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A Zetetiké é uma publicação institucional da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (em parceria editorial com a UFF), tendo como objetivo contribuir, de um lado, para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa na Área da Educação Matemática e, de outro, para a formação de pesquisadores dessa Área, mediante intercâmbio e divulgação de pesquisas e estudos realizados por educadores matemáticos vinculados a instituições brasileiras ou estrangeiras.


  • Mantenedor: UNICAMP
  • Tipo: IESE
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Campinas/SP
  • ISSN: 2176-1744
  • Qualis: A2
  • Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
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    Submissões Recentes

    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 126
    • Item
      Práticas matemáticas: contribuições sóciofilosóficas para a Educação Matemática
      (2009) VILELA, Denise Silva
      The objective of this study is to understand mathematics as social practices, that is, discuss theorically the conception of mathematic practices. It departs from an earlier study that perceives several ways of adjetivizing the term mathematics, such as school mathematics, street mathematics, academic mathematics, popular mathematics, everyday mathematics, and so on, supported by recent academic researches and publications in the field of Mathematics Education. Adjectivizes are understood as differences language-games along family resemblances, in the sense given by Wittgenstein to these concepts. Sociological concepts developed by Bourdieu are incorporated to this philosophical explanation. His conception of science is a reference to understanding mathematics as social practices, in which lies a situationist logic that determines specific mathematic norms and patterns.
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      Quem dança com quemo desenvolvimento do raciocínio combinatório de crianças de 1ª a 4ª série
      (2009) BORBA, Cristiane Pessoa e Rute
      In the present study it was observed how Elementary School pupils understand combinatorial problems and what strategies they use. Different types of problems (Cartesian product, arrangements, permutations and combinations) were present in the test applied and answers were analyzed according to age and problem type. Progress was observed through different school grades. Arrangements and permutations problems were the most difficult, probably because of the difficulty in exhausting all possibilities, in which the order of presentation of the elements is important. Strategies varied from total incomprehension of the relations involved, passing by relation comprehension without exhaustion of possibilities, until the identification of the product that summarizes the situation. It is necessary to recognize that combinatorial reasoning may develop also out of school, being necessary emphasis on the total exhaustion of possibilities whilst solving these types of problems in the classroom.
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      Equação e seus multisignificados: potencialidades para a construção do conhecimento matemático
      (2009) RIBEIRO, Alessandro Jacques; MACHADO, Silvia Dias Alcântara
      This paper aims to introduce, analyze, and characterize different meanings that can be given to equation in Mathematics teaching and learning. Based on one of the authors doctorate thesis, this work brings to discussion some research results in Algebraic Education field, about the process of giving meaning to the notion of equation. Following this discussion, the authors analyze how textbooks present equation idea, and indicate PCN´s recommendation about the importance of working with activities based on different perspectives and shapes to conceive Algebra. At last, the authors present the multimeanings of equation, discussing and analyzing their potentialities in the construction of mathematical knowledge during Teacher Training Courses.
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      Formação profissional de professores de matemática em serviço e políticas públicas
      (2009) REIS, Maria Elídia Teixeira; FIORENTINI, Dario
      This paper reports a research that had as aim to identify and analyze the contributions and limitations of an emergencial course of Mathematics Teacher Education (CMTE) for in-service teacher education. For that, a study qualitative case of a CMTE class, inside of the "Goiás State" was accomplished. The analysis material is constituted from documents related to the project of CMTE, of registrations of observation of teacher-student's classes and of student-teachers' opinions collected starting from questionnaires and interviews. Besides discussing the teacher education in face of the Brazilian public policies, this paper reports a student-teacher's case that pointed and evidenced contributions and limitations of his professional education, mainly related to his professional knowledge and his school practices in geometry.
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      Breve panorama da formação de professores que ensinam matemática e dos professores de matemática na UFMG
      (2009) ZAIDAN, Samira
      Aiming at contributing with Anped 2008 's Math Education working group, this text presents a) our view of contemporary education and teacher education; b) a brief outline of the curriculum reform of Mathematics Teacher Education undergraduate course at UFMG, c) teacher licensure students views of teacher-student relationships, d) teacher licensure students' views on the relationships between teachers, students and knowledge, as well as the relationships between the licensure and bachelor's degree in the Mathematics program. We also present a continuing education program developed at the School of Education at UFMG, a latu sensu graduate program (specialization) which focuses on the development of public school teachers, specially the group of Math Education. Finally, we approach the understanding of "schooled mathematics knowledge" in order to strengthen the establishment of a teacher education program that prepares student-teachers to interpret and analyze data from teaching contexts. We conclude the work by emphasizing the need of creating proper spaces for the education of Math teachers.
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