Traços da modelagem matemática escolar para o ensino de polinômios
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Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática
pt, en
O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a criação de condições no sentido da transposição didática do saber a partir do uso de materiais concretos,com base em objetos da geometria escolar, para tornarpossível o ensino de polinômios aosalunos do oitavo ano do ensino fundamental. A referida problemáticainsere-seno contexto da transposição didática e, mais amplamente, da teoria antropológica do didático. Para isso, assumimos recursos didático-metodológicos dessa teoria como instrumentosde análise a partir de experimentações empíricas observadas com alunos do oitavo ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública. Os resultados encontrados evidenciaram potencialidades entorno das condições criadasinicialmente, mas somente em ato, outras condições emergiram no processo de estudos, as quais caracterizamtraços de uma prática de modelagem matemática algébrica, bem como estimulam pesquisas futuras sobre essa prática
This article seeks to describe the creation of conditions for the didactic transposition of knowledge from the use of concrete materials, based on objects of school geometry. Also, it will be discussed how it is possible to teach polynomials to students in the eighth grade of elementary school based on the previous description.This problem is inserted in the context of didactic transposition and, more broadly, of the anthropological theory of didactics.For this, we defined as didactic-methodological resources the instruments of analysis applied to empirical experiments with students of the eighth grade of elementary public school.Finally, we confirmed potentialities around the conditions created initially, but only in the act, since other conditions emerged in the study process, which characterize traces of an algebraic mathematical modeling practice, as well as stimulate future research on this practice.
This article seeks to describe the creation of conditions for the didactic transposition of knowledge from the use of concrete materials, based on objects of school geometry. Also, it will be discussed how it is possible to teach polynomials to students in the eighth grade of elementary school based on the previous description.This problem is inserted in the context of didactic transposition and, more broadly, of the anthropological theory of didactics.For this, we defined as didactic-methodological resources the instruments of analysis applied to empirical experiments with students of the eighth grade of elementary public school.Finally, we confirmed potentialities around the conditions created initially, but only in the act, since other conditions emerged in the study process, which characterize traces of an algebraic mathematical modeling practice, as well as stimulate future research on this practice.
Modelagem matemática escolar, Teoria antropológica do didático, Álgebra Escolar, School mathematical modeling, Anthropological theory of the didactic, School algebra
OLIVEIRA, Manoel Lucival da Silva; SODRÉ, Gleison de Jesus Marinho. Traços da modelagem matemática escolar para o ensino de polinômios. Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática, Florianópolis, v. 16, n. 1, p. 1–22. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-09-18