As esperanças perdidas da educação de jovens e adultos com o Fundeb
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Fineduca: Revista de Financiamento da Educação
São Paulo, SP
O artigo analisa a evolução de indicadores de atendimento de EJA em diálogo com as expectativas geradas pela implantação do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), que passou a contabilizar as matrículas dessa modalidade para efeito de repasse dos recursos aos entes federados. Trata-se de uma análise documental tendo por base os dados de matrícula do Censo Escolar, sistematizados em séries históricas pelo Laboratório de Dados Educacionais (LDE) da UFPR, bem como o monitoramento dos indicadores de cumprimento das metas do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) realizado pelo INEP. Também é feita uma estimativa dos recursos propiciados à EJA pelo governo federal e pelos estados e municípios. Os dados indicam uma queda sistemática nas matrículas de EJA no período de 2007 a 2019 e uma lenta progressão rumo às metas do PNE mais diretamente associadas à modalidade, indicando que dificilmente elas serão atingidas em 2024. Os recursos federais destinados para a subfunção EJA saem de um patamar de R$ 1,8 bilhões, empenhados em 2012, para míseros R$ 8 milhões, em 2020, queda de 95,56%. Já no caso dos estados, DF e municípios estimou-se, com base em modelo referenciado na participação das matrículas, recursos da ordem de 0,28% do PIB, em 2019. Finalmente analisam-se eventuais efeitos do novo Fundeb e sugerem-se algumas medidas para a garantia do direito à educação básica aos jovens e adultos brasileiros.
The article analyzes the evolution of YAE service indicators in dialogue with the expectations generated by the implementation of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb), which started to account for enrollments in this modality for the purpose of transfer of funds to federated entities. This is a documentary analysis based on the enrollment data from the School Census, systematized in historical series by the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Educational Data Laboratory (LDE), as well as the monitoring of the indicators of achievement of the goals of the Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) carried out by INEP. An estimate is also made of the resources provided to YAE by the federal government and by the states and cities. The data indicate a systematic drop in YAE enrollments in the period from 2007 to 2019 and a slow progression towards the goals of the PNE most directly associated with the modality, indicating that they will hardly be reached in 2024. Federal funds earmarked for the YAE subfunction fall from a level of R$ 1.8 billion committed, in 2012, to a measly R$ 8 million, in 2020, a drop of 95.56%. In the case of states, Federal District and cities, resources estimated at 0.28% of GDP in 2019 were based on a model referenced to participation in enrollments. Finally, possible effects of the new Fundeb are analyzed and some measures are suggested to guarantee the right to basic education for Brazilian youth and adults.
The article analyzes the evolution of YAE service indicators in dialogue with the expectations generated by the implementation of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb), which started to account for enrollments in this modality for the purpose of transfer of funds to federated entities. This is a documentary analysis based on the enrollment data from the School Census, systematized in historical series by the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Educational Data Laboratory (LDE), as well as the monitoring of the indicators of achievement of the goals of the Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) carried out by INEP. An estimate is also made of the resources provided to YAE by the federal government and by the states and cities. The data indicate a systematic drop in YAE enrollments in the period from 2007 to 2019 and a slow progression towards the goals of the PNE most directly associated with the modality, indicating that they will hardly be reached in 2024. Federal funds earmarked for the YAE subfunction fall from a level of R$ 1.8 billion committed, in 2012, to a measly R$ 8 million, in 2020, a drop of 95.56%. In the case of states, Federal District and cities, resources estimated at 0.28% of GDP in 2019 were based on a model referenced to participation in enrollments. Finally, possible effects of the new Fundeb are analyzed and some measures are suggested to guarantee the right to basic education for Brazilian youth and adults.
Educação de Jovens e Adultos, Fundeb, Financiamento da educação, Financiamento da EJA, Youth and adult education, Fundeb, Education financing, YAE financing
PINTO, José Marcelino de Rezende. As esperanças perdidas da educação de jovens e adultos com o Fundeb. Fineduca: Revista de Financiamento da Educação, São Paulo, SP, v. 11, p. e111438. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-08-07