TICE orientadas a indivíduos com TA: uma revisão narrativa e seus apontamentos
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre o tema Tecnologias Digitais de Informação, Comunicação e Expressão (TICE), aplicadas no apoio pedagógico a indivíduos com Transtornos de Aprendizagem (TA). Trata-se de uma pesquisa na modalidade revisão bibliográfica, com características qualitativas e descritivo-analíticas, que culminou no mapeamento teórico-conceitual do tema. Os resultados apontam muitas possibilidades de uso de TICE em situações de ensino-aprendizagem para estudantes com TA. Contudo, em geral, a voz do docente e a sua perspectiva, enquanto usuário de TICE como mediadora deste tipo de trabalho pedagógico, não ficam claros nos estudos.
The present work aimed to carry out a narrative review on the topic Digital Technologies of Information, Communication and Expression (TICE), applied in pedagogical support to individuals with Learning Disorders (LD). This is a research in the bibliographic review modality, with qualitative and descriptive-analytical characteristics, which culminated in the theoretical-conceptual mapping of the theme. The results point to many possibilities of using ICT in teaching-learning situations for students with ED. However, in general, the teacher's voice and his perspective, as a user of ICT as a mediator of this type of pedagogical work, are not clear in the studies.
The present work aimed to carry out a narrative review on the topic Digital Technologies of Information, Communication and Expression (TICE), applied in pedagogical support to individuals with Learning Disorders (LD). This is a research in the bibliographic review modality, with qualitative and descriptive-analytical characteristics, which culminated in the theoretical-conceptual mapping of the theme. The results point to many possibilities of using ICT in teaching-learning situations for students with ED. However, in general, the teacher's voice and his perspective, as a user of ICT as a mediator of this type of pedagogical work, are not clear in the studies.
Le présent travail visait à réaliser une revue narrative sur le thème des Technologies Numériques de l'Information, de la Communication et de l'Expression (TICE), appliquées dans l'accompagnement pédagogique des personnes présentant des Troubles des Apprentissages (TA). Il s'agit d'une recherche dans la modalité de revue bibliographique, avec des caractéristiques qualitatives et descriptives-analytiques, qui a abouti à la cartographie théorique-conceptuelle du thème. Les résultats indiquent de nombreuses possibilités d'utilisation des TIC dans des situations d'enseignement-apprentissage pour les élèves ayant une DE. Cependant, en général, la voix et la perspective de l'enseignant, en tant qu'utilisateur des TIC en tant que médiateur de ce type de travail pédagogique, ne sont pas claires dans les études.
The present work aimed to carry out a narrative review on the topic Digital Technologies of Information, Communication and Expression (TICE), applied in pedagogical support to individuals with Learning Disorders (LD). This is a research in the bibliographic review modality, with qualitative and descriptive-analytical characteristics, which culminated in the theoretical-conceptual mapping of the theme. The results point to many possibilities of using ICT in teaching-learning situations for students with ED. However, in general, the teacher's voice and his perspective, as a user of ICT as a mediator of this type of pedagogical work, are not clear in the studies.
The present work aimed to carry out a narrative review on the topic Digital Technologies of Information, Communication and Expression (TICE), applied in pedagogical support to individuals with Learning Disorders (LD). This is a research in the bibliographic review modality, with qualitative and descriptive-analytical characteristics, which culminated in the theoretical-conceptual mapping of the theme. The results point to many possibilities of using ICT in teaching-learning situations for students with ED. However, in general, the teacher's voice and his perspective, as a user of ICT as a mediator of this type of pedagogical work, are not clear in the studies.
Le présent travail visait à réaliser une revue narrative sur le thème des Technologies Numériques de l'Information, de la Communication et de l'Expression (TICE), appliquées dans l'accompagnement pédagogique des personnes présentant des Troubles des Apprentissages (TA). Il s'agit d'une recherche dans la modalité de revue bibliographique, avec des caractéristiques qualitatives et descriptives-analytiques, qui a abouti à la cartographie théorique-conceptuelle du thème. Les résultats indiquent de nombreuses possibilités d'utilisation des TIC dans des situations d'enseignement-apprentissage pour les élèves ayant une DE. Cependant, en général, la voix et la perspective de l'enseignant, en tant qu'utilisateur des TIC en tant que médiateur de ce type de travail pédagogique, ne sont pas claires dans les études.
Tecnologias digitais de informação, Comunicação e expressão, Transtornos de aprendizagem, Estratégias educativas, Digital information technologies, Communication and expression, Learning disorders, Educational strategies, Tecnologías digitales de la información, Comunicación y expresión, Trastornos del aprendizaje, Estrategias educativas, Technologies numériques de l'information, Communication et expression, Troubles des apprentissages, Stratégies éducatives
BELLUCCI, Jackeline Neres; SANTOS, Gilberto Lacerda. TICE orientadas a indivíduos com TA: uma revisão narrativa e seus apontamentos. Linhas Críticas, Brasília, v. 27, p. e36040, jan/dez. 2021. https://doi.org/10.26512/lc.v27.2021.36040. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/linhascriticas/article/view/36040. Acesso em: 2022-02-25