Revista Educação Especial
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A Revista Educação Especial (Journal of Special Education) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, publica apenas artigos originais, sendo relatos de pesquisa ou revisão de literatura, que contribuam para o campo da Educação Especial. Destina-se a estudantes, professores e pesquisadores em Educação. Os artigos devem atender a qualidade e contexto que o Conselho Editorial considera que seriam de interesse para um público nacional e internacional.
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- ItemTemas sobre ciência e pesquisa: seleção de algumas unidades textuais básicas(2004) AYALA, Educardo J. Z.This paper is an annotated bibliography on the meaning of some categories related to science. Issues about epistemology, rationality, knowledge or research, are studied taking into account the conceptual frameworks of the reviewed authors. I only have selected, organized or translated those issues, and, in same cases, I made the links among related topics within the body of the text.
- ItemFormação do professor para a educação especial: história legislação e competências(2004) ALMEIDA, Maria AmeliaInitially, this study shows a brief history about teacher preparation in special education in Brasil. Following, it is presented and discussed the main aspects of the bazilian legislation about teachers preparation in Special Education. Finally, the study presents the competencies that need to be contemplated in the courses to prepare special education teachers in Brasil as well the competencies established by CEC - USA that has been used as parameters to teachers preparation in many countries. The study concludes that any teacher, if well prepared should be able to attend any children, idepedent of his/her color, race, culture or type of deficiency.
- ItemO direito à diferença nas escolas - questões sobre a inclusão escolar de pessoas com e sem dificiências(2004) MANTOAN, Maria Teresa EglérDespite some progress, the education in Brazil is still predominantly segregating and discriminating. The proposal to include all students in one educational modality only, the mainstream education, has been clashing with a notably therapeutically and assistance oriented culture of special education and with the conservationism of our public policies in that area. On the other hand, the 1988 Constitution is advanced enough to oppose those policies, our educational law and other documents that have originated from it. The 1988 Constitution does not allow for discrimination due to disability. This article focuses the juridical and educational scopes of these positions.
- ItemO desenvolvimento da noção temporal em crianças deficientes auditivas(2004) CARNEIRO, Relma Urel CarboneThis paper is part of an investigation that aimed at understanding the development of time perception in children with hearing impairment. The objective of the investigation was to notice how the process of construction of the time category, which is fundamental for organization of the real, occurs in children with hearing impairment, and compared the data achieved with normal children. The theoretical part of the study addressed the hearing and speech impairment, the issue of time perception in the history of thinking and in the subject, according to the theory of Jean Piaget. Accomplishment of the empirical investigation was conducted on two groups of children, being one of children with hearing impairment attending the Educational Center of the Hearing Disabled - CEDAU - USP - Bauru, and another group of normal children, who were evaluated by the liquid flow test described by Piaget (s.d.). The results were analyzed both qualitatively and individually. The data achieved demonstrated that children with hearing impairment attending the CEDAU presented a difference in relation to construction of time perception, being delayed in relation to the normal children assessed in this study.
- ItemPor uma educação inclusiva para portadores de deficiência visual: um novo olhar(2004) GOLIN, Andréa Feller; BASTOS, Lia CaetanoThis work has as its purpose to verify and to analise the educational situation of persons bearing a visual deficiency in Florianópolis. The research counted with the participation of workers associated to ACIC - the Association for the Integration of Blind People in State Santa Catarina. The analysis of data shows that the educational process experienced by the researched subjects was permeated by difficulties in day-by-day schooling, expressed in terms of the obstacles regarding didactical resources and also the methodology and the way teachers acted in their pedagogic practice. Measures required to ease and allow the process of educational inclusion are translated into the need of teacher's recycling and of access to pedagogical resources. Therefore, it is to be expectated that, given better conditions in the teaching-learning process, subjects with visual deficiency may qualify and be better prepared in order to be included in the working force and thus in society.
- ItemEscola inclusiva: a educação especial em foco(2004) SILVA, Fabiany de Cássia TavaresThe words have the power to arrest or to free the object that they treat, but the recognition of his double role, put in course in the individuals' action, it already denotes the possibility to think appropriately about that reality. In that ambiguous movement that the words have on the object that I could think, in that text, about the ambiguity of the inclusive school, of the inclusion, of the exclusion and of the special education. In that way, in the recognition of the ambiguity of the words as the individual's characteristic that uses her, as the possibility of capturing the reality appropriately, seek to the light of the Critical Theory of the Society, without using formulas to contribute to the stereotype, to argue on a controversial subject.
