Bibliotecas escolares e salas de leitura importam para o aprendizado dos estudantes?
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Educação e Pesquisa
São Paulo, SP
O artigo discute a relação entre a existência e a utilização de espaços escolares para práticas de leitura e o desempenho em exames de proficiência em leitura de estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas no Brasil. Neste trabalho, espaços de leitura são compreendidos como bibliotecas escolares e salas de leitura. Foram utilizados os resultados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica de 2017, de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental. Com base nesses dados e por meio de uma análise fatorial, elaborou-se um indicador de espaços de leitura. A partir desse indicador, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais que demonstraram a pertinência do constructo. O pressuposto estabelecido é de que apenas a existência dos recursos escolares não é condição suficiente para a garantia do aprendizado, dependendo também do trabalho pedagógico nesses espaços e suas condições de uso. Os achados indicam associação entre a existência e utilização dos espaços de leitura nas escolas com melhores resultados obtidos pelos estudantes no tocante à proficiência em leitura. Os resultados apontam também que os espaços de leitura repercutem mais em escolas de nível socioeconômico mais baixo, nas quais a existência de recursos escolares, associados à utilização adequada, se convertem em vantagens, em termos de aprendizado para os alunos.
The article discusses the relationship between the existence and use of school spaces for reading practices and the performance in reading proficiency exams of students from public and private schools in Brazil. In this work, reading spaces are understood as school libraries and reading rooms. The results of the 2017 Basic Education Assessment System of students in the 9th year of elementary school were used. Based on these data and through a factor analysis, an indicator of reading spaces was elaborated. From this indicator, descriptive and inferential statistics were realized, demonstrating the relevance of the construct. The established assumption is that the existence of school resources alone is not a sufficient condition to guarantee learning, also depending on the pedagogical work in these spaces and their conditions of use. The findings indicate an association between the existence and use of reading spaces in schools with better results obtained by students in terms of reading proficiency. The results also point out that reading spaces have more repercussions in schools of lower socioeconomic level, in which the existence of school resources, associated with proper use, become advantages in terms of learning for students.
The article discusses the relationship between the existence and use of school spaces for reading practices and the performance in reading proficiency exams of students from public and private schools in Brazil. In this work, reading spaces are understood as school libraries and reading rooms. The results of the 2017 Basic Education Assessment System of students in the 9th year of elementary school were used. Based on these data and through a factor analysis, an indicator of reading spaces was elaborated. From this indicator, descriptive and inferential statistics were realized, demonstrating the relevance of the construct. The established assumption is that the existence of school resources alone is not a sufficient condition to guarantee learning, also depending on the pedagogical work in these spaces and their conditions of use. The findings indicate an association between the existence and use of reading spaces in schools with better results obtained by students in terms of reading proficiency. The results also point out that reading spaces have more repercussions in schools of lower socioeconomic level, in which the existence of school resources, associated with proper use, become advantages in terms of learning for students.
Biblioteca escolar, Sala de leitura, Proficiência em leitura, Avaliação educacional, School library, Reading room, Reading proficiency, Educational Assessment
MIRANDA, Cecília Coutinho de; BRAGA, Daniel Santos; CAVALCANTI, Ana Paula Campos. Bibliotecas escolares e salas de leitura importam para o aprendizado dos estudantes?. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, SP, v. 48, p. e242158. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2023-09-26