Instrução e educação higiênica da infância catarinense na Primeira República (1910-1930)

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Este texto discorre acerca dos modos eleitos para se solucionar os problemas educacionais de higiene no estado de Santa Catarina, a partir da these de Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral (1929). Como, na visão de Cabral, se efetivaram ou não, as intenções de se empreender a profilaxia da infância por meio das propagandas de princípios higiênicos, tendo como parceiras a escola e a família? Além disso, outra questão procura responder: como se constituiu a instrução e a educação higiênica da infância catarinense – o que fazer e o que ensinar –, no intuito de formar cidadãos sadios que contribuíssem com o progresso do Estado e da nação brasileira? A análise diz respeito aos cinco primeiros subtítulos – educação e instrucção – da segunda parte da these citada.

This text discusses the ways chosen to solve the educational problems of hygiene in the state of Santa Catarina, based on the theses of Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral (1929). How, in Cabral's view, were the intentions to undertake childhood prophylaxis through advertisements of hygienic principles implemented or not, having the school and the family as partners? In addition, another question seeks to answer: how was the instruction and hygiene education of Santa Catarina's childhood constituted - what to do and what to teach -, in order to form healthy citizens who would contribute to the progress of the State and the Brazilian nation? The analysis concerns the first five subtitles – education and instruction – of the second part of the cited thesis.

This text discusses the ways chosen to solve the educational problems of hygiene in the state of Santa Catarina, based on the theses of Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral (1929). How, in Cabral's view, were the intentions to undertake childhood prophylaxis through advertisements of hygienic principles implemented or not, having the school and the family as partners? In addition, another question seeks to answer: how was the instruction and hygiene education of Santa Catarina's childhood constituted - what to do and what to teach -, in order to form healthy citizens who would contribute to the progress of the State and the Brazilian nation? The analysis concerns the first five subtitles – education and instruction – of the second part of the cited thesis.

Ce texte traite des voies choisies pour résoudre les problèmes éducatifs d'hygiène dans l'état de Santa Catarina, sur la base des thèses d'Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral (1929). Comment, selon Cabral, les intentions d'entreprendre une prophylaxie infantile par des publicités de principes d'hygiène ont-elles été mises en œuvre ou non, avec l'école et la famille comme partenaires ? En outre, une autre question cherche à répondre: comment s'est constituée l'instruction et l'éducation à l'hygiène de l'enfance de Santa Catarina - que faire et quoi enseigner -, afin de former des citoyens sains qui contribueraient au progrès de l'État et de la nation brésilienne ? L'analyse porte sur les cinq premiers sous-titres – éducation et instruction – de la deuxième partie de la thèse citée.
Higiene, Educação, Instrução, Infância, Santa Catarina, Hygiene, Education, Instruction, Childhood, Santa Catarina, Higiene, Educación, instrucción, Infancia, Santa Catarina, Hygiène, Éducation, Instruction, Enfance, Santa Catarina
HOELLER, Solange Aparecida de Oliveira ; SOUZA, Gizele de. Instrução e educação higiênica da infância catarinense na Primeira República (1910-1930). Roteiro, Joaçaba, v. 32, n. 2, p. 183-200. 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2022-03-07