see the elements that the presenter, Iberê Thenório, uses as strategies for recruiting allies, and also present scientific principles capable of moving the chemistry to places other than those that are institutionally established. Iberê's perfor-mance, as a hybrid journalist-scientist-teacher, is one of the reasons for the channel's suc-cess, since, by borrowing from various elements, the channel puts its science in motion: the experimental chemistry of the laboratory
- ItemMapeamento das dissertações que versam sobre o uso de tecnologias educacionais no ensino de física(2018) MOTTA, Marcelo Souza; KALINKE, Marco Aurélio; MOCROSKY, Luciane FerreiraThis article presents a mapping of the dissertations that relate the use of educational technologies to the teaching of Physics, based on these interests, the focus was given to researches carried out in the Professional Master's Program in Scientific, Educational and Technological Formation (PPGFCET) of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) in the period from 2013 to the first half of 2018. The methodological procedure adopted has as a characteristic a documentary investigation, in the perspective of an inventorizing work. To make these tasks possible, it was used as a procedure the mapping technique proposed by Fiorentini (2002). Initially, 77 papers were identified in the institutional repository and on the program page, also were used 11 dissertations were part of the research's scope. After the categorization process, we performed the summarization of the works and, in some cases, the texts were read completely. The researches were organized into three focus areas and six thematic sub focus, which presented the main contributions of the studies about Physics' teaching. The results indicated the relevance of the researches and educational products developed, but also pointed out the need of a greater diversification in the themes that involve educational technologies in the teaching of Physics.
- ItemAs marcas de aprendizagem por meio da pesquisa, da escrita e da leitura de livros de divulgação científica: uma possibilidade para a sala de aula(2018) LUCA, Anelise Grünfeld de; SANTOS, Sandra Aparecida dos; PINO, José Claudio Del; PIZZATO, Michelle CâmaraThe present work displays the reading practices carried out during four years with 23 students, between 2014 and 2017. Throughout the High School,these same students were presented to different readings, with different didactic strategies. After the proposed readings the following didactic strategies were performed: conversation circles, individual records by reading diaries; presentation of seminars, experiment design and conduction, images representation (drawings or collages) and theatrical performance. In 2017, students from the 3rd year of high school were asked about the memories/marks of learning left by the reading practices, using a questionnaire. From the studentsanswers it was possible to articulate two categories of analysis: conceptual learning marks and research dynamics. The proposed readings provided learning marks evidenced by the students and they stimulated the subsequent researches performed during the curricular classes, enablinga deepening and amplification of the knowledge and more specific perspectives for the conceptual contents of sciences. In this process, the actions proposed by the teacher, regarding the teaching and learning of reading skills, individual and collective, and writing, express the relevance of these practices in the classroom.
- ItemA epistemologia de Ludwik Fleck: análise das produções do encontro nacional de pesquisa em educação em ciências entre os anos 1997 e 2015(2018) CHICÓRA, Tatiele; AIRES, Joanez Aparecida; CAMARGO, SérgioThe present work has a strongly metalinguistic orientation. It investigates the presence of the epistemology of Ludwik Fleck as a theoretical reference for discussions regarding Education in Sciences and in academic productions of the area, considering that such epistemology can bring significant contributions to the teaching of sciences, since it presents an understanding about the construction of science that contrasts with the empiricist understanding, still so present in this teaching. In this sense, a bibliographical research was carried out based on the minutes of the National Meeting of Research in Education in Sciences (ENPEC) published in the period from 1997 to 2015. For the organization of the works found, we used as methodology the discursive textual analysis (ATD) that allowed us to perform the description of the Fleckian categories found in the works. The analysis of this material showed that there is convergence among the authors about the reasons why the use of this theoretical reference is relevant in discussions about the construction of scientific knowledge for Science Education. The results show that the use of the categories of Fleck (2010) is quite present in the area, however, in most of the works analyzed, are only partially covered.
- ItemRepositórios de objetos de aprendizagem no ensino de estequiometria(2018) SILVA, Lilianne de Sousa; BERTINI, Luciana Medeiros; ALVES, Leonardo AlcantaraThe content of stoichiometry is viewed by most students as difficult and without any applicability. This view is often associated with the learning difficulties presented by students, as well as the lack of understanding of abstract contents and deficiencies in mathematical calculations. Based on this finding, in this article, we analyze some learning objects to verify if this alternative methodology meets the characteristics necessary to carry out an efficient teaching-learning process of the stoichiometric contents. For this, we performed a descriptive analysis of eight learning objects, available free of charge in the repositories of International Educational Objects Bank - BIOE, Virtual Learning Lab - LabVirt and Group of Research and Production of Interactive Environments and Learning Objects - PROATIVA. In addition, we list the traits we consider facilitators of knowledge construction. Finally, it was possible to note that the characteristics presented by the learning objects allow the teacher to work the content of stoichiometry in a more attractive and meaningful way.
