A dimensão metodológica da aula: revisitando a organização pedagógica do trabalho docente
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Campinas, SP
O presente ensaio propõe uma reflexão sobre a dimensão metodológica na organização do trabalho pedagógico, retomando o debate sobre a constituição da aula e do lugar da tríade professor-aluno-conhecimento no processo. Mobilizado pelo relato de uma professora do 4.º ano do ensino fundamental, indaga o lugar e o papel das escolhas metodológicas na organização do trabalho pedagógico docente, assumindo-as como constitutivas do par dialético conteúdo-forma. Distante de apresentar propostas ou enaltecer a experiência relatada, o texto busca problematizar os contornos que dão forma às decisões metodológicas da aula como reflexão necessária para delimitar a ação docente, dentro da potencialidade do que, inspirado em Freire (1996), convencionou-se chamar de “inacabamento criativo professoral”. Defende-se que, ao assumir concepções críticas, o professor é convidado a protagonizar, com seus estudantes, um processo de construção que exige a abertura para o inesperado possível, porém, desconhecendo o caminho, deve ter clareza do destino e abrir-se, pela dinâmica do acontecimento, a aprendizagens múltiplas na vivência constante de novos modos de caminhar, firmemente alicerçados em princípios e conteúdos.
This article proposes a reflection on the methodological dimension in the organization of pedagogical work, resuming the debate on the constitution of the class and the place of the teacher-student-knowledge triad in the process. Mobilized by the report of a 4th grade teacher, it seeks about the place and role of methodological choices in the organization of teaching pedagogical work, assuming them as constitutive of the dialectic pair content/form. Far from presenting proposals or extolling the reported experience, the text seeks to problematize the contours that shape the methodological decisions of the class as a necessary reflection for the delimitation of teaching action, within the potentiality of what is conventionally called the creative unfinished teacher, inspired by Freire (1996). It is argued that by assuming critical conceptions, the teacher is invited to lead, with his students, a construction process that requires the opening to the unexpected possible which, unaware of the way, must be clear of destiny, opening up by the dynamics of the event. the multiple learning in the constant experience of new ways of walking, firmly grounded in principles and contents.
This article proposes a reflection on the methodological dimension in the organization of pedagogical work, resuming the debate on the constitution of the class and the place of the teacher-student-knowledge triad in the process. Mobilized by the report of a 4th grade teacher, it seeks about the place and role of methodological choices in the organization of teaching pedagogical work, assuming them as constitutive of the dialectic pair content/form. Far from presenting proposals or extolling the reported experience, the text seeks to problematize the contours that shape the methodological decisions of the class as a necessary reflection for the delimitation of teaching action, within the potentiality of what is conventionally called the creative unfinished teacher, inspired by Freire (1996). It is argued that by assuming critical conceptions, the teacher is invited to lead, with his students, a construction process that requires the opening to the unexpected possible which, unaware of the way, must be clear of destiny, opening up by the dynamics of the event. the multiple learning in the constant experience of new ways of walking, firmly grounded in principles and contents.
Organização do trabalho pedagógico, Metodologia de ensino, Aula, Pedagogical work organization, Teaching methodology, Class
ALMEIDA, Luana Costa. A dimensão metodológica da aula: revisitando a organização pedagógica do trabalho docente. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 33, p. e20200001, Março. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-6248-2020-0001. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/pp/a/qq8zQYvfJvNRbWj6S88bkyy/?lang=pt. Acesso em: 2023-06-30