ACTIO (Curitiba)

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A ACTIO: Docência em Ciências é um periódico de caráter científico voltado à pesquisa em Educação de Ciências (Biologia, Física, Química ou Ciências) e em Educação Matemática, dentro da área de conhecimento Ciências Humanas e subárea Educação, para o CNPQ e na área Ensino e subárea Ensino de Ciências para a Capes e está organizada em três seções. A ACTIO destina-se a pesquisadores, graduandos, pós-graduandos, professores da educação básica, e público em geral que se relacionem às áreas indicadas anteriormente.


  • Mantenedor: UTFPR
  • Tipo: IESF
  • Região: Sul
  • Cidade: Curitiba | PR
  • ISSN: 2525-8923
  • Periodicidade:Quadrimestral
  • E-mail:
  • Editor: Marcelo Lambach
  • Título abrev.: ACTIO: Docência em Ci.
  • Link de acesso ao site
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 183
    • Item
      Pesquisa qualitativa e a abordagem fenomenológica: o percurso da professora pesquisadora Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo
      (2018) SIMEÃO, Manuelle Pereira da Costa; MOCROSKY, Luciane FerreirA
      O presente texto trata de uma entrevista cedida pela professora Dra. Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo durante o evento “Jornadas da Educação em Ciências e Matemática”, realizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Formação Científica, Educacional e Tecnológica da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Na entrevista a professora descreve e discute a sua trajetória acadêmica, bem como a sua relação com a pesquisa qualitativa na abordagem fenomenológica em Educação Matemática.
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      As tecnologias de informação e comunicação no ensino de ciências: entrevista com o professor Marcelo Brito Carneiro Leão
      (2018) SANTOS, Matheus Lincoln Borges dos; ATANAZIO, Alessandra Maria Cavichia; FRANÇA, Halina dos Santos; PARANHOS, Marcelo; LEÃO, Marcelo Brito Carneiro; LEITE, Alvaro Emilio
      Este artigo tem como objetivo estimular a reflexão sobre a inserção das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) no Ensino de Ciências a partir da fala de um importante pesquisador dessa área: o professor Marcelo Brito Carneiro Leão, da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). A entrevista foi concedida durante o evento “Jornadas de Educação em Ciências e Matemática”, promovido pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Formação Científica, Educacional e Tecnológica (PPGFCET) no campus de Curitiba da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), em novembro de 2017. Na ocasião, o professor Marcelo falou sobre sua trajetória profissional, o panorama da utilização das tecnologias de comunicação e informação no contexto pedagógico, o papel do professor nesse processo e algumas estratégias e metodologias de ensino aliadas à tecnologia. O professor destacou que a inserção das TIC em sala de aula não significa a melhoria do processo ensino-aprendizagem, tampouco a modernização da educação. Independente do recurso a ser utilizado na prática docente, é necessário que se compreenda que a escolha da estratégia didática é o mais importante. Para o uso efetivo de novas tecnologias no ensino de Ciências é necessária a reformulação dos cursos de formação de professores, que precisam preparar os docentes para a mediação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem com o uso das TIC.
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      Configurando a análise da produção escrita como estratégia de ensino a partir de uma experiência com o sétimo ano
      (2018) CARDOSO, Milene Aparecida Malaquias; PEREIRA, Fernando Francisco; DALTO, Jader Otávio
      This paper is based on the idea presented by Santos (2014), that the Analysis of Written Production - APE can be conceived as a teaching strategy, going beyond an assessment or investigative opportunity. The research presented here aims to describe and analyze the classroom environment from the perspective of Santos (2014) with seventh grade students from a private school in the city of Apucarana, in the north of Paraná. Methodologically, in an assessment environment, the written test of the students gave rise to a task that presented five resolutions, written productions of other students, to be analyzed by the participants of the research. The analysis made by the participants, sustained the achievement of the goal. In general, not only was Analysis of Written Production described and analyzed as a teaching strategy, but it was also tried to exemplify it in practice. The results presented refer to one of the participating students, A47, and show that even though he did not use all the productions presented, the task helped him to verify possible errors and to rethink his own initial resolution. In addition, student A47's experience and responses allow us to understand that using APE in a task where the student tends to analyze the written output of other students has been characterized as a different alternative to investigating student learning , requiring not only the implementation of procedures for resolving issues, but also the capacity for reflection and judgment of other resolutions.
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      Exploração-investigação matemática na educação infantil
      (2018) SOUZA, Luciana de; JUNKERFEURBOM, Maiara Aline; BASSOI, Tânia Stella
      Mathematical research is a trend in mathematics education, used at different levels of education. This study focused on The Early Childhood Education, four and five years old, of a municipal school in Cascavel-PR. Two tasks with investigative characteristics were applied whose objectives were for the children to understand that in Mathematics there is not a single "way" for solving mathematical situations, that were able to explore diverse possibilities. The tasks applied were created in study meetings by the authors of the paper. At the time of application, the students' previous knowledge was considered. The results were satisfactory. Some students were able to make a one-to-one comparison, perceive regularities, compose and decompose geometric shapes. This process was of great value, providing moments of learning and exchange of experiences, both for the children and for the researchers involved in the construction of the mathematical notions, concepts that should offer conditions for understanding and assimilation of mathematical concepts. The process of analysis of the activities generated two categories, by the observation of the work done by the students and another of the work done by the teacher.
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      Comunidade escolar e modelagem matemática na educação matemática: uma reflexão
      (2018) BELLEI, Patrick Bellei; KLÜBER, Tiago Emanuel
      The documents that guide the teaching process of State Education present the necessary methodological references for the articulation of structuring content of mathematics. Among them is the mathematical modeling. Researches involving this trend point out some obstacles involved in the development. However, issues facing the school community external and internal as parents, teachers from other areas and school management, are only tangencial and even secondary regarding other aspects, such as, the curriculum. This article was developed based on a meta-analysis by collecting papers and books that deal with the mathematical modeling, without losing sight in the involvement of the school community with the teaching and school management. We carried out a discussion about the development of the mathematical modeling for the mathematics education and its relations with the school community which brings the question: which influences does the school community present to the development of activities of Mathematical Modeling for the Mathematics Education? The discussion points to the approximation of other actors in school community, in order to have a better understanding of the use and routing of Mathematical Modeling, so that this trend may be implemented with better results in schools. It is highlighted the importance of the presence and the construction of democratic management to ensure that the functioning of the educational institution is known and appreciated by all, aiming mainly that Mathematical Modeling is known by all the actors involved in the process of teaching.
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