- ItemBurnout docente no trabalho com a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais(2004) NAUJORKS, Maria Inês; BARASUOL, Evandir BuenoThis study aims to identify the incidence of Burnout in teachers of the municipal schools in Três de Maio - RS who work with handicapped students - NEE inserted in those regular schools originally from the special school Helen Keller. It is known that teaching demands knowledge, research, professional competence and, above all, to love students. This way, it is considered a very complex task. It is noticed that this complexity tends to increase as the teacher faces with that student who "does not learn", with special educational necessities - NEE, once it is this student who presents limitations and make it more difficult to develop the learning process. This fact could be leading the teacher to feel impotent face the student's difficulties, and uncounsciosly he would be bringing up all his suffering, which could be linked to his academic history or life history. The wish of understanding in a deeper way the feelings and emotions of this particular teacher, who is said to be "touched" when in contact to students with special educational necessities and the necessity of understanding his anxiety to interact with his special students in the classroom is what motivates the development of this research. The text intends to propose a discussion from some clippings of the theoretical reference until this moment. They point to an urgent study which makes it possible to rescue inside the teacher his wish of continuously pursuing his goals with pleasure ... without suffering... without giving up.
- ItemA inclusão na universidade: limites e possibilidades da construção de uma universidade inclusiva(2004) RODRIGUES, DavidMost of the efforts developed to build an Inclusive School happen in the basic edication. Nevertheless, some factors influence the agreement that Inclusive Education has to reach Universities. In fact, Higher education is becoming more and more common, is a condition to get some professional qualifications and find a job and, last but not least, Universities are part of the sistem of education payed by the State. We discuss in this paper que problem of access and success in Universities specially concerning youngsters with disabilities. As it happens in other levels of scholling, the changes in the universitary structure seem essential in order that quality doesn't mean exclusion.
- ItemEducação de surdos no ensino regular: inclusão ou segregação?(2004) DORZIAT, AnaThis present paper try to offer conditions for development diferent visions of the deaf inclusion in regular schools. Try to inside an educactional discussion in the public politics of area. For this, appoint some criterion for reflection about the teach and the learn for Deaf.
- ItemA invenção da educação especial(2004) RAMPELOTO, Elisane MariaThis article is an attempt to draw a panorama of the institutionalization of especial education [in Brazil and at the Federal University of Santa Maria] from a wide educational context to a specific pedagogy in Brazil...Especial Education begins to take form as mandatory public education for all emerges in the country. Difficulty in school accomplishments on the part of the different student leads to the necessity to develop know ledge and create places where the different can be controlled, disciplined, orthopedically corrected and normalized.
- ItemHANS EBERWIEN: críticas ao conceito de educação especial, e integração como uma tarefa do sistema de ensino e da escola(2004) KRAUSE, Renate F.This study presents some Hans Eberwein's ideas to the professionals of education (teachers) and to the students who prepare themselves to be teachers in schools or high schools. Hans Eberwein presents defying ideas which aims a deep reflection from the teachers in Special Schools and of Special Education in regular schools, about its own right to exist (legitimation). According to the author the Special Education is out of date and the Integrating Education is also transitory. The future of Education will be in the transformation of school, in all grades in an competent school to offer education for everybody.
- ItemEducação popular social de rua: construindo aproximações(2004) LIBERALESSO, Rira de Cacia Borges; GRABAUSKA, Claiton JoséThis work objective to dissert about links between popular education and Street Social Education. It emphasizes the possibility of building educational actions for Street Social education, based on Freire's pedagogy.
