Estado da arte sobre o ensino de matemática nas tribal colleges estadunidenses: um estudo exploratório
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Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática
pt, en
O presente artigo tenciona realizar um estado da arte sobre o Ensino de Matemática nas Tribal Colleges, sendo este um recorte de um projeto maior nominado “Formação (Etno)Matemática nas Tribal CollegesEstadunidenses”. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, caracterizamos o sistema educacional estadunidense e como as Tribal Collegesse inserem no mesmo. Logo após, realizamos uma busca no Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) utilizando os termos “Tribal College” com “Mathematics”, delimitando um período temporal de 2015 a 2020. Assim, por meio da leitura dos resumos, ousando conhecer o objetivo e a proposta dos trabalhos, foram selecionados seis artigos que cumpriam os objetivos delimitados para essa busca. A pesquisa nos permite defender que há a necessidade de estudos com o foco nas práticas de ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática no contexto das culturas indígenas nativas das Tribal Colleges.
This article intends to carry out a state of art on Teaching of Mathematics at the Tribal Colleges, this being a cutout from a larger project called “Etnomathematics Formation at the Tribal Colleges in the United States of America”. For that, at first, we characterize the educational system in the United States of America and how the Tribal Colleges are inserted in it. Soon after, we conducted a search on the Capes Journals Database using the terms “Tribal College” with “Mathematics”, delimiting a period from 2015 to 2020. Thus, by reading the abstracts, in order to know the goals and proposals of the studies, six articles were selected that complied with the objectives defined for this search. The research allows us to defend that there is a need for studies focusing on the teaching and learning practices of Mathematics in the context of the native indigenous cultures of the Tribal Colleges.
This article intends to carry out a state of art on Teaching of Mathematics at the Tribal Colleges, this being a cutout from a larger project called “Etnomathematics Formation at the Tribal Colleges in the United States of America”. For that, at first, we characterize the educational system in the United States of America and how the Tribal Colleges are inserted in it. Soon after, we conducted a search on the Capes Journals Database using the terms “Tribal College” with “Mathematics”, delimiting a period from 2015 to 2020. Thus, by reading the abstracts, in order to know the goals and proposals of the studies, six articles were selected that complied with the objectives defined for this search. The research allows us to defend that there is a need for studies focusing on the teaching and learning practices of Mathematics in the context of the native indigenous cultures of the Tribal Colleges.
Educação superior indígena, EUA, Community colleges, Indigenous higher education, USA, Community colleges
TAVEIRA, Flavio Augusto Leite; MARTINS, Igor Micheletto; GONÇALVES, Harryson Júnio Lessa. Estado da arte sobre o ensino de matemática nas tribal colleges estadunidenses: um estudo exploratório. Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática, Florianópolis, v. 17, n. 1, p. 1–18. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-09-18