Revista Internacional de Educação Superior
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O periódico tem como missão socializar a produção de estudos e pesquisas científicas, de caráter teórico ou empírico, na área da educação superior. É uma publicação eletrônica que se dedica à publicação de artigos da comunidade científica nacional e internacional que investiguem questões de interesse do campo da educação superior. Visa contribuir na formação do pesquisador da área de Educação Superior por meio da divulgação e disseminação de pesquisas e estudos realizados por educadores, vinculados a instituições nacionais e internacionais. São publicados artigos, relatos de experiência, comunicações, pesquisas e ensaios de autores avaliados por pares, especialmente convidados pelo Conselho Editorial.
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- ItemA expansão do ensino superior no Brasil sob influência da declaração de Bolonha: primeiras aproximações(2015) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; FÁVERO, Altair; TONIETO, CarinaThe intention of this article is to investigate the current scenario of expansion of higher education in Brazil reflects the educational principles and guidelines laid down by the Bologna Declaration. The study starts from the hypothesis that the current policies of expansion of higher education in the country reveal global influences on the role of the State, the Universities and Entrepreneurs, one of these documents to the Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 Thus, understand the contents of this document would give us some pointers understand the assumptions that guide the contours of Brazilian educational policies of the last thirteen years, with reference to data published by the Ministry of Education from 2000 to 2011 the authors advocate the thesis that the expansion of higher education in Brazil led by the private sector reflects the propositions, even partial, of the Bologna Declaration, since this is an attempt to reform the European educational landscape in order to increase competitiveness in the European System of Higher Education.
- ItemApresentação(2019) PEREIRA, Elisabete Monteiro de Aguiar; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto deThe papers of this Dossier are basicallyrelated to the results of a research Project developed by 22 universities of nine countries about the theme of internationalization of higher education.The Project is coordinated by a research group of international scope named GIEPES –Grupo Internacional de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Educação Superior –International Goup of Studies and Research in Higher Education, based in the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas –UNICAMP.The participants of this project are researchers and scholarsinvolved in thestudy of higher education and members of the Ibero-American Netwok.
- ItemEditorial(2016) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great pleasure that we present a new issue of the International Journal of Higher Education – RIESup. Ortega y Gasseti (1989, p. 26), Spanish elitist thinker, already warned us that “reality is not something given, offered – but a construction that man makes with the given material”. Thus, all knowledge production must be understood from the relationship of the subject of knowledge with the objects of the world that he intends to apprehend. The phenomenon of knowledge, based on the subject-object relationship, finds its resolution in the production of concepts – that which brings together the different parts (as revealed by the etymology that brings together the etymology of the word), that is, as an abstraction of what was investigated.
- ItemEditorial(2015) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosWe are pleased to announce the launch of the first volume and issue of the International Journal of Higher Education, or by the acronym RIESup, as it may also be called from now on in the scientific community. As we said in our scope, the International Journal of Higher Education has the mission of socializing the production of scientific studies and research, of a theoretical or empirical nature, in the field of higher education. It is an exclusively electronic publication dedicated to the publication of articles from the national and international scientific community that investigate issues of interest in the field of Higher Education
- ItemEditorial(2015) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosAt the time of the "birth" of another periodical on higher education, it is worth recalling some relevant events about higher education as a specific research area within the great area of education, in itself a multidimensional and complex field of problems that needs to be consolidated as “educational sciences” in order to subsidize educational practice with increasingly solid theoretical foundations to make it more efficient and effective in its practice and in its benefits. This new journal joins the family of periodicals on higher education with the purpose of contributing to the consolidation of this field of research, especially in the Latin American space.
- ItemEditorial(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great pleasure that we edit our volume 4, number 2, referring to May / August 2018 of our “Revista Internacional de Educação Superior”. We would like to emphasize that as of this edition this scientific journal publishes bilingually all its texts.In this issue the thematic axis is the discussion of "Policies of Higher Education in Latin America". We have nine articles, one essay, two texts on research, a review and an interview.