- ItemEstruturas motoras e conduta escolar dos portadores de deficiência mental - PDMs(2004) KRUG, Marilia de Rosso; CASARIN, Jucilene Copetti; SOMAVILLA, Lucimara; BATISTELLA, Pedro AntônioThis study has as objectivet to evaluate the movement structures in the following points: large and fine movement coordenation and equilibrium; and the school behavior according to the following points: ultra-activity, socialization, anxiety and lack of attention. In order to accomplish this research, it was used the Movement Development Scale (MDS), developed by Rosa Neto (1996), and the Child Behavior Evaluation Scale for teacher (CBES - T), developed by Brito (1999). The sample was consisted by eleven Mental Handicapped (MH), six girls and five boys, with ages between eight and sixteen years old. The data for interpretation of movement structures were treated through descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation); and for the school behavior they were treated by percentual frequency (F%), for each one of the indicators. About the school behavior, the MH did not present meaningful features for each one of the indicators, although, about the large and fine movement coordenation and equilibrium, in both sexes, it was observed lower values, according to the classification suggested by MDS, by Rosa Neto (1996).
- ItemLiteratura infantil e pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais: estratégias e ações pedagógicas em discussão(2004) ZARDO, Sinara Pollom; FREITAS, Soraia NapoleãoThe inclusive education exceeds the student's acceptance with special educational needs in the regular school, presupposing alterations in the different instances, so much physics as organization, methodological innovations and pedagogic actions that propitiate the development of the students' potentialities. In this sense, the need emerges of investing in the infantile literature as tool knowledge possibility and subsidy to work with pertinent subjects to feelings, differences and emotions, exploring her while art form and expression.
- ItemInformática e educação inclusiva: desafios para a qualidade na educação(2004) PEREIRA, Eliana da Costa; FREITAS, Soraia NapoleãoThe main objective of this study is to collaborate with a comprehension of some aspects which envolve the use of informatics in the inclusive education. We are going to study briefly the way of both processes, seeing the more relevant aspects which link them. We emphasize the importance of the informatics in the inclusion process for students who have special needs. We want to include these students in order to have a qualitative education despite of their cognitive and sensorial characteristics. We intend to use a variety of instruments that really construct knowledge.
- ItemPráticas educativas para o ensino de biossegurança: uma experiência com alunos surdos(2004) COSTA, Marco Antonio F.; COSTA, Maria de Fátima Barrozo daThe article approaches an educational experience with deaf students, made in 2003 at Education and Technological Federal Center (CEFET), in Rio de Janeiro. The obtained results leaded to the fact that the education in biosafety may be an important process for the social inclusion of these people, at occupational laboratories spaces, hospitals, and others, where these knowledges might be used.
- ItemA identidade em construção no ensino médio: uma necessidade e uma possibilidade para o ensino da arte(2004) BENETTI, TéouraThis article presents a reflection about the Art Teaching with means of the identity built. The discussion is centralized in the identity build, analyzed in two focuses: the identity build necessity through a critical process, and the identitary possibilities opportunized though the Art Teaching.
- ItemSobre a proposta de Educação Inclusiva: notas para ampliar o debete(2004) THOMA, Adriana da SilvaThe exclusion of some people and the inclusion of others always has been the mark of the modern schooling institution, only in recent years this fact turned from the denaturalized and turned to be problemtized. How to attend such differences in a physical space, a class room, for women and man educators formed to the educational caring of normal children ? These and another questions are the focus of the present paper, that has as a goal to reflect on nowadays brazilian educational context, and to invite educators for a debate around issues that we commonly classify as normality and anormality, from an undestanding that modern inventions classify/name/narrate/include or exclude the subjects, more and more diffused and fragmented.
- ItemOrientação familiar como estratégia facilitadora do desenvolvimento e inclusão de pessoas como necesssidades especiais(2004) GLAT, Rosana; PLETSCH, Márcia DeniseThere is a marked increase in the number of studies concerning the changes brought in the family dynamics as a result of the birth of children with special needs. The present work proposes a discussion about the transformations and adaptations that a family goes through with the arrival of a child with special needs. The text presents researches about the theme, and calls for the importance of orientation, strengthening and adaptation of family relations to facilitate the development and inclusion of children with special needs.
- ItemAtendimento do portador de altas habilidades(2004) SOUZA, Maria de Lourdes Lunkes de; FREITAS, Soraia NapoleãoThe present article presents some reflections in order to offer attending of high abilites students. Firstly, to detach the enrichment programmes as alternative for this purpouse, because its obective is to possible of the high abilites students to perceive their capacity and as well as their development. Therefore, with this way to have a criative space and privilage, possibiliting the division with group, their desires, bothers, doubts, afflictons and craving, as well as a enviroment that to offer a development more harmonic.