A memória como processo de estruturação no conto “O gargalhada” de J. D. Salinger
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Cascavel, PR
Estudando o narrador do conto “O Gargalhada” de J. D. Salinger (2019), este artigo busca analisar a maneira com que as contradições na narrativa permitem ao leitor entrever falhas na memória de quem está narrando, indicando um desejo implícito de estruturar um passado desconhecido através do ato narrativo. Isso será pensado em relação à linguagem literária, observando as instâncias em que o discurso memorialístico e o discurso narrativo se sobrepõem, viabilizando possibilidades únicas de representar não apenas as memórias em si, mas também a maneira com que o narrador tem acesso a essas memórias e quais leituras são construídas a partir disso. O artigo se organiza a partir de uma introdução, em que a obra de Salinger é contextualizada, uma discussão teórica dividida em duas categorias principais – a relação entre memória e literatura, concentrada em Henri Bergson (1999) e Giorgio Agamben (2014); estudos prévios sobre os narradores de Salinger, partindo de André Ferreira Gomes dos Santos (2013) e Adolfo Jose de Souza Frota (2008) – e uma análise em que os pontos que pretendemos estudar serão apresentados conforme eles se manifestam na narrativa, seguindo uma abordagem linear da obra. Essas linhas teóricas, somadas à abordagem adotada, nos levaram à interpretação de que existe uma dupla negação por parte do narrador da obra, as quais se manifestam tanto de maneira temática e expressa, quanto de forma estrutural, operando como princípio organizador dos eventos da narrativa.
Studying the narrator of the short story “The Laughing Man” (2019) by J. D. Salinger, this paper aims to analyse the way in which the contradictions in the narrative allows the reader to see the gaps in the memory of the one narrating, indicating a implicit wish to structure a unknown past through the narrative act. This will be studied along with the specificites of the literary language, observing the instances in which the memorialistic discourse and literary discourse overlap, allowing unique possibilities when representing not only the memories themselves, but also the way the narrator has access to these memories and how new ways of reading come from that. The paper is organized starting with as introduction, in which Salinger’s works are contextualized, a theorical discussion divided between two main categories – the relation between memory and literature, focused mainly in Henri Bergson (1999) and Giorgio Agamben (2014)/ previous studies about Salinger’s narrators, coming mainly form André Ferreira Gomes dos Santos (2013) and Adolfo Jose de Souza Frota (2008) – and a analysis in which the aspects we intend to study will be presented as they appear in the narrative, following a linear approach to the work. These theorical lines, added to the adopted approach, allowed us the interpretation that there is a double denial by the work’s narrator, which manifests itself in a thematical and express manner, as well as in a structural way, operating as a organizing principle to the events of the narrative.
Studying the narrator of the short story “The Laughing Man” (2019) by J. D. Salinger, this paper aims to analyse the way in which the contradictions in the narrative allows the reader to see the gaps in the memory of the one narrating, indicating a implicit wish to structure a unknown past through the narrative act. This will be studied along with the specificites of the literary language, observing the instances in which the memorialistic discourse and literary discourse overlap, allowing unique possibilities when representing not only the memories themselves, but also the way the narrator has access to these memories and how new ways of reading come from that. The paper is organized starting with as introduction, in which Salinger’s works are contextualized, a theorical discussion divided between two main categories – the relation between memory and literature, focused mainly in Henri Bergson (1999) and Giorgio Agamben (2014)/ previous studies about Salinger’s narrators, coming mainly form André Ferreira Gomes dos Santos (2013) and Adolfo Jose de Souza Frota (2008) – and a analysis in which the aspects we intend to study will be presented as they appear in the narrative, following a linear approach to the work. These theorical lines, added to the adopted approach, allowed us the interpretation that there is a double denial by the work’s narrator, which manifests itself in a thematical and express manner, as well as in a structural way, operating as a organizing principle to the events of the narrative.
Conto, Memória, Salinger, Short story, Memory, Salinger
KUROWSKY, Kleber. A memória como processo de estruturação no conto “O gargalhada” de J. D. Salinger. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 15, n. 3, p. 154-168, set/dez. 2021. https://doi.org/10.48075/rt.v15i3.27505. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/27505. Acesso em: 2022-02-21