Entre a linguagem e a representação: análise das dêixis de pessoa e social nas tiras Muriel
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Título do Períodico
Cascavel, PR
A língua está em constante evolução e, a depender do contexto comunicativo na qual está inserida, pode apresentar distintas formas de uso. A partir dessa proposição, buscamos, neste estudo, refletir acerca do uso da língua, enquanto objeto, que está sujeita a modificações que comportem as novas necessidades de comunicação e referenciação de seus sujeitos. Quanto aos gêneros discursivos e textos por meio dos quais esses sujeitos interagem, elegemos as tiras de uma personagem transgênero como corpus para nosso estudo. Com isso, como objetivo geral, analisamos as dêixis de pessoa e social enquanto fator linguístico-representacional nas tiras Muriel da cartunista Laerte. Para realizar essa análise, baseamo-nos em autores que estudam os fenômenos da dêixis, da referenciação e das questões de gênero, tais como Leal (2013), Cavalcante (2011) e Butler (2003), respectivamente. No tocante à metodologia, adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa, cujos aspectos se voltaram a uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva. Para nosso corpus, selecionamos cinco tiras que apresentassem características de relevância discursiva para a temática da transexualidade. Como resultados, de forma geral, identificamos que o comportamento linguístico presente nas tiras Muriel apresenta dificuldades no tratamento direcionado às pessoas transgêneros, mediante o uso de uma linguagem que não se adequa à forma na qual esses sujeitos devem ser tratados socialmente.
Language is in constant evolution and, depending on the communicative context in which it is inserted, it can present different forms of use. Based on this proposition, we seek, in this study, to reflect on the use of language, as an object, which is subject to modifications to meet the new communication and referencing needs of its subjects. As for the discursive genres and texts through which these subjects interact, we elected the strips of a transgender character as the corpus for our study. Thus, as a general objective, we analyze the de deixis of person and social as a linguistic-representational factor in Laerte's comic strips Muriel. To perform this analysis, we draw on authors who study the phenomena of de deixis, referencing, and gender issues, such as Leal (2013), Cavalcante (2011), and Butler (2003), respectively, among others. As for the methodology, we adopted a qualitative approach, whose aspects focused on a descriptive research. For our corpus, we selected five comic strips that presented characteristics of discursive relevance to the theme of transsexuality. As a result, in general, we identified that the linguistic behavior present in comic strips Muriel presents difficulties in the treatment directed to transgender people, through the use of a language that does not fit the way in which these subjects should be socially treated.
Language is in constant evolution and, depending on the communicative context in which it is inserted, it can present different forms of use. Based on this proposition, we seek, in this study, to reflect on the use of language, as an object, which is subject to modifications to meet the new communication and referencing needs of its subjects. As for the discursive genres and texts through which these subjects interact, we elected the strips of a transgender character as the corpus for our study. Thus, as a general objective, we analyze the de deixis of person and social as a linguistic-representational factor in Laerte's comic strips Muriel. To perform this analysis, we draw on authors who study the phenomena of de deixis, referencing, and gender issues, such as Leal (2013), Cavalcante (2011), and Butler (2003), respectively, among others. As for the methodology, we adopted a qualitative approach, whose aspects focused on a descriptive research. For our corpus, we selected five comic strips that presented characteristics of discursive relevance to the theme of transsexuality. As a result, in general, we identified that the linguistic behavior present in comic strips Muriel presents difficulties in the treatment directed to transgender people, through the use of a language that does not fit the way in which these subjects should be socially treated.
Dêixis, Representatividade, Referenciação, Tiras Muriel, Deixis, Representativeness, Reference, Comic strip Muriel
AMARAL, Joilton Garcia do ; SILVA, Maria Thárgilla Larissa ; SÁ, Jammara Oliveira Vasconcelos de. Entre a linguagem e a representação: análise das dêixis de pessoa e social nas tiras Muriel. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 17, n. 1, p. e30587, jan/abr. 2023. https://doi.org/10.48075/rt.v17i1.30587. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/30587. Acesso em: 2024-01-29