A atualidade de A reprodução de Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron: 50 anos de um legado acadêmico e político
Seção Temática
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Educação e Pesquisa
pt, en
São Paulo, SP
Este artigo discute o livro de Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron, A reprodução: elementos para uma teoria do sistema de ensino , lançado em 1970, na França. Iniciando por uma localização da obra em seu contexto de origem e suas principais premissas teóricas, restituem-se, na sequência, achados derivados de uma pesquisa empírica realizada com artigos publicados em 2020 que faziam referência a esse texto. Foram analisados 51 artigos, localizados na plataforma Google Acadêmico, que foram tratados a partir da análise de conteúdo. Os artigos demonstraram que, mesmo passados 50 anos da publicação do livro, seu conteúdo ainda é atual e incontornável para observar o sistema de ensino. Foram utilizados conceitos e noções do manuscrito em variados temas e problemas ligados ao campo educacional brasileiro, tais como: a relação entre o desempenho escolar e a origem social dos alunos|| o capital cultural como um patrimônio estimulado e transmitido pela família, capaz de gerar impacto na definição de um trajeto escolar bem-sucedido, ou não|| o papel da escola na reprodução do capital simbólico e o fato de as ações pedagógicas não serem neutras, e sim exemplos de violência simbólica. Finaliza-se o texto com a indicação de que as leituras realizadas da obra de Bourdieu no Brasil sofreram uma alteração significativa ao longo dos últimos anos. A partir do exame da produção científica estudada, foi possível perceber uma outra lógica de apropriação do arcabouço desenvolvido pelo sociólogo, utilizado como instrumental teórico-metodológico em pesquisas de caráter multidisciplinar e multimetodológico.
This paper discusses the book by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, La Reproduction. Éléments pour une théorie du système d’enseignement , released in 1970 in France. Starting with a location of the work in its origin context and main theoretical premises, subsequently, findings derived from empirical research carried out with articles published in 2020 that referred to this text. Located on the Google Scholar platform, 51 papers were analyzed and treated using the content analysis. Papers demonstrated that even after 50 years from the book publishing, its content is still topical and unavoidable to observe the education system. Concepts and notions of the manuscript were used in various themes and problems related to the Brazilian educational field, such as relationship between school performance and students’ social origin|| cultural capital as a heritage stimulated and transmitted by the family, able to generate impact on definition of a successful or unsuccessful school path|| the role played by the school on reproduction of symbolic capital|| and the fact that pedagogical actions are not neutral, but examples of symbolic violence. The text is concluded indicating that readings of the Bourdieu’s work in Brazil experienced a significant change over the last few years. From the examination of scientific production studied was possible notice out another framework appropriation logic developed by the sociologist, used as theoretical-methodological instrument in multidisciplinary and multi-methodological research.
This paper discusses the book by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, La Reproduction. Éléments pour une théorie du système d’enseignement , released in 1970 in France. Starting with a location of the work in its origin context and main theoretical premises, subsequently, findings derived from empirical research carried out with articles published in 2020 that referred to this text. Located on the Google Scholar platform, 51 papers were analyzed and treated using the content analysis. Papers demonstrated that even after 50 years from the book publishing, its content is still topical and unavoidable to observe the education system. Concepts and notions of the manuscript were used in various themes and problems related to the Brazilian educational field, such as relationship between school performance and students’ social origin|| cultural capital as a heritage stimulated and transmitted by the family, able to generate impact on definition of a successful or unsuccessful school path|| the role played by the school on reproduction of symbolic capital|| and the fact that pedagogical actions are not neutral, but examples of symbolic violence. The text is concluded indicating that readings of the Bourdieu’s work in Brazil experienced a significant change over the last few years. From the examination of scientific production studied was possible notice out another framework appropriation logic developed by the sociologist, used as theoretical-methodological instrument in multidisciplinary and multi-methodological research.
A reprodução, 50 anos, Bourdieu e Passeron, Produção científica, Campo educacional brasileiro, Reproduction, 50 years, Bourdieu and Passeron, Scientific production, Brazilian educational field
KNOBLAUCH, Adriane; MEDEIROS, Cristina Carta Cardoso de. A atualidade de A reprodução de Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron: 50 anos de um legado acadêmico e político. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, SP, v. 48, p. e245469. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202248245469. Disponível em: scielo.br/j/ep/a/K57695MmgmZgsL8fXw5wPJd/?lang=pt. Acesso em: 2023-09-26