Cultura digital, mídias móveis e metodologias ativas: potencialidades pedagógicas
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Revista Diálogo Educacional
Pensar a sala de aula para a formação crítica e cidadã dos estudantes passa por considerar o contexto sociocultural que os atores da educação estão inseridos e refletir sobre práticas de ensino que se alinhem com estes objetivos de ensino. Este artigo constrói-se na reflexão e nas discussões sobre o contexto de cultura digital e a utilização de mídias móveis e metodologias ativas enquanto perspectiva pedagógica na educação básica, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza básica e de procedimento bibliográfico, apoiando-se em Pierre Lévy para considerar a cultura digital, José Moran para expandir as noções sobre metodologias ativas, Jean Piaget para relacionar processos de abstração com aprendizagem, a partir dos quais se entrelaçam outros autores e estudos. A partir disso, observa-se a relevância de utilizar variadas metodologias de ensino, incluindo as ativas, no caminho para uma formação mais autônoma e participativa do aluno. Para isso, deve-se considerar o contexto de cultura digital, mesmo diante de obstáculos que são colocados às escolas e aos professores, visando promover aprendizagens para a atuação cidadã relacionada à realidade dos estudantes no tempo-espaço que ocupam. Além disso, entende-se que a educação se entremeia com a vida dos estudantes e isso requer fazer a sala de aula mais conectiva (não apenas no sentido tecnológico ou virtual), de modo a valorizar a pluralidade de vozes e de sentidos que ocupam esse e tantos outros espaços.
Thinking about the classroom for the critical and civic education of students involves considering the sociocultural context in which the actors of education are inserted and reflecting on teaching practices that align with these teaching objectives. This article is built on reflection and discussions on the context of digital culture and the use of mobile media and active methodologies as a pedagogical perspective in basic education, through qualitative research, of a basic nature and bibliographic procedure, supported by Pierre Lévy to consider digital culture, José Moran to expand the notions of active methodologies, Jean Piaget to relate abstraction processes with learning, from which other authors and studies are intertwined. From this, it is possible to observe the relevance of using different teaching methodologies, including active ones, on the way to a more autonomous and participatory formation of the student. For this, the context of digital culture must be considered, even in the face of obstacles that are placed to schools and teachers, aiming to promote learning for citizen action related to the reality of students in the time-space they occupy. In addition, it is understood that education permeates the lives of students and this requires making the classroom more connective (not only in the technological or virtual sense), in order to value the plurality of voices and meanings that occupy this and so many other spaces.
Thinking about the classroom for the critical and civic education of students involves considering the sociocultural context in which the actors of education are inserted and reflecting on teaching practices that align with these teaching objectives. This article is built on reflection and discussions on the context of digital culture and the use of mobile media and active methodologies as a pedagogical perspective in basic education, through qualitative research, of a basic nature and bibliographic procedure, supported by Pierre Lévy to consider digital culture, José Moran to expand the notions of active methodologies, Jean Piaget to relate abstraction processes with learning, from which other authors and studies are intertwined. From this, it is possible to observe the relevance of using different teaching methodologies, including active ones, on the way to a more autonomous and participatory formation of the student. For this, the context of digital culture must be considered, even in the face of obstacles that are placed to schools and teachers, aiming to promote learning for citizen action related to the reality of students in the time-space they occupy. In addition, it is understood that education permeates the lives of students and this requires making the classroom more connective (not only in the technological or virtual sense), in order to value the plurality of voices and meanings that occupy this and so many other spaces.
Cultura digital, Metodologias ativas, Mídias móveis, Cultura digital, Metodologías activas, Medios móviles, Digital culture, Active methodologies, Mobile media
CORRÊA, Maiara Lenine Bakalarczyk; BOLL, Cintia Inês; NOBILE, Marcia Finimundi. Cultura digital, mídias móveis e metodologias ativas: potencialidades pedagógicas. Revista Diálogo Educacional, p. 416-440. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2025-02-21