- ItemUma sequência didática para o ensino de polígonos: o uso de materiais manipuláveis no quinto ano do ensino fundamental(2018) POLLI, Cileide Teixeira da Silva; FIGUEIREDO, Helenara Regina SampaioThis paper resulted from a master's research part on the development of the student's geometric thinking. The study focused on the study of polygons aiming to investigate the possible applications of manipulable materials for teaching Geometry in the 5th grade of elementary school. This is a qualitative approach in which we present the results of one of the moments when the didactic sequence on polygons was applied. The theoretical basis is based on authors such as Lorenzato (1995), who advocates the presence of geometry for teaching mathematics based on the argument that this knowledge must be built since child education, since it helps in solving everyday problems, which are often geometrized. The results point out the possibility that manipulable materials can potentiate the construction of geometric knowledge in students of the 5th grade of elementary school. In addition, it was found that the use of manipulable materials presents itself as a possibility to give greater meaning to the construction of geometric concepts, since they allow students to manipulate, compare, cut, search, observe and construct concepts. Evidence that this type of material facilitates observation and analysis by favoring the development of logical and critical reasoning, essential for the construction of different mathematical knowledge.
- ItemA mobilização de saberes a partir do uso de diferentes materiais didáticos no contexto do PIBID(2018) COSTA, Franciellen Rodrigues da Silva; CAMARGO, Sérgio; Silva, Camila Silveira daThe present article is part of a dissertation which objective was to investigate what possible contributions are perceived by the future Chemistry Professors about a study directed with different didactic materials within the scope of the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação a Docência (PIBID).The research was carried out in 2014, where the activities carried out by the scholarship holders in the internal meetings and activities in the schools partnered with the project were monitored, using a variety of materials with didactic potential for Teaching Chemistry. The research was characterized as qualitative and its data collection involved the transcription of the audios of the interviews with eight subjects of the group. The informations were analyzed based on the Content Analysis Methodology, making it possible to identify contributions in the formative process of the future teachers, based on the use of different didactic materials. The results pointed to the mobilization of knowledge, which includes knowing how to prepare and direct activities insofar as the knowledge of the diversity of resources and theoretical basis corroborates the insertion of materials into teaching practices. Another knowledge evidenced in the research is the know how to select the teaching materials, where the teacher needs to be aware of the criteria and recommendations to insert the materials into a planning consistent with the teaching objectives.
- ItemUma forma de espanto – pensando uma aula de química com o seriado televisivo Breaking Bad(2018) FARY, Bruna Adriane; OLIVEIRA, Moisés Alves deThe present work analyzes, with the virtual ethnography, a chemistry class in the television series Breaking Bad(2008). The analysis focusto discuss how chemistry can be thought by a cultural viewpoint, conceivingscience, chemistry, as a result of human relations and not as an immutable, essentialized knowledge. In this sense, the idea is to create a form of spookwith act ofchemistryteachingportrayed in the first episode of the television show, which startsa class with"what is chemistry" and to carry out unfoldings of this episode for a teaching that celebrate students experimenters and creators of their own Educational practices. The results of our virtual ethnography have shown us that the belief in a universal essence, and also the possibility that words offer, so that we can enunciate the truth of some essence, of "chemistry", transform the language we use into a species of metaphysics -atom, energy, electron -, forming the basis of the fabrication of scientific knowledge. The way the chemistry class is conducted in this cut of the episode lends itself to a stratified chemistry that does not seem to be vascularized in the collective, in the desires of the students;however, the silence of the learnerscan be a form of resistance.
- ItemA cultura escolar do campo e o ensino da matemática(2018) SCHRENK, Maykon Jhonatan; NOVAES, Barbara Winiarski DieselWith the objective of identifying the presence of the countryside school culture in the teaching of mathematics (final years of elementary school) in a school located in the rural area. The present research was based on the theoretical-methodological contribution of Cultural History through the concept of school culture (JULIA, 1990), having as sources: Elementary School (final years) students workbooks; teaching activities images; Political Pedagogical Project (PPP); math teacher planning; pertinent legislation; interviews with the school director, the mathematics teacher of the Elementary School, and the pedagogue. The curriculum was strongly urban-centered specifically in relation to mathematics classes, and although a strong school culture of the field is present in the school investigated, there is little presence of this field school culture specifically in the teaching of mathematics. As a final reflection, we ask ourselves if in our urban schools we do not need cultural elements school of the field: sense of belonging, community involvement, leadership formation, interdisciplinarity, team work and valorization of local mathematical practices.