Representação e recordações da malandragem em Memórias de Madame Satã, de Sylvan Paezzo
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Cascavel, PR
No livro intitulado Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), de Sylvan Paezzo, o protagonista narra a sua história para o próprio jornalista Sylvan Paezzo. Apelidado de Madame Satã, enfrentou o racismo e o preconceito por ser negro, artista e transexual. E devido as suas vivências recebeu alcunha de malandro, o malandro segundo Antonio Candido (1970), é um indivíduo que vive fora das normas estabelecidas pela sociedade, situando-se entre a ordem e a desordem. João Francisco dos Santos relata em detalhes os fatos vivenciados, ou seja, aciona a sua memória para contar sobre sua vida, Le Goff (1990) afirma que a memória é uma propriedade que armazena informações e um conjunto de funções psíquicas, na qual o homem pode atualizar os conhecimentos e experiências. Considerando esses aspectos a pesquisa objetivou analisar a representação do malandro no livro Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), de Sylvan Paezzo, identificando a construção da personagem, as memórias e sua representação na sociedade brasileira como malandro, artista e pessoa. Portanto, de cunho bibliográfico, a pesquisa possui como suporte teórico, os estudos de Antonio Candido (1970), DaMatta (1997), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Le Goff (1990), Pierre Nora (1978), Maurice Halbwachs (2013), François Dosse (2015), Zilá Bernd (2017), dentre outros. Efetuadas as análises, comprovamos que Madame Satã é uma legitima malandra, criada na Lapa, moldada pela sociedade, na qual necessitou utilizar os atos da malandragem para sobreviver perante uma sociedade preconceituosa.
The book entitled Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), written by Sylvan Paezzo, the protagonist narrates his story to the journalist Sylvan Paezzo himself. Nicknamed Madame Satã, he faced racism and prejudice for being black, artist and transsexual. And because of their experiences received nickname of roguish, the roguish according to Antonio Candido (1970), is an individual who lives outside the norms set by society, standing between order and disorder. João Francisco dos Santos describe in detail the facts experienced, that is, triggers his memory to tell about his life, Le Goff (1990) affirms that memory is a property that stores information and a set of psychic functions, in which man can update knowledge and experiences. Considering these aspects, the research objective to analyze the representation of the rascal in the book Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), by Sylvan Paezzo, identifying the construction of the character, the memories and their representation in brazilian society, as rascal, artist and person. Therefore, of bibliographic nature, the research will have as theoretical support, the studies of Antonio Candido (1970), DaMatta (1997), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Le Goff (1990), Pierre Nora (1978), Maurice Halbwachs (2013), François Dosse (2015), Zilá Bernd (2017), among others.
The book entitled Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), written by Sylvan Paezzo, the protagonist narrates his story to the journalist Sylvan Paezzo himself. Nicknamed Madame Satã, he faced racism and prejudice for being black, artist and transsexual. And because of their experiences received nickname of roguish, the roguish according to Antonio Candido (1970), is an individual who lives outside the norms set by society, standing between order and disorder. João Francisco dos Santos describe in detail the facts experienced, that is, triggers his memory to tell about his life, Le Goff (1990) affirms that memory is a property that stores information and a set of psychic functions, in which man can update knowledge and experiences. Considering these aspects, the research objective to analyze the representation of the rascal in the book Memórias de Madame Satã (1972), by Sylvan Paezzo, identifying the construction of the character, the memories and their representation in brazilian society, as rascal, artist and person. Therefore, of bibliographic nature, the research will have as theoretical support, the studies of Antonio Candido (1970), DaMatta (1997), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Roberto Schwarz (1987), Le Goff (1990), Pierre Nora (1978), Maurice Halbwachs (2013), François Dosse (2015), Zilá Bernd (2017), among others.
Madame Satã, Memórias, Malandragem, Representação, Madame Satã, Memories, Trickery, Representation
ADORNO, Victória Nantes Marinho; BENATTI, André Rezende. Representação e recordações da malandragem em Memórias de Madame Satã, de Sylvan Paezzo. Travessias, Cascavel, PR, v. 15, n. 2, p. 65-83, maio/ago. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2022-02-21