Revista Educação Especial
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A Revista Educação Especial (Journal of Special Education) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, publica apenas artigos originais, sendo relatos de pesquisa ou revisão de literatura, que contribuam para o campo da Educação Especial. Destina-se a estudantes, professores e pesquisadores em Educação. Os artigos devem atender a qualidade e contexto que o Conselho Editorial considera que seriam de interesse para um público nacional e internacional.
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- ItemAnálise de dissertações e teses em educação especial no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UNESP - Marília (1993-2004)(2006) MANZINI, Eduardo José; PAULINO, Vanessa Cristina; CORRÊA, Priscila Moreira; SILVA, Michele Oliveira da; LOPES, Mara Aparecidade de CastilhoThe production of knowledge in Special Education has been a subject focused by researchers of the area. It was aimed to rescue and analyze the dissertations and thesis in Special Education of the Program of Post-graduation in Education to identify this production. To do that it was made a research in the Capes reports. The abstracts were scanned and transformed into text archives. The result of this first stage culminated in the compilation of 55 abstracts, being 34 derived from Ph thesis and 21 from masters. A table composed of ten items was used to analyze the production. The results indicated an increase gradual and continued in the number of dissertations and thesis produced in the period from 1993 to 2003. The most researched subjects were 1) inclusion and integration (15); formation of human resources (6) and conception of deficiency (6). The most studied types of deficiency were: 1) physical deficiency (11); all deficiency (10) and mental retardation (9). The descriptive research appeared in 44 works and in 11 there was intervention in the educational reality. The public schools, as well as common and special classrooms were the most chosen places for the research. The interview was the procedure of data collection more widely used. We can conclude that the implemented study reveals the production in special education of the Program Post-graduation in Education in Unesp - Marília.
- ItemBranco sobre o branco: psicanálise, educação especial e inclusão escolar(2009) VASQUES, Carla K.In the construction of inclusive process we find obstacles relative to the supposeboundaries and possibilities of children with autism and infantile psychosiseducation. Because their singular psychological structure, these subjects shows stereotypes behaviors, uncontextualized speeches, written and reading locked in the literality of the meaning or with a lost connotation. These differences are, usually, seems as obstacles to the school inclusion, justifying the absence of an attendance or the assimilation for the reeducational spaces, searching a behavior adaptation. The objective these work is the construction of a new perspective about these subjects and their educational and subjective possibilities. Specifically, this paper presents a child psychological attendance, from his five to eleven years old, focalizing mainly on the relationship between clinic and educational inclusion. As lecture filters we have the freudian-lacanian psychoanalysis and the school inclusion propositions. This study wants to question the narrow interpretations, enlarge perspectives and flexibilize clinic and educationalprocesses.
- ItemDe Cadernos de Educação Especial a Revista Educação Especial: uma análise dos últimos 5 anos (2002 - 2006)(2007) TINÓS, Lúcia Maria Santos; CASTRO, Sabrina Fernandes deThis work presents an overview of the articles in the area of Special Education published in the "Revista Educação Especial" (Special Education Magazine) in the last five years. The objective of this research is to describe the general profile of the cited journal. The research was carried through the analysis of the number of volumes, articles, and number of pages between the years 2002 and 2006. In this period, 108 articles published in 10 volumes and written by 186 authors from 41 institutions were analyzed. Three variables were investigated: keywords, authors, and types of articles. Some results can be observed: 1) The predominant themes in the period were: Inclusion and People with Intellectual Ability Significantly Higher than Average; 2) Most of the authors is from the state of Rio Grande do Sul and 82 authors were from Federal University of Santa Maria; 3) 50 works had been published individually; 4) 60 of the 108 articles related practical experiences, and 40 articles were theory works. The results help to understand the role of the "Revista Educação Especial" in the current scene of the Special Education in Brazil.
- ItemEditorial – Revista Educação Especial(2009) NAUJORKS, Maria InêsThe Revista Educação Especial is classified as B3 by Qualis/CAPES, triennium 2007-2009. It circulates in approximately two hundred Brazilian institutions, publishing articles by national and international researchers. Starting this year, 2009, the journal will be published quarterly. Thus, at the same time that we seek to meet one more of the indicators for the qualification of the evaluation of the journal, we have the "breath" to make available to the interested public a greater number of productions in the area.
- ItemInvestigando a freqüência escolar de crianças com epilepsia(2009) ZANNI, Karina Piccin; MATSUKURA, Thelma Simões; MAIA FILHO, Heber de SouzaThe childhood epilepsy is a chronic disease that can have an impact in various spheres of life of the child, including academic performance and school attendance. This study aimed to describe and compare the school attendance of children with epilepsy who attend mainstream and special schools. Participants were 56 children aged between 7 and 14 years who attended regular or special schools located in two Brazilian cities of medium size. To collect the information we used two instruments: Data sheet of identification and characterization of the child and Data sheet to record the attendance school. The results showed that children in special schools had higher rates of absenteeism compared to students in regular schools. Additionally, we observed that these children use more drugs and have implications on health more severe than children in regular schools. Thus,it is the childhood epilepsy as a disease complex that brings substantial effects on various areas of children's lives by reinforcing the need for studies that might expandthe knowledge to and the experiences associated with the education of these children.
- ItemSem amor não se consegue desenvolver um bom trabalho: análise das representações sociais de professoras sobre inclusão escolar(2009) ALBUQUERQUE, Ednéia Rodrigues; MACHADO, Laêda BezerraThe educational legislation, and the National Policy on Education in Brazil highlight the Special Education as a means of education, offered, preferably in the regular school network, whose guiding principle is the inclusion. This article presents the results of a study of social representations to include school teachers between the public network developed in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. Participants in the survey are 43 teachers of students with disabilities in the municipal network of Jaboatao of Exmouth-EP. Data were collected through the free association of words and the results indicate that the inclusion in school social representation of teachers is an act of love. The character of the emotional evocations excels is in the social representations of students with disabilities affecting the meaning of inclusion as a right of a student with disabilities. Thus, the Special Education, despite its merits and achievements, such as social right constitutionally guaranteed to persons with disabilities continuesto be denied.