Elementos da sociologia compreensiva de Max Weber: aplicação categorial para a pesquisa em educação
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Educação e Pesquisa
pt, en
São Paulo, SP
Trata-se, neste artigo, de uma introdução ao problema do sentido com o objetivo de anunciar sua aplicação em pesquisas em educação. É uma pesquisa de caráter teórico-conceitual, cuja base teórica da análise concentra-se em Max Weber, mas se remete, organicamente, à fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl e Alfred Schutz. Com base em Husserl, percebem-se os vários aspectos em que o sentido se dá: como sentido semântico, como sentido estrutural ou eidético, como sentido fundamentador ou lógico e como sentido de motivação. Na sociologia compreensiva de Weber destaca-se o sentido de motivação, que se manifesta via ações concretas do sujeito. Schutz retém de Husserl o sentido como anterior a ação, como produto da consciência, e de Weber, o sentido de motivação da ação, o que significa, em termos de aplicação categorial na noção de sentido, nas pesquisas em educação, a possibilidade de: a) apreensão do processo educativo como produção de sentido, o que significa apreendê-la na sua dimensão subjetiva|| b) reflexão sobre o papel do sujeito e do objeto na relação de pesquisa|| e c) potencialização da pesquisa sobre o processo educativo, na perspectiva da compreensão. Espera-se que os resultados possam ampliar o leque de expressões metodológicas nas pesquisas em educação que se ancoram na perspectiva fenomenológico-interpretativa.
This article is an introduction to the problem of meaning with the aim of announcing its application in research in education. That is a theoretical-conceptual research, whose theoretical basis of analysis focuses on Max Weber, but organically refers to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schutz. Based on Husserl, the various aspects, in which meaning occurs are perceived: as a semantic meaning, as a structural or eidetic meaning, as a grounding or logical meaning and as a motivational meaning. In Weber’s comprehensive sociology, the meaning of motivation stands out, which is manifested through the subject’s concrete actions, and understanding is an understanding of the meaning of action. Schutz retains from Husserl the meaning as prior to action, as a product of consciousness, and from Weber, the meaning of action motivation, which means, in terms of categorical application, in the notion of meaning, in educational research, the possibility of: a) apprehension of educational process as a production of meaning, which means apprehending that in its subjective dimension|| b) reflection on the role of subject and object in the research relationship|| and c) enhancement of research on the educational process, from the perspective of understanding. It is expected that the results can expand the range of methodological expressions in research in education that are anchored in the phenomenological-interpretative perspective.
This article is an introduction to the problem of meaning with the aim of announcing its application in research in education. That is a theoretical-conceptual research, whose theoretical basis of analysis focuses on Max Weber, but organically refers to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schutz. Based on Husserl, the various aspects, in which meaning occurs are perceived: as a semantic meaning, as a structural or eidetic meaning, as a grounding or logical meaning and as a motivational meaning. In Weber’s comprehensive sociology, the meaning of motivation stands out, which is manifested through the subject’s concrete actions, and understanding is an understanding of the meaning of action. Schutz retains from Husserl the meaning as prior to action, as a product of consciousness, and from Weber, the meaning of action motivation, which means, in terms of categorical application, in the notion of meaning, in educational research, the possibility of: a) apprehension of educational process as a production of meaning, which means apprehending that in its subjective dimension|| b) reflection on the role of subject and object in the research relationship|| and c) enhancement of research on the educational process, from the perspective of understanding. It is expected that the results can expand the range of methodological expressions in research in education that are anchored in the phenomenological-interpretative perspective.
Fenomenologia, Noção de sentido, Pesquisa em educação, Sociologia compreensiva, Phenomenology, Notion of meaning, Research in education, Comprehensive sociology
MENEZES, Edmilson; CRUSOÉ, Nilma Margarida de Castro. Elementos da sociologia compreensiva de Max Weber: aplicação categorial para a pesquisa em educação. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, SP, v. 48, p. e239168. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202248239168por. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/ep/a/dGVVjR4FMSxRVKzZWXHhJnf/?format=html&lang=pt. Acesso em: 2023-09-26