Educação intercultural e Lócus de enunciação: inspirado em uma experiência educativa no México
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Educação (UFSM)
Santa Maria, RS
O presente artigo aborda uma experiência político-educativa vivida no México e que corresponde a reflexões de questões emergentes de processos formativos de professores indígenas. Estes processos sugerem correlações da interculturalidade crítica com o bem viver, da decolinialidade do saber e do poder e das políticas epistêmicas. Essa experiência formaliza-se no projeto de pesquisa intitulado “Milpas Educativas: Laboratorios socionaturales vivos para el buen vivir”. Ele é capitaneado pelos membros integrantes da Red de Educación Inductiva Intercultural (REDIIN) no interior do Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) e da Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), em parceria com a Unión de los Maestros para una Nueva Educación en México (UNEM/EI). O objetivo é analisar como circularam algumas enunciações sobre o campo de estudos da educação intercultural que formou significados observados nesses espaços formativos, especificamente no projeto de pesquisa. A metodologia usa a perspectiva de lócus de enunciação para explicar uma aproximação analítica conjugada com as concepções do método indutivo intercultural e do pensamento decolonial, para entender como a interculturalidade crítica reverbera em três encontros ocorridos e pertinentes a cinco estados mexicanos, quais sejam: Chiapas, Yucatán, Puebla, Oaxaca e Mochoacán, em 2017. A investigação indica que as repercussões foram conduzidas para um processo formativo que procurou compreender distintas dimensões que caracterizaram a interculturalidade e apresentaram indícios nessa formação de pensamentos e práticas contra-hegemônicos. O estudo aponta para uma abertura de novos horizontes de aprendizados e para uma possível elaboração da proposta que denominamos de Política de Resistência.
This paper addresses a political and educational experience that took place in Mexico and corresponds to reflections on some emerging questions of indigenous teacher training processes. These processes suggest correlations of critical interculturality with the good living, decoloniality of knowledge and power, and epistemic policies. This experience is present in the ongoing research project Milpas Educativas: Laboratorios socionaturales vivos para el buen vivir. This project is led by the members of Red de Educación Inductiva Intercultural (REDIIN), part of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) and of Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), with the Unión de los Maestros para una Nueva Educación en México (UNEM/EI). It seeks to analyze how some studies in the field of intercultural education have circulated, which has created meanings noted in those training spaces, particularly in the research project. Its methodology is based on a locus of enunciation perspective to explain an analytical approximation coupled with the intercultural inductive method and decolonial thinking conceptions and to understand how the critical interculturality have reverberated in three meetings considering five Mexican states in 2017, namely, Chiapas, Yucatán, Puebla, Oaxaca e Mochoacán. The study conducted suggests the repercussions were led to a training process aiming to understand different aspects that characterize interculturality and present clues in this creation of counter-hegemonic thinking and practices. The study also points to the openness of new learning horizons and a possible elaboration of the proposal we have called Resistance Policy.
This paper addresses a political and educational experience that took place in Mexico and corresponds to reflections on some emerging questions of indigenous teacher training processes. These processes suggest correlations of critical interculturality with the good living, decoloniality of knowledge and power, and epistemic policies. This experience is present in the ongoing research project Milpas Educativas: Laboratorios socionaturales vivos para el buen vivir. This project is led by the members of Red de Educación Inductiva Intercultural (REDIIN), part of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) and of Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), with the Unión de los Maestros para una Nueva Educación en México (UNEM/EI). It seeks to analyze how some studies in the field of intercultural education have circulated, which has created meanings noted in those training spaces, particularly in the research project. Its methodology is based on a locus of enunciation perspective to explain an analytical approximation coupled with the intercultural inductive method and decolonial thinking conceptions and to understand how the critical interculturality have reverberated in three meetings considering five Mexican states in 2017, namely, Chiapas, Yucatán, Puebla, Oaxaca e Mochoacán. The study conducted suggests the repercussions were led to a training process aiming to understand different aspects that characterize interculturality and present clues in this creation of counter-hegemonic thinking and practices. The study also points to the openness of new learning horizons and a possible elaboration of the proposal we have called Resistance Policy.
Educação intercultural de formação de professores indígenas, Lócus de enunciação nas comunidades indígenas, Outros espaços e experiências formativos no México, Intercultural education of indigenous teacher training, Locus of enunciation in indigenous communities, Other Spaces and training experiences in Mexico
SILVA, Lucilene Julia da; NASCIMENTO, Adir Casaro; BUSQUETS, Maria Bertely. Educação intercultural e Lócus de enunciação: inspirado em uma experiência educativa no México. Educação (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, v. 46, n. 22, p. 1-25, jan/dez. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2022-07-20