Revista Eletrônica de Educação

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A Revista Eletrônica de Educação, com periodicidade de publicação semestral, é uma iniciativa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. O seu principal objetivo é publicar artigos, ensaios, debates, entrevistas, resenhas inéditos em qualquer língua sobre temas que contribuam para o recrudescimento do debate educacional, bem como para a divulgação do conhecimento produzido na área. É dirigida a pesquisadores, profissionais e alunos da Educação. A sua organização nas seções propostas permite a publicação de materiais sob diferentes formatos e naturezas. Os textos em outros idiomas, exceto o Espanhol, poderão ser traduzidos e apresentados na mesma edição.


  • Mantenedor: UFSCar
  • Tipo: IESF
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: São Carlos | SP
  • ISSN: 1982-7199
  • Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
  • E-mail:
  • Editores: Maria Cecília Luiz | Luiz Roberto Gomes
  • Título abrev.: Reveduc: Rev. Eletr. Educ.
  • Sistema de Preservação Digital: Não possui
  • Link de acesso ao site
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 45
    • Item
      Exclusão escolar e a criança de circo
      (2009) XAVIER, Gláucia do Carmo; SANTOS, Anderson Avelino de Oliveira
      This article presents approach the circus artist child schooling. The concerning focus is to observe his inclusion and no inclusion trajectory at school. The main objective is to observe the child`s day by day life and identify obstacles that may interfere in school education. Interviews with parents and children were used as methodology. Four circuses were observed during two years in Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais presentations season. After two years the research results ends up into the necessity to change the school behavior pedagogical methodology and inclusion comprehension focus to deal with those children. Prejudice and a non adequate educators training were also noticed.
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      Alfabetização e letramento na educação de jovens e adultos: subsídios para a prática educativa
      (2009) Equipe Nucleo EJA Guarulho
      This text is the result of the discussions of the Construction Curriculum (GCC) of the Education Program for Youths and Adults with Basic Regular Education Professional Education Department of Guarulhos and is composed of three parts. In the introduction to report the formation of the GCC, the reflections on the issues addressed in the four meetings and problem-question chosen by teachers for the preparation of the text. In the second section, we discuss the concept of literacy from different authors surveyed by educators and present some guidelines suggested by the Group for the planning of learning situations in the light of literacy. At the end, we made some considerations from the discussions within the Group.
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      Las perspectivas socioculturales y la formación de profesores de primaria en relación con las matemáticas
      (2010) GARCÍA, Mercedes; SÁNCHEZ, Victoria
      El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos problemas que han surgido en nuestro trabajo como formadoras de profesores de Primaria en relación con las matemáticas. En particular, uno de esos problemas es cómo formar a los futuros miembros de una comunidad en un contexto diferente al de su futura actividad profesional. Para resolverlo, intentamos proporcionar los medios para que los estudiantes para profesores de Primaria se integren en la comunidad de esos profesores mediante la creación de comunidades de aprendizaje. Estas comunidades se caracterizan por una actividad que podríamos llamar "aprender a enseñar". En nuestro caso, esta actividad se realiza en entornos que se generan por medio de trayectorias de enseñanza/aprendizaje. En este contexto, han surgido algunas preguntas sobre las que pensamos que puede merecer la pena reflexionar.
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      Gestão democrática: abertura para a acessibilidade do sujeito de identidade surda múltipla e multifacetada nas instituições de ensino
      (2010) SANTOS, Sheila Batista Maia
      In this article we reflect on Democratic Management, Political Pedagogical Project and Curriculum at the interface representations and socioanthropological Subjects' Identity Deaf multiple and multifaceted process ofinclusion. To this was done a literature with authors who endorse the following themes: education supervision, education and deafness - from the perspective of cultural identities in post-modernity, of Decree Law 10436/2002 and 5626/2005. Thus, the implementations identified based upon the idiosyncrasies of these subjects: native language - sign language - history, culture, identity, pedagogy deaf, and Portuguese as a second language.
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      As práticas curriculares no contexto da sala de aula inclusiva: avanços e impasses na inclusão dos educandos com deficiência visual
      (2010) MIOTTO, Ana Cristina Felipe
      This article refers to a master thesis research that aimed to investigate how the special educational needs of students with visual impairments were addressed and worked in a regular classroom at a public school, whose educational proposal was advertised as inclusive. The research developed around the implications of the curricular practices developed in the classroom on the educational process of students with visual impairments. It was decided to take a qualitative approach, accomplished through the methodology of case study, focusing on the technique of observation of the classroom. As a result, it appeared a little flexible curriculum to the needs of students with visual impairment due to a practical curriculum guided by homogenizers principles, set to a fixed model of student, teaching and learning.
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