Medindo um território: a modalidade de Educação Mediada no contexto do NEaDUNI
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Título do Períodico
Cascavel, PR
O presente artigo tem como tema a Educação a Distância (EaD) ou Educação Mediada (Eme) e visa a apresentar alguns aspectos que envolveram o início dessa modalidade no Brasil e a sua presença no Núcleo de Educação a Distância da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (NEaDUNI). O NEaDUNI é uma unidade administrativa, vinculada à Pró-Reitoria de Graduação da Unioeste, que é o órgão principal da instituição para colaborar com as atividades que são e venham a ser desenvolvidas ou ofertadas na modalidade mediada, quer para a distância, quer para o ensino híbrido. O estudo de natureza básica é uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, que tem como procedimentos técnicos a investigação documental e bibliográfica. Como resultado, apresenta-se o percurso que a educação mediada teve desde o rádio até as tecnologias digitais, por meio da oferta de cursos de ensino superior, além de evidenciar os esforços e as contribuições que o NEaDUNI tem feito para a promoção de uma educação mediada de qualidade a todos os atores envolvidos no processo de aprendência do Núcleo.
The current study has as its theme the e-Learning or Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and aims to present some aspects related to the beginning of the modality in Brazil and its presence in the Distance Learning Center of Western Paraná State University (NEaDUNI). NEaDUNI is linked to the Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies of Unioeste, the main center responsible for collaborating with remote and hybrid activities offered by the university. This basic study is descriptive and exploratory research, whose technical procedures are documentary and bibliographic investigation. As a result, the path that Mediated Learning has taken since its early days is presented - from the radio to digital technologies, through the offer of higher education courses. Furthermore, the study highlights the efforts and contributions that NEaDUNI has made to promote high-quality mediated learning for all the actors involved in the learning process at the center.
The current study has as its theme the e-Learning or Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and aims to present some aspects related to the beginning of the modality in Brazil and its presence in the Distance Learning Center of Western Paraná State University (NEaDUNI). NEaDUNI is linked to the Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies of Unioeste, the main center responsible for collaborating with remote and hybrid activities offered by the university. This basic study is descriptive and exploratory research, whose technical procedures are documentary and bibliographic investigation. As a result, the path that Mediated Learning has taken since its early days is presented - from the radio to digital technologies, through the offer of higher education courses. Furthermore, the study highlights the efforts and contributions that NEaDUNI has made to promote high-quality mediated learning for all the actors involved in the learning process at the center.
Ensino, Eme, EaD no Brasil, Unioeste, Núcleo de Educação a Distância da Unioeste, Teaching, MLE, e-Learning in Brazil, Unioeste, Distance Learning Center of Western Paraná State University
CAVALCANTE, Higor Miranda Cavalcante; DAL MOLIN, Beatriz Helena. Medindo um território: a modalidade de Educação Mediada no contexto do NEaDUNI. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 15, n. 2, p. 389-403, maio/ago. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2022-02-21