- ItemEditorial(2016) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIn the Western world, the university was born internationalized in both its faculty and students. Professors from various regions of Europe were attracted to some important universities and consolidated the academic prestige of some area of knowledge which, in turn, attracted students from different regions of the continent. Especially famous in this dawn of the birth of European universities were the University of Paris for the excellence of its courses in Philosophy and Theology and the University of Bologna for the prestige of its courses in Law...
- ItemEditorial(2019) SANTOS, Gildenir Carolino; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosSince the entry of the Internet into the universe of electronic publishing, a new method of online publishing was created with the intention of facilitating the publishing and publishing processes, as well as giving greater visibility of the published articles.Created a certain time on the European continent, and now gaining space in the Americas, this method is called rolling pass, or simply PC, which is the publication of articles in a single volume without periodic breaks, without waiting for the closing a number to publish another, which can decrease the visibility of the articles, and gaining more impact on the query and quotes of articles. (RODRIGUES, SANTOS, 2019).Thus, since October 2018, the International Journal of Higher Education -RIESUP, adopts this modality to strengthen and accelerate the development of the publication of the GIEPES Research Group of the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas in partnership with the Ibero-American Network of Studies and Research on Policies and Processes of Higher Education -RIEPPES -University of the West of Santa Catarina, with the mission of socializing the production of studies and scientific research, theoretical or empirical in the area of higher education. (SANTOS FILHO, ALMEIDA; SANTOS, 2019).Socializing the production of studies and scientific research in the area of higher education is what we want most in the RIESUP publishing, and therefore, the entry of the continuous publishing modality met this need and this mission was fulfilled in the scope of our journal. In addition, RIESUP is one of the only publications in the area of Education to be published in 02 (two) languages: Portuguese and English, while sometimes English is also replaced by Spanish. We can say that the language barrier is no obstacle to the breakthrough of the Journal between borders.
- ItemEditorial(2016) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosThis second issue of the International Journal of Higher Education –RIESup – 2016 features articles on University and Teacher Education. It is divided into 3 sections: articles, experience report, and debate text.
- ItemEditorial Editorial: Politicas e processos pedagógicos da educação superior na contemporaneidade(2017) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosÉ com grande satisfação que apresentamos este número da RIESup que tem como eixo temático Políticas e Processos de Educação Superior na América Latina. Abrindo o debate temos o artigo intitulado O ensino na educação superior: uma análise da metodologia “trezentos” e sua relação com a pedagogia histórico-crítica, de Liliam Faria Porto Borges e Vanice Schossler Sbardelotto. O texto apresenta uma nova análise da metodologia de ensino denominada de “Trezentos”, e que foi desenvolvida pelo Professor Doutor Ricardo Ramos Fragelli, da UnB, desde 2013. Esta metodologia vai trabalhar com a relação existente entre esta metodologia e as pedagogias progressistas, particularmente a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica, formulada e divulgada no Brasil por Dermeval Saviani. Vale a pena conferir.
- ItemEditorial: formação e Trabalho Docente: desafios e perspectivas(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great satisfaction that we present volume 4, number 1 of the International Journal of Higher Education - RIESup, whose theme is Training and Teaching Work: challenges and perspectives. On our cover we have the image of the University of Salamanca (Spain), which this year will be 800 years old. In the next editions we will continue with the image until the end of the 2018 editions.
- ItemEditorial: formação e Trabalho Docente: desafios e perspectivas(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great satisfaction that we present volume 4, number 1 of the International Journal of Higher Education - RIESup, whose theme is Training and Teaching Work: challenges and perspectives. On our cover we have the image of the University of Salamanca (Spain), which this year will be 800 years old. In the next editions we will continue with the image until the end of the 2018 editions.
- ItemEditorial: Políticas de educação superior e trabalho docente(2017) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosÉ com imensa satisfação que apresentamos o volume 3, número 1 de 2017 da Revista Internacional de Educação Superior – RIESup. O eixo temático deste número gira em torno de “Políticas de Educação Superior e Trabalho Docente”, e consta com 11 artigos, 2 resenhas de livros e um debate sobre pesquisa cientifica.
