ETD – Educação Temática Digital

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A ETD – Educação Temática Digital é uma publicação eletrônica multidisciplinar, que se dedica à publicação de artigos da comunidade científica nacional e internacional que investiguem questões de interesse do campo educacional e áreas afins, tendo como objetivo a contribuição para a formação do pesquisador da área de Educação por meio da divulgação e disseminação de pesquisas e estudos realizados por educadores, vinculados a instituições nacionais e estrangeiras. Apesar da revista possuir em seu título a palavra "digital", isso não quer dizer que ela só publica em suas seções trabalhos vinculados a área da "Tecnologia Educacional". O propósito da revista é possuir um escopo Multidisciplinar atendendo todas as área que permeiam a Educação. Por essa, razão ela é Temática e funciona somente no ambiente "digital" (tipo de suporte), que pode ser traduzido para "eletrônico" ou "on-line", ou seja, é exclusivamente digital e praticante do acesso aberto.


  • Mantenedor: UNICAMP
  • Tipo: IESE
  • Região: Sudeste
  • Cidade: Campinas/SP
  • ISSN: 1676-2592
  • Qualis: A1
  • Periodicidade: Trimestral
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    Agora exibindo 1 - 5 de 879
    • Item
      Disposições aos sacrifícios da escolarização: trajetórias de jovens das classes populares
      (2012) CORREA, Lajara Janaina Lopes; ROCHA, Maria Silvia Pinto de Moura Librandi da
      This article discusses the trajectories of seven young people belonging to popular groups, former students of pre-university Herbert de Souza, located in Campinas(SP), which entered into prestigious universities. With the research sought to identify: (i) as these young people interpret and evaluate their educational experiences and school, (ii) points on these trajectories (not) contributed to longevity school, and (iii) the effects of frequency on the short course students. To achieve these goals, we conducted semistructured interviews with young people and documentary research on the short course. Because it is a qualitative research, respondents were not chosen according to statistical criteria, but intentionally, prioritize the criteria of the network, by which themselves indicate other respondents to be interviewed, creating a community of arguments. We highlight in this article, as a resultof the research, the importance of school experiences in the process of construction and re-construction of identity of those who participate in them.
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      A educação apesar da diferença
      (2012) COSTARDI, Gabriela Gomes
      This article will deal with current concepts in the work of Freud regarding education, under the focus of its relation with differences. Education was dealt by Freud through the perspective of neurosis prophylaxis and pulsional renounce. The aim here is to reflect on the consequences which can arise from these perspectives, having the pulse of death at the core of the reflection. In this sense, we are going to analyze the concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis to debate the question of difference, regarding the problematic relations between language and reality. We will briefly retake Lacan’s journey, since the primacy of the symbolic until the formulation of the concept of object. We will then problematize the differences through the various social bonds proposed by him.
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      O pensamento marginal da além-formação como traçado da diferença
      (2012) BRITO, Maria dos Remédios de
      This article tries to think on the idea of formation from the perspective of philosophy of difference. It criticizes the idea of classical formation, it suggests an idea of beyond-formation from the inferences of Nietzsche and Deleuze - which can be understood for beyond identitary assumptions - and it celebrates the transversality, the singularity, the flow and the intensity. This formation perspective leads to a kind of swirling movement that does not accept the representation of the mere rule installed, but it marks the body in the immanence of the differential event, leading him to feel, to fight and to toil in the eternal creation game which characterizes the adventure by existence. Thus, this formation perspective sees the transformation in all its life potency.
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      Educação e alteridade: deslocamento de Arlequim a Pierrô
      (2012) SANTOS, Maria Emanuela Esteves dos
      The proposal of this article is to reflect upon education and otherness taking Michel Serres’s philosophy as background. Considering he is a philosopher of relations, Serres offers challenging and thought-provoking ideas for this article. Here, we consider that education is accomplished only in circumstances in which difference is truly welcomed, that is, difference, from this perspective, is a fundamental condition for every education act. In order to reflect upon education, so understood, the main reference of this article is Michel Serres’s Le tiers-instruit (translated into English as Troubadour of Knowledge), more precisely the prologue to that book, in which the author presents Harlequin’s story, who eventually becomes Pierrot. With Harlequin, Serres stimulates us to reflect upon the welcome to difference through multiplicity, cross-breeding, through that which is multicolour; features of a multifaceted character. However, the education process does not finish there. In the end, the results of many a mark, branded by several encounters, is the white sum, that is, Harlequin becomes Pierrot. It is in the change from Harlequin into Pierrot that education, as a relation with the otherness, becomes evident in Le tiers-instruit. This paper, thus, intends to reflect upon the conditions for a hospitable welcome to difference.
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      Filosofia da diferença: apontamentos em torno da aprendizagem do pensamento em filosofia
      (2012) GRISOTTO, Américo
      Venturing into the thinking not only depend on efforts, it is necessary to throw in their fields and to pay attention to their events. Only when these events occur will be possible to distinguish between what has been done and what is new. Maybe, then, some effort has meaning. Thus, reading the writings of philosophy of difference, in particular of Deleuze, Guattari and Foucault, it was possible to move my practice from major philosophy to the philosophy in its minority. Encouraged by this movement, I believe it is possible to suggest that students invent their own rules of doing philosophy, according to a new way of production, a new style, that they choose; take the authors of the history of thought like entertainment matter, through new compositions other than those already offered; select authors who endorse what they believe and make intensive use of them; betray the authors, respect them, but do not duplicate them.
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