RIDPHE_R Revista Iberoamericana do Patrimônio Histórico-Educativo

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A RIDPHE_R Revista Iberoamericana do Patrimônio Histórico-Educativo é uma publicação on-line hospedada no Portal de Publicações Periódicas da Faculdade de Educação/UNICAMP. A revista é organizada no âmbito das temáticas da RIDPHE, Rede Iberoamericana para a Investigação e a Difusão do Patrimônio Histórico Educativo, com sede na FE/UNICAMP/Brasil, cuja lista de discussão Ridphe_l congrega investigadores preocupados com a preservação, a investigação e a difusão do patrimônio histórico-educativo.


  • Mantenedor: UNICAMP
  • Tipo: IESE
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Campinas/SP
  • ISSN: 2447-746X
  • Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
  • E-mail:revistaridphe.r@gmail.com
  • Editor: Maria Cristina Menezes
  • Título abrev.: Rev. Iberoam. Patrim. Hist.-Educ.
  • Sistema de Preservação Digital: Rede Cariniana | PKP PLN
  • Link de acesso ao site
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 72
    • Item
      Estéticas das resistências e o documentário: Diário de Exus
      (2019) SOBRINHO, Gilberto Alexandre
      From 2013 to 2016, three documentary projects were developed under my direction, in the metropolitan region of Campinas-SP, which resulted in the “Trilogia Afro-Campineira”. There are three short films focused on protagonists of cultural, religious and artistic processes, all defenders of manifestations of African matrixes and their potent hybridisms. The films are Diário de Exus (2015), The Dance of Friendship, Stories of Urucungos, Puítas and Quijengues (2016) and The Woman from Casa do Arco-Íris (2017/2018). All the films had funding sources such as FAEPEX/UNICAMP, FICC and the São Paulo State Short Film Stimulus Award and had a network of partners, from the university (UNICAMP) and from the communities and cultural points involved. In films, what I call the “aesthetics of resistance” are developed, prioritizing Afro-diasporic narratives, in a creative process in which aesthetics and politics converge. Aesthetically, it is about highlighting the convergence and the dispute of the observational, participative, poetic and performative modes of documentary making, aimed at subjects carrying Afro-centered cultural codes. Politically, the role of culture and religion in the affirmation and construction of black identity in Brazil is highlighted. This text documents the process of making the first short film, Diário de Exus.
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      La idea de Francia en la educación de la dictadura franquista (1939-1960)
      (2019) SANTABALLA, Antonio Gabriel Gisbert; ORBEA, Juan Madariaga
      This essay analyses the manipulation carried by Franco ́s dictatorship on the historical discourse in Primary Education, focusing on the idea of France that is transmitted to young students (6-12 years old). On the one hand, the idea of France as an ancient enemy of Spain, an on the other hand, the idea of France as the vehicle of dangerous ideologies such as Enlightenment and Liberalism, which Franco ́s Dictatorship relates to those who inspires the Second Spanish Republic. This análisis will focus on textbooks from the Franco ́s dictatorship period: Álvarez Encyclopedias, and Bruño ́s publishing house.
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      VII Simpósio Iberoamericano: História, Educação Patrimônio-Educativo, 2019: Patrimônio Material e Imaterial: Memória, Diversidade, Alteridade
      (2019) LUZ, Joel Martins
      The VII Iberoamerican Symposium: Education, History, Educational Heritage will be held at the International Center for School Culture (CEINCE), in partnership with CIVILIS/FE/Unicamp, in Berlanga de Duero, Spain, from 22 to 25 July 2019 , within the scope of the Iberoamerican Network for the Research and Dissemination of Historical-Educational Heritage (RIDPHE).
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      Cinquentenário do Centro Paula Souza: Documento Histórico no Centro de Memória da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica
      (2019) CARVALHO, Maria Lucia Mendes de
      As curator of the Memory Center for Professional and Technological Education, created in 2013, but in the process of being implemented since 2014, and with the Paula Souza Center close to completing its fiftieth anniversary, have access to the document of the “Inaugural Class of the State Education Center Tecnológica São Paulo”, given by Governor Roberto de Abreu Sodré, on August 3, 1970 (Figure 1 and 2), in the auditorium of the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, given by the Document Management Center to the Memory Center of Professional and Technological Education of the Paula Souza Center, on June 14, 1918 (Figure 3), was and will be of great value to researchers in the history of institutional professional and technological education.
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      (Des)Arquivar: arquivos pessoais e ego-documentos no tempo presente.
      (2019) SANTOS, Gabriela Cordeiro
      Faced with different practices on the preservation of memories, Maria Teresa Santos Cunha entitled her newest work “(Un)Archiving: personal archives and ego-documents in the present time”, using the prefix des, referring to the opposite action of archiving . The author uses records located in personal files to discuss intimate documents, in different times and spaces.
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