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- Item15 anos do HISTEDBR: histórico e situação atual(2001) SAVIANI, Dermeval; LOMBARDI, José Claudinei
- ItemA educação musical no contexto da relação entre currículo e sociedade(2000) SAVIANI, DermevalCurriculum is commonly understood as the list of subjects that make up a course or the list of subjects that make up a subject, in which it coincides with the term program. However, within the scope of specialists in this field, the tendency to consider the curriculum as a set of activities (including the physical and human material destined for them) that are carried out with a view to a specific purpose has prevailed. This can be considered the expanded concept of the curriculum, as, as far as the school is concerned, it encompasses all the elements related to it. We could say that, just as the method tries to answer the question: how to achieve a certain objective, the curriculum tries to answer the question: what should be done to reach a certain objective. It concerns, therefore, the content of education and its distribution in the time and space allocated to it.
- ItemEducação no Brasil: concepção e desafios para o século XXI(2001) SAVIANI, DermevalThe problem of conceptions of education can be approached in different ways. A possible approach is based on philosophy, identifying, consequently, the main conceptions of education expressed in the great trends that have manifested themselves throughout history. In this line of analysis, we could arrive at the different conceptions of philosophy of education also considering the philosophical currents articulated to them. Another way of approaching it would be to take into account the properly pedagogical aspect, which would lead us to identify the main pedagogical currents such as Escolanovismo, non-directivism, constructivism, behaviorism, etc. Another way would be to consider education from the social function performed in different societies over time. In this case, education would be conceived as a process of inculturation or acculturation of new generations in the traditions and customs characteristic of a specific social formation. In this context, as pointed out by Durkheim, the roles of homogenization and differentiation required of its members by society would emerge. However, for the purposes of this exhibition within the scope of this National Conference on Education, Culture and Sport, I will not follow any of the paths mentioned above. I will try to stick to the objectives of this event, which, inspired by Anísio Teixeira and intending to be predominantly propositional, invites us to seek concrete alternatives, especially in the scope of legislation, in order to outline, as clearly as possible, the design and the resulting measures required to face the challenges facing Brazilian education at the threshold of the 21st century.
- ItemEspistemologia e teorias da educação no Brasil(2007) SAVIANI, DermevalIn dealing with the theme referring to the relationship between epistemology and theories of education, this article begins by identifying the different educational theories within the main conceptions of education. From there, it highlights the specific
- ItemHistória da educação e política educacional(2001) SAVIANI, DermevalAt the opening of this I Brazilian Congress on the History of Education, I would like, as a preliminary, to welcome everyone present. To Prof. Dr. Afonso Carlos Marques dos Santos, coordinator of the Science and Culture Forum and, on his behalf, to UFRJ, I am grateful for the welcome that made our Congress possible here in Rio de Janeiro. To Prof. Antonio Viñao Frago, special guest to deliver the opening lecture of our congress, on behalf of whom I salute the colleagues of the Spanish Society for the History of Education, my thanks for accepting our invitation. I also extend this greeting to the members of the History of Education Section of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences, with a special reference to António Nóvoa, President of the Board of ISCHE, that is, the International Society for the History of Education. On behalf of Prof. Mariano Narodowski, president of the Argentine Society for the History of Education, I would like to greet all my colleagues in Latin America, in particular the representatives of the Societies for the History of Education in neighboring countries. I also greet the exhibitors at the Round Tables who have helpfully agreed to the SBHE's invitation. A very special thanks to the SUDESTE regional board and the Organizing Committee that in a short period of time and in a particularly unfavorable situation due to the prolonged strike that hit public universities, overcame all obstacles making this our first congress a reality. Finally, I thank all the participants of this scientific meeting to whom we owe the strength of our Society, which acquires visibility in this already memorable first Brazilian Congress on the History of Education.
- ItemOrganização da educação nacional: sistema e conselho nacional de educação, plano e fórum nacional de educação(2010) SAVIANI, DermevalThis paper analyses the organization of the Brazilian education as established by the current LDB (Law of Basic Tenets and Guidelines of Brazilian Education), which points out elements to implement the National Education System with its normative and deli
- ItemPolítica educacional no Brasil após a Ditadura Militar(2018) SAVIANI, DermevalPartindo do contexto caracterizado pelo denominado “Consenso de Washington”, este artigo aborda a política educacional no período pós ditadura militar analisando as iniciativas dos governos de Sarney, Collor, Itamar, FHC, Lula e Dilma, concluindo com uma referência ao atual governo Temer decorrente do golpe que destituiu a Presidenta reeleita.
- ItemPolíticas educacionais em tempos de golpe: retrocessos e formas de resistência(2020) SAVIANI, DermevalEste artigo aborda a política educacional brasileira atual começando por caracterizar a tendência geral de precarização da educação no País expressa na filantropia, na protelação, na fragmentação e na improvisação. Em seguida mostra que os avanços conseguidos pela mobilização dos educadores entre 2003 e 2014 foram interrompidos pelo golpe jurídico-midiático-parlamentar consumado em 31 de agosto de 2016 com o impedimento da então Presidenta da República Dilma Rousseff. Decorreu daí um grande retrocesso expresso na Emenda 95, que congelou os investimentos em educação, inviabilizando as metas do PNE aprovado em junho de 2014, na reforma do ensino médio e no projeto autodenominado “escola sem partido”. À guisa de conclusão, são indicadas formas de resistência ao retrocesso que vem se ampliando e aprofundando com a posse do novo governo em 1º de janeiro de 2019