Racismo e equalização: o novo Fundeb e o direito à educação escolar indígena e quilombola e em territórios de vulnerabilidade social
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Fineduca: Revista de Financiamento da Educação
São Paulo, SP
O artigo aborda os desafios colocados às políticas de financiamento para que atuem efetivamente em prol da equalização na garantia do direito à educação, com base no necessário reconhecimento da relação entre igualdade e diferenças, condição para o pleno enfrentamento das desigualdades nas políticas educacionais. Resgata a luta por direitos dos povos indígenas e populações negras e quilombolas, suas conquistas legais e as inovações institucionais das últimas décadas, visando superar a insuficiência das políticas universais e o racismo estrutural que invisibiliza e nega a condição de sujeitos de direitos a tais populações, majoritariamente predominantes em territórios considerados de alta vulnerabilidade social. À luz desses acúmulos e da proposta de Custo Aluno Qualidade Adicional, defende-se que o novo Fundeb e o Sistema Nacional de Educação estabeleçam mecanismos que aprofundem o processo de superação das desigualdades educacionais brasileiras em uma perspectiva de política de ação afirmativa. Ao final, apresentam-se quatro propostas para a regulamentação legal desses mecanismos.
The article draws attention to the challenges posed to financing policies so that they act effectively in favor of equalization in guaranteeing the right to education, based on the necessary recognition of the relationship between equality and differences, a condition for the full confrontation of inequalities in educational policies. It rescues the fight for the rights of indigenous peoples and black and quilombola populations, their legal achievements, and the institutional innovations of the last decades, aiming to overcome the insufficiency of universal policies and the structural racism that makes invisible and denies the condition of subjects of rights to such populations, mostly predominant in territories considered to be of high social vulnerability. In the light of these accumulations and the proposed Additional Cost of Quality Education per Student (CAQ), it is argued that the new Fundeb and the National Education System establish mechanisms that deepen the process of overcoming Brazilian educational inequalities in a perspective of affirmative action policy. At the end, four proposals are presented for the legal regulation of these mechanisms.
The article draws attention to the challenges posed to financing policies so that they act effectively in favor of equalization in guaranteeing the right to education, based on the necessary recognition of the relationship between equality and differences, a condition for the full confrontation of inequalities in educational policies. It rescues the fight for the rights of indigenous peoples and black and quilombola populations, their legal achievements, and the institutional innovations of the last decades, aiming to overcome the insufficiency of universal policies and the structural racism that makes invisible and denies the condition of subjects of rights to such populations, mostly predominant in territories considered to be of high social vulnerability. In the light of these accumulations and the proposed Additional Cost of Quality Education per Student (CAQ), it is argued that the new Fundeb and the National Education System establish mechanisms that deepen the process of overcoming Brazilian educational inequalities in a perspective of affirmative action policy. At the end, four proposals are presented for the legal regulation of these mechanisms.
Educação escolar indígena, Educação escolar quilombola, Racismo, Fundeb, Direito à educação, Indigenous school education, Quilombola school education, Racism, Fundeb, Right to education
CARREIRA, Denise ; XIMENES, Salomão Barros ; RAMOS, Maria Elizabete Gomes. Racismo e equalização: o novo Fundeb e o direito à educação escolar indígena e quilombola e em territórios de vulnerabilidade social. Fineduca: Revista de Financiamento da Educação, São Paulo, SP, v. 11, p. e105326. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.22491/2236-5907105326. Disponível em: https://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/fineduca/article/view/105326. Acesso em: 2023-08-07