Relação com o saber e táticas de territorialização de jovens bolsistas do ensino médio na escola privada
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Educação e Pesquisa
São Paulo, SP
Este artigo se insere no debate sobre juventude e ensino médio no contexto brasileiro e se interessa por jovens que migram da escola pública para a escola privada na condição de bolsistas. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar os processos implicados na relação com o saber estabelecida por esses jovens ao se inserirem nesse novo território escolar. Ancora-se nos estudos sobre relação com o saber, em diálogo com autores do campo da sociologia da juventude e da geografia com foco no território-territorialidades. A escola que serviu como campo de pesquisa pertence a uma rede confessional de escolas privadas de Minas Gerais, e os dados foram produzidos por meio da análise de documentos, observação participante e entrevistas realizadas com nove jovens. A análise apresenta o perfil socioeducacional dos jovens bolsistas e, em relação às entrevistas, aciona-se o conceito de tática proposto por Michel de Certeau, o que permitiu identificar três táticas de territorialização dos jovens na escola privada: aproximação, sobrevivência e estudo. Os resultados apontam desigualdades socioeconômicas vividas pelos bolsistas e a construção de táticas por esses estudantes para permanecerem e aprenderem na escola privada em direção ao ensino superior público, que se coloca como território de promessas. Conclui-se pela importância da valoração da escola pública e aponta-se a necessidade de outros estudos que possibilitem ampliar o horizonte de debates sobre jovens do ensino médio na condição de bolsistas, especialmente no contexto da covid-19.
This article is part of the debate about youth and high school in a Brazilian context and aims at young students who migrate from public school to private school via scholarships. The objective of the research is to analyze the processes involved in the relationship with knowledge established by these youths upon entering this new school territory. It is based on studies about the relationship with knowledge, and linked to authors from the fields of sociology of youth and geography, with a focus on territory-territorialities. The school that served as a field of research belongs to a confessional network of private schools in Minas Gerais, and the data were produced by means of document analysis, participant observation, and interviews with nine youngsters. The analysis presents the socio-educational profile of the young scholarship students. In relation to the interviews, the concept of tactics proposed by Michel de Certeau is used, which allowed the identification of three territorializing tactics of young people in private school: closeness, survival, and study. The results point to socioeconomic inequalities experienced by the students and the construction of tactics by these students to stay in private school while they continue learning in order to get to public higher education, which stands as a territory of promise. We conclude that it is important to value public schooling, and we also point out the need for further studies to broaden the horizon of debates about young high school students who have scholarships, especially in the context of covid-19.
This article is part of the debate about youth and high school in a Brazilian context and aims at young students who migrate from public school to private school via scholarships. The objective of the research is to analyze the processes involved in the relationship with knowledge established by these youths upon entering this new school territory. It is based on studies about the relationship with knowledge, and linked to authors from the fields of sociology of youth and geography, with a focus on territory-territorialities. The school that served as a field of research belongs to a confessional network of private schools in Minas Gerais, and the data were produced by means of document analysis, participant observation, and interviews with nine youngsters. The analysis presents the socio-educational profile of the young scholarship students. In relation to the interviews, the concept of tactics proposed by Michel de Certeau is used, which allowed the identification of three territorializing tactics of young people in private school: closeness, survival, and study. The results point to socioeconomic inequalities experienced by the students and the construction of tactics by these students to stay in private school while they continue learning in order to get to public higher education, which stands as a territory of promise. We conclude that it is important to value public schooling, and we also point out the need for further studies to broaden the horizon of debates about young high school students who have scholarships, especially in the context of covid-19.
Relação com o saber, Juventude, Ensino médio, Território, Relationship with knowledge, Youth, High school, Territory
MORENO, Andrea Cecilia; SOUZA, Maria Celeste Reis Fernandes de. Relação com o saber e táticas de territorialização de jovens bolsistas do ensino médio na escola privada. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, SP, v. 48, p. e246763. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-09-26