O educador contemporâneo: o ensinar como princípio social
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Título do Períodico
Cascavel, PR
A Educação na contemporaneidade passa por transformações no que diz respeito a sua conceituação e atribuição de significados. Entender tais transformações e as novas demandas caracteriza-se como um dos papéis dos educadores e dos professores da atualidade, pois a partir deste movimento abrem-se novos caminhos para sua ressignificação e, por que não, reinvenção. Assim, cabe refletir sobre as certezas e incertezas que a nova humanidade digital, um dos aspectos mais significativos da referida mudança, aqui assumida como consequência da reontologização do sujeito contemporâneo, trará para a Educação, analisando tanto o seu contexto histórico como, também, o social. Neste sentido, o presente artigo possui por escopo compartilhar uma sistematização teórica acerca da origem do termo “educador” e dos seus desdobramentos para a Educação na contemporaneidade. Como percurso metodológico para construção da presente reflexão, recorre-se aos textos de Isócrates e da discussão platônica acerca da origem do termo educador e de sua função na sociedade grega, de modo a coadunar no que diz respeito aos aspectos da Educação contemporânea. Para além de uma conclusão, este texto propõe um quadro comparativo entre a atuação do educador no período pós homérico e a sua atuação hoje. Como sugestão para futuras reflexões, traz-se um esboço de pensamento que norteie os pressupostos teóricos da Educação e a necessidade de refletirmos sobre uma nova caracterização ontológica.
Education in contemporary times is transforming concerning its conceptualization and attribution of meanings. Understanding such transformations and new demands is characterized as one of the roles of today's educators and teachers, as this movement opens new paths for their resignification and, why not, reinvention. Therefore, it is worth reflecting on the certainties and uncertainties that the new digital humanity, one of the most significant aspects of the change mentioned above, here assumed as a consequence of the re-ontologization of the contemporary subject, will bring to Education, analyzing both its historical context and the social. In this sense, the scope of this article is to share a theoretical systematization about the origin of the term “educator” and its consequences for Education in contemporary times. As a methodological path for constructing this reflection, we use the texts of Isocrates and the Platonic discussion about the origin of the term educator and its function in Greek society to coordinate regarding aspects of contemporary Education. In addition to a conclusion, this text proposes a comparative table between the educator's performance in the post-Homeric period and their performance today. As a suggestion for future reflections, we bring an outline of thought that guides the theoretical assumptions of Education and the need to reflect on a new ontological characterization.
Education in contemporary times is transforming concerning its conceptualization and attribution of meanings. Understanding such transformations and new demands is characterized as one of the roles of today's educators and teachers, as this movement opens new paths for their resignification and, why not, reinvention. Therefore, it is worth reflecting on the certainties and uncertainties that the new digital humanity, one of the most significant aspects of the change mentioned above, here assumed as a consequence of the re-ontologization of the contemporary subject, will bring to Education, analyzing both its historical context and the social. In this sense, the scope of this article is to share a theoretical systematization about the origin of the term “educator” and its consequences for Education in contemporary times. As a methodological path for constructing this reflection, we use the texts of Isocrates and the Platonic discussion about the origin of the term educator and its function in Greek society to coordinate regarding aspects of contemporary Education. In addition to a conclusion, this text proposes a comparative table between the educator's performance in the post-Homeric period and their performance today. As a suggestion for future reflections, we bring an outline of thought that guides the theoretical assumptions of Education and the need to reflect on a new ontological characterization.
Educador, Professor, Platão, Educação, Pedagogo, Pedagogia, Educator, Teacher, Plato, Education, Pedagogy
MOMETTI, Carlos ; PAGOTTO-EUZEBIO, Marcos Sidnei. O educador contemporâneo: o ensinar como princípio social. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 17, n. 3, p. e31876, set/dez. 2023. https://doi.org/10.48075/rt.v17i3.31876. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/31876. Acesso em: 2024-01-29