Recursos de um professor para ensinar matemática em uma escola do campo no período pandêmico
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Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática
pt, en
Este artigo, ancorado nos estudos sobre a Educação do Campo e na Abordagem Documental do Didático, traz uma pesquisa de iniciação científica que objetivou caracterizar os recursos utilizados por um professor para ensinar matemática em uma escola do campo no período pandêmico e suas possíveis relações com a Educação do Campo. Na coleta de dados utilizaram-seos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semiestruturada com o professor; construção de uma representação esquemática dos recursos empregados por ele e acompanhamento de uma aula realizada de forma remota e de forma presencial, observando-se as recomendações das autoridades sanitárias no período pandêmico. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram a diversidade de recursos ‒ predominantemente do tipo material ‒ que foram usados. Nas aulas remotas o professor utilizou, prioritariamente, recursos digitais ‒ que se tornaram quase um imperativo para o ensino nesse período e com os quais ele demonstrou afinidade ‒, como as videoaulas que produzia e o aplicativo WhatsApppara enviar outros expedientes e comunicar-se com os estudantes que tinham acesso à internet. Contudo, para aqueles cujo acesso era precário ou inexistente ‒ em maioria os que habitavam na área rural ‒ ele produzia apostilas impressas com as explicações dosconteúdos das videoaulas. Mesmo que a relação dos recursos usados pelo professor com a Educação do Campo não seja explícita em suas respostas, destaca-se que ele produziu, selecionou e utilizou instrumentos como as visitas domiciliares, caracterizados como não materiais, para atender as necessidades específicas dos estudantes camponeses durante a pandemia
This article, anchored in studies on field education and the documentational approach to didactics, brings a scientific initiation research that aims to characterize the resources used by a teacher to teach mathematics in a field school during the pandemicperiod and its possible relationships with field education. In data collection, the following instruments were used: a semi-structured interview with the teacher; the construction of a schematic representation of the resources used by the teacher, and monitoring of a class held remotely and in person, observing the recommendations of the health authorities in the pandemic period. The research results show the diversity of resources used ‒ predominantly of the material type. In remote classes, the teacher used, as a priority, digital resources ‒ which became almost an imperative for teaching during this period and with which he showed to be familiar ‒, such as the video classes he produced and the WhatsApp application to send other files and communicate withstudents who had internet access. However, for those whose access was precarious or non-existent ‒ mostly those who lived in rural areas ‒he produced printed handouts explaining the contents of the video lessons. Even if the relationship between the resources used by the teacher and field education is not explicit in his answers, it is noteworthy that he produced, selected, and used instruments such as home visits, characterized as non-material, to meet the specific needs of the students from the rural areas during the pandemic
This article, anchored in studies on field education and the documentational approach to didactics, brings a scientific initiation research that aims to characterize the resources used by a teacher to teach mathematics in a field school during the pandemicperiod and its possible relationships with field education. In data collection, the following instruments were used: a semi-structured interview with the teacher; the construction of a schematic representation of the resources used by the teacher, and monitoring of a class held remotely and in person, observing the recommendations of the health authorities in the pandemic period. The research results show the diversity of resources used ‒ predominantly of the material type. In remote classes, the teacher used, as a priority, digital resources ‒ which became almost an imperative for teaching during this period and with which he showed to be familiar ‒, such as the video classes he produced and the WhatsApp application to send other files and communicate withstudents who had internet access. However, for those whose access was precarious or non-existent ‒ mostly those who lived in rural areas ‒he produced printed handouts explaining the contents of the video lessons. Even if the relationship between the resources used by the teacher and field education is not explicit in his answers, it is noteworthy that he produced, selected, and used instruments such as home visits, characterized as non-material, to meet the specific needs of the students from the rural areas during the pandemic
Educação do campo, Abordagem documental do didático, Recursos, Pandemia da Covid-19, Field education, Documentational approach to didactics, Resources, Covid-19 pandemic
SOUSA, Edson Carlos Sobral de; ROCHA, Cristiane de Arimatéa; LIMA, Iranete Maria da Silva. Recursos de um professor para ensinar matemática em uma escola do campo no período pandêmico. Revemat: Revista Eletrônica de Educação Matemática, Florianópolis, v. 18, n. 1, p. 1–21. 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-09-18