A implementação de metodologias ativas de ensino como forma de alcançar melhorias no processo de retenção de aprendizagem
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
A adoção de metodologias ativas na educação corrobora de maneira sistêmica com a formação de indivíduos e profissionais mais capacitados, cientes de seu papel social, munidos de maiores competências sustentáveis através da execução de práticas ambientalmente corretas, socialmente justas e economicamente viáveis. Diante do exposto, deve-se salientar que o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral, verificar e demonstrar como o uso de metodologias ativas no curso Técnico de Administração, em um Polo do Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - IFTM no Município de Ibiá-MG, colabora para motivar os alunos em seus estudos, tornando-os sujeitos ativos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, bem como na retenção de conteúdos. Para a realização deste trabalho foi sugerido que os alunos do Curso Técnico em questão produzissem um Podcast com objetivo de realizar uma pesquisa referente à influência de incubadoras de empresas na criação de novos negócios. Verificou-se que através da aplicação de metodologias ativas de ensino os alunos se tornam sujeitos ativos da aprendizagem, tendo o professor o papel de mediar e facilitar a transmissão dos conhecimentos, proporcionando ao discente uma maior retenção da aprendizagem e também a construção autônoma de seu próprio conhecimento.
The adoption of active methodologies in education systematically supports the formation of more qualified individuals and professionals, aware of their social role, equipped with greater sustainable skills through the execution of environmentally correct, socially fair and economically viable practices. In view of the above, it should be noted that the present study has the general objective of verifying and demonstrating how the use of active methodologies in the Technical Administration course, in a Pole of the Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro - IFTM in the Municipality of Ibiá-MG, collaborates to motivate students in their studies, making them active subjects in the teaching and learning process, as well as in content retention. In order to carry out this work, it was suggested that the students of the Technical Course in question produce a Podcast with the objective of carrying out a research regarding the influence of business incubators in the creation of new businesses. It was found that through the application of active teaching methodologies, students become active subjects of learning, with the teacher having the role of mediating and facilitating the transmission of knowledge, providing students with greater retention of learning and also the autonomous construction of their knowledge itself.
The adoption of active methodologies in education systematically supports the formation of more qualified individuals and professionals, aware of their social role, equipped with greater sustainable skills through the execution of environmentally correct, socially fair and economically viable practices. In view of the above, it should be noted that the present study has the general objective of verifying and demonstrating how the use of active methodologies in the Technical Administration course, in a Pole of the Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro - IFTM in the Municipality of Ibiá-MG, collaborates to motivate students in their studies, making them active subjects in the teaching and learning process, as well as in content retention. In order to carry out this work, it was suggested that the students of the Technical Course in question produce a Podcast with the objective of carrying out a research regarding the influence of business incubators in the creation of new businesses. It was found that through the application of active teaching methodologies, students become active subjects of learning, with the teacher having the role of mediating and facilitating the transmission of knowledge, providing students with greater retention of learning and also the autonomous construction of their knowledge itself.
Metodologia Ativa, Retenção de aprendizagem, Docência, Active methodology, Learning retention, Teaching
DUARTE, Felipe Diogo; LODI, Ivana Guimarães. A implementação de metodologias ativas de ensino como forma de alcançar melhorias no processo de retenção de aprendizagem. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 117-132. 2023. Disponível em: https://ojs.uniaraxa.edu.br/index.php/evidencia/article/view/888/1014. Acesso em: 2024-07-17