Desenho performativo: traçando caminhos para uma educação estética decolonial
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Cascavel, PR
Este artigo apresenta considerações que surgiram a partir de uma experiência no estágio supervisionado em Artes Visuais, realizado em uma escola pública em Campo Grande/MS no ano de 2019. Compartilha os desafios e as possibilidades encontrados na proposta de realização de uma produção coletiva de desenho performativo que levantou discussões urgentes a serem pensadas. Com o objetivo de provocar reflexões sobre o campo da educação estética, nos interessa pensar sobre o contexto da América Latina, adotando a perspectiva decolonial (DUSSEL, 2018; GÓMEZ; MIGNOLO, 2012; QUIJANO, 2010, 2005) e os estudos das culturas visuais voltados às contravisualidades, pesquisados por Abreu e Álvares (2019) e Mirzoeff (2016). O estudo problematiza a invasão cultural (FREIRE, 2013, 2000) e os seus impactos na regulação da arte e estética ‘universais’ que nos condicionam historicamente e nos formam como sujeitos. Sugerimos que o desenho performativo pode ser uma prática artística que promove a busca por ser mais, proposta por Paulo Freire (2013, 2000), porque trabalha com as percepções sensoriais e confronta os padrões hegemônicos da estética construída pela visão eurocêntrica. Relacionando a experiência com os estudos teóricos, discutimos a importância do diálogo entre educadoras/es e educandas/os na construção coletiva do conhecimento e de um espaço educativo horizontal capaz de valorizar as presenças conscientes de mundo de cada uma/um.
This article presents considerations that emerged from an experience in the supervised internship in Visual Arts, held in a public school in Campo Grande/MS in the year 2019. It shares the challenges and possibilities encountered in the proposal of carrying out a collective production of performative drawing that raised urgent discussions to be thought about. Aiming to provoke reflections on the field of aesthetic education, we are interested in thinking about the Latin American context, adopting the decolonial perspective (DUSSEL, 2018; GÓMEZ; MIGNOLO, 2012; QUIJANO, 2010, 2005) and the studies of visual cultures focused on contravisualities, researched by Abreu e Álvares (2019) and Mirzoeff (2016). The study problematizes cultural invasion (FREIRE, 2013, 2000) and its impacts on the regulation of 'universal' art and aesthetics that historically condition and shape us as subjects. We suggest that performative drawing can be an artistic practice that promotes the quest to be more, proposed by Paulo Freire (2013, 2000), because it works with sensory perceptions and confronts the hegemonic patterns of aesthetics constructed by the Eurocentric vision. Relating the experience with theoretical studies, we discuss the importance of dialogue between educators and students in the collective construction of knowledge and of a horizontal educational space capable of valuing the conscious presences of each one's world.
This article presents considerations that emerged from an experience in the supervised internship in Visual Arts, held in a public school in Campo Grande/MS in the year 2019. It shares the challenges and possibilities encountered in the proposal of carrying out a collective production of performative drawing that raised urgent discussions to be thought about. Aiming to provoke reflections on the field of aesthetic education, we are interested in thinking about the Latin American context, adopting the decolonial perspective (DUSSEL, 2018; GÓMEZ; MIGNOLO, 2012; QUIJANO, 2010, 2005) and the studies of visual cultures focused on contravisualities, researched by Abreu e Álvares (2019) and Mirzoeff (2016). The study problematizes cultural invasion (FREIRE, 2013, 2000) and its impacts on the regulation of 'universal' art and aesthetics that historically condition and shape us as subjects. We suggest that performative drawing can be an artistic practice that promotes the quest to be more, proposed by Paulo Freire (2013, 2000), because it works with sensory perceptions and confronts the hegemonic patterns of aesthetics constructed by the Eurocentric vision. Relating the experience with theoretical studies, we discuss the importance of dialogue between educators and students in the collective construction of knowledge and of a horizontal educational space capable of valuing the conscious presences of each one's world.
Arte contemporânea, Estéticas decoloniais, Libertação, Contemporary art, Decolonial aesthetics, Liberation
SIÑANI, Marília Claudia Favreto; VIEIRA, Mayara Cristina dos Santos; ACCORSSI, Aline. Desenho performativo: traçando caminhos para uma educação estética decolonial. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 16, n. 3, p. e30043, set/dez. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-02-02