Ensino híbrido no ensino de línguas: revisão de artigos sobre o tema
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Cascavel, PR
A metodologia do ensino híbrido vem sendo considerada importante no ensino brasileiro (MORAN, 2015; 2015a; 2018), mas ainda não está estabelecida a forma mais adequada para incorporá-la com sucesso na prática docente (JOHNSON et al., 2012). O objetivo deste artigo é analisar experiências de adoção de metodologias do ensino híbrido na Educação Básica e Educação Superior, relacionadas ao ensino presencial de português, inglês e espanhol no Brasil. Utilizamos abordagem qualitativa, fazendo uma revisão narrativa de artigos científicos sobre o tema. Concluímos que a maneira como são contempladas as vantagens devidas à adoção das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) e dos modelos de ensino híbrido (EH), na Educação Básica e na Educação Superior, em particular na formação de docentes de Letras, pouco tem contribuído para a escolha/decisão sobre a melhor abordagem metodológica híbrida a ser aplicada no cenário do ensino presencial. Parece necessário difundir o conceito de EH para além da simples incorporação de tecnologias no ensino presencial, assim como criar uma agenda de pesquisa específica sobre o uso didático-pedagógico dos modelos de ensino híbrido, a fim de se identificar suas reais contribuições nos diversos cenários e demandas do ensino de línguas.
The methodology of blended learning has been considered important in Brazilian education (MORAN, 2015; 2015a; 2018), but the most appropriate way to incorporate it successfully in teaching practice is not established yet (JOHNSON et al., 2012). The aim of this article is to analyze experiences of using blended learning (BL) methodologies in Basic Education and Higher Education, related to face-to-face teaching of Portuguese, English and Spanish in Brazil. We used a qualitative approach, making a literature review of scientific articles about the subject. We conclude that the way in which the advantages due to the adoption of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) and BL models are contemplated, in Basic and Higher Education, in the training of Language teachers, has contributed little to the choice/decision on the best blended learning approach to be applied in the face-to-face teaching scenario. It seems necessary to spread the concept of BL beyond the simple incorporation of technologies in face-to-face teaching, as well as to create a specific research agenda on the didactic-pedagogical use of blended learning models to identify their real contributions in the various scenarios and demands of language teaching.
The methodology of blended learning has been considered important in Brazilian education (MORAN, 2015; 2015a; 2018), but the most appropriate way to incorporate it successfully in teaching practice is not established yet (JOHNSON et al., 2012). The aim of this article is to analyze experiences of using blended learning (BL) methodologies in Basic Education and Higher Education, related to face-to-face teaching of Portuguese, English and Spanish in Brazil. We used a qualitative approach, making a literature review of scientific articles about the subject. We conclude that the way in which the advantages due to the adoption of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) and BL models are contemplated, in Basic and Higher Education, in the training of Language teachers, has contributed little to the choice/decision on the best blended learning approach to be applied in the face-to-face teaching scenario. It seems necessary to spread the concept of BL beyond the simple incorporation of technologies in face-to-face teaching, as well as to create a specific research agenda on the didactic-pedagogical use of blended learning models to identify their real contributions in the various scenarios and demands of language teaching.
Ensino híbrido, Metodologias híbridas, Ensino de línguas, Blended learning, Blended methodologies, Language teaching
RIEDNER, Viviane; TORRENTES, Greice Castela. Ensino híbrido no ensino de línguas: revisão de artigos sobre o tema. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 16, n. 3, p. e29040, set/dez. 2022. https://doi.org/10.48075/rt.v16i3.29040. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/29040. Acesso em: 2023-02-02