The error of John Horgan: the author of the prediction of 3 Ktemperature of the Universe was McKellar and not McCullough
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Vitruvian cogitationes
Esta breve comunicação foi escrita no interesse do Ensino de Astronomia e da divulgação da ciência astronômica para corrigir uma informação presente no popular livro de John Horgan (originalmente publicado em 1996), The end of science: facingthe limits of knowledge in the twilight of the science age, a respeito da previsão da temperatura da radiação cósmica de fundo (CBR) antes de Arno Penzias e Robert Wilson. Horgan citou Andrew McCullough. O nome correto é Andrew McKellar. Outro erro é o ano da publicação do artigo de McKellar: 1940 (na revista Astronomical Society of the Pacific) e não 1941, como Horgan havia citado em seu livro. Também são discutidas as previsões mais precisas da temperatura da CBR realizadas antes de Penzias & Wilson usando um modelo de Universo não-Big Bang.
Esta breve comunicación fue escrita en interés de la enseñanza de la Astronomía y la difusiónde la Ciencia de la Astronomía para corregir una informaciónpresente en el popular libro escrito por John Horgan (originalmente publicado en 1996), The end of science: facing the limits of knowledge in the twilight of the science age, respect a la previsiónde la temperaturacósmicade fondo CBR anterior a Arno Penzias y Robert Wilson. Horgan citó a Andrew McCullough. El nombre correcto es Andrew McKellar. Otro error es el año de publicación del artículo de McKellar: 1940 (en la revista Astronomical Society of the Pacific) y no 1941 como cita Horgan en su libro. También se discuten las buenas predicciones de la temperaturaCBR hechas antes de que Penzias & Wilson usaran un modelo del Universo que no aquel del Big Bang.
This short communication was written to the interest of the Astronomy teaching or the dissemination of the Astronomy Science to correct an information present in the popular book wrote by John Horgan (originally in 1996), The end of science: facing the limits of knowledge in the twilight of the science age, respect to the prevision of the CBR temperature prior to Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. Horgan quoted Andrew McCullough. The correct name is Andrew Mckellar. Another error is the year of the publication of the McKellar’s paper: 1940 (in the Astronomical Society of the Pacific journal) and not 1941 as he quoted in his book. It is also discussed the good predictions of the CBR temperature made prior to Penzias & Wilson using a not Big Bang’s model of the Universe.
Esta breve comunicación fue escrita en interés de la enseñanza de la Astronomía y la difusiónde la Ciencia de la Astronomía para corregir una informaciónpresente en el popular libro escrito por John Horgan (originalmente publicado en 1996), The end of science: facing the limits of knowledge in the twilight of the science age, respect a la previsiónde la temperaturacósmicade fondo CBR anterior a Arno Penzias y Robert Wilson. Horgan citó a Andrew McCullough. El nombre correcto es Andrew McKellar. Otro error es el año de publicación del artículo de McKellar: 1940 (en la revista Astronomical Society of the Pacific) y no 1941 como cita Horgan en su libro. También se discuten las buenas predicciones de la temperaturaCBR hechas antes de que Penzias & Wilson usaran un modelo del Universo que no aquel del Big Bang.
This short communication was written to the interest of the Astronomy teaching or the dissemination of the Astronomy Science to correct an information present in the popular book wrote by John Horgan (originally in 1996), The end of science: facing the limits of knowledge in the twilight of the science age, respect to the prevision of the CBR temperature prior to Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. Horgan quoted Andrew McCullough. The correct name is Andrew Mckellar. Another error is the year of the publication of the McKellar’s paper: 1940 (in the Astronomical Society of the Pacific journal) and not 1941 as he quoted in his book. It is also discussed the good predictions of the CBR temperature made prior to Penzias & Wilson using a not Big Bang’s model of the Universe.
Ensino de Astronomia, Horgan, McKellar, Temperatura de 3 K, Predições, Enseñanza de la Astronomía, Horgan, McKellar, Temperatura de 3 K, Predicciones, Astronomy teaching, Horgan, McKellar, 3K temperature, Predictions
NEVES, Marcos Cesar Danhoni; GARDELLI, Daniel; PEREIRA, Ricardo Francisco; SILVA, Josie Agatha Parrilha da; GUERRA, Wilson; NEVES, Ana Claudia Danhoni. The error of John Horgan: the author of the prediction of 3 Ktemperature of the Universe was McKellar and not McCullough. Vitruvian cogitationes, p. 23-30. 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2025-02-12