Reflexões sobre o fazer pedagógico nas aulas de Educação Física do Ensino Médio
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Educação e Pesquisa
São Paulo
O trabalho discute as investigações acerca das práticas curriculares e pedagógicas do fazer pedagógico em educação física no ensino médio. As discussões teóricas e metodológicas têm assento na Sociologia do corpo, do cotidiano e da juventude. O estudo é qualitativo, etnográfico-descritivo e teve como sujeitos de pesquisa o professor e jovens alunos participantes das aulas de educação física, em uma escola pública estadual, em Cuiabá-MT. Envolveu análise de fontes documentais como Projeto Pedagógico da Escola e Planejamento Anual de Ensino da Educação Física; observações participantes das aulas e do cotidiano da escola; entrevistas semiestruturadas com professor e jovens alunos. A partir do conhecimento de aspectos do universo juvenil, em específico, os marcadores sociais que permeiam as relações e condições materiais, culturais e simbólicas de vida dos participantes se pode refletir a juventude como categoria sociocultural e a relação da escola e a educação física com o contexto de vida dos jovens. Avaliaram-se as ausências e presenças de sentidos das aulas de educação física para reflexão do seu lugar no projeto de formação cultural das juventudes. Sugerem-se possibilidades de práticas pedagógicas que valorizem o ensino das práticas corporais a partir da aproximação com o universo juvenil, o que é necessário para que ocorra a legitimidade e autonomia pedagógica da disciplina no currículo do ensino médio.
The work discusses the investigations about the curricular practices within the pedagogical teaching in physical education in high school. Theoretical and methodological discussions are based on the Sociology of the body, everyday life and youth. The study is qualitative, ethnographic-descriptive and the research subjects were the teacher and young students participating in physical education classes, in a public school, in Cuiabá-MT. It involved analysis of documentary sources such as the School’s Pedagogical Project and Annual Physical Education Teaching Plan; participant observations in classes and in the daily life of the school; semi-structured interviews with teacher and young students. Based on the knowledge of aspects of the youth universe, particularly the social markers that permeate the material, cultural and symbolic relationships and conditions of life of the participants, youth can be reflected as a sociocultural category and the relationship of school and physical education within the context of young people’s lives. The absence and presence of meanings in physical education classes were evaluated to reflect on their place in the cultural training project for young people. Possibilities of pedagogical practices that value the teaching of body practices stemming from the approximation to the youth universe are suggested, which is necessary for the legitimacy and pedagogical autonomy of the discipline to occur in the high school curriculum.
The work discusses the investigations about the curricular practices within the pedagogical teaching in physical education in high school. Theoretical and methodological discussions are based on the Sociology of the body, everyday life and youth. The study is qualitative, ethnographic-descriptive and the research subjects were the teacher and young students participating in physical education classes, in a public school, in Cuiabá-MT. It involved analysis of documentary sources such as the School’s Pedagogical Project and Annual Physical Education Teaching Plan; participant observations in classes and in the daily life of the school; semi-structured interviews with teacher and young students. Based on the knowledge of aspects of the youth universe, particularly the social markers that permeate the material, cultural and symbolic relationships and conditions of life of the participants, youth can be reflected as a sociocultural category and the relationship of school and physical education within the context of young people’s lives. The absence and presence of meanings in physical education classes were evaluated to reflect on their place in the cultural training project for young people. Possibilities of pedagogical practices that value the teaching of body practices stemming from the approximation to the youth universe are suggested, which is necessary for the legitimacy and pedagogical autonomy of the discipline to occur in the high school curriculum.
Juventudes, Educação física, Ensino médio, Youth, Physical education, High school
COFFANI, Márcia Cristina Rodrigues da Silva; GOMES, Cleomar Ferreira. Reflexões sobre o fazer pedagógico nas aulas de Educação Física do Ensino Médio. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 47, p. e229646. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-03-10