- ItemEditorial: Políticas e Democratização da Educação Superior(2017) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosÉ com muito prazer que apresentamos o volume 3, número 2 da Revista Internacional de Educação Superior da Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP sob a temática: “Políticas e Democratização da Educação Superior”. Neste número temos dez artigos científicos, um ensaio, uma resenha e uma entrevista com o Prof Norberto Namarra.
- ItemEditorial: Políticas, processos formativos e TICS na Educação Superior(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dos; SANTOS, Gildenir CarolinoWe are overjoyed with the closing of another issue that completes the 2018 collection (volume 4, number 3, Sept./Dec.), having proven that the adoption of bilingualism in the journal has worked very well as a new methodology for 2018. We have practically 100% of the papers in both English and Portuguese language. The theme of this last issue of 2018 dialogues about "Policies, formative processes and ICTs in higher education".
- ItemEntrevista con prof. Dr. Claudio Rama(2016) RAMA, Claudio; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; FILHO, José Camilo dos SantosBringing a brief curriculum vitae of Prof. Dr. Claudio Rama, we will highlight his academic training, his academic-professional career and his bibliographic production. Our interviewee graduated in Economics from the Central University of Venezuela in 1982. In 2003 he completed a master's degree in Educational Administration at the José María Vargas University, Venezuela. He finished a Doctorate in Educational Sciences at the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University, Venezuela in 2006 and a Doctorate in Law, at the University of Buenos Aires, in 2009. Claudio Rama did a post-doctorate: at the Postgraduate Center of the University National Experimental Simón Rodríguez, in 2009-2010; in the Graduate Program of the Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP, in 2009-2010; in the Graduate Program of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, in 2011-2012; and in the Postdoctoral Program of the Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires, in 2013-2015. Our interviewee also received the title of Doctor "honoris causa" from four Peruvian universities.
- ItemEntrevista con prof. Noberto Fernández Lamarra: La universidad en Brasil y Argentina en perspectiva comparada: hacia un espacio común Latinoamericano de educación superior en el marco de la internacionalización de la educación(2017) FERNÁNDEZ LAMARRA, Noberto; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosEl profesor Norberto Fernández Lamarra es profesor de posgrado, investigador y consultor nacional e internacional en el área de las políticas, la planificación, la gestión y la evaluación de la educación –particularmente con perspectiva comparada-, con énfasis en los últimos años en la educación superior. Actualmente es Director de Posgrados en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, en Buenos Aires, Argentina, donde, además, dirige el Núcleo Interdisciplinario de Formación y Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Educación (NIFEDE), el Doctorado en Políticas y Gestión de la Educación Superior y el Programa de Posgrados en Políticas y Administración de la Educación (Maestrías y Especializaciones). Es Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Educación Comparada y ha sido Vicepresidente del Consejo Mundial de Sociedades de Educación Comparada, entre los años 2010 y 2016 (UCCES) y Presidente fundador de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Educación Comparada (SIBEC). Dirige las revistas académicas Revista Argentina de Educación Superior (RAES), Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada (RELEC) y Revista Latinoamericana de Política y Administración de la Educación (RELAPAE).
- ItemInternacionalização da educação superior(2020) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great pleasure that we present volume 06 (six) of our International Journal of Education - RIESup, year 2020. We have 24 (twenty-four) articles, 03 (three) reviews, 13 (thirteen) research reports and 5 (five) experience reports.
- ItemPoliticas de Educação Superior na América Latina(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dosIt is with great pleasure that we edit our volume 4, number 2, referring to May / August 2018 of our “Revista Internacional de Educação Superior”. We would like to emphasize that as of this edition this scientific journal publishes bilingually all its texts. In this issue the thematic axis is the discussion of "Policies of Higher Education in Latin America". We have nine articles, one essay, two texts on research, a review and an interview.
- ItemPolíticas, processos formativos e TICS na Educação Superior(2018) ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de; SANTOS FILHO, José Camilo dos; SANTOS, Gildenir CarolinoWe are radiant with the closing of another edition that completes the 2018 collection (volume 4, number 3, set./dez.), Having proven that the adoption of bilingualism in the magazine worked very well as a new methodology of 2018. We have practically 100 % of work in English and Portuguese. The theme of this last edition of 2018 talks about "Policies, training processes and TICS in higher education".