Avaliação da reação e aprendizagem de participantes de um curso de educação ambiental on-line – estudo de caso
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Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
É de conhecimento geral a necessidade da utilização de ferramentas efetivas na sociedade para evitar e minimizar os efeitos nocivos sobre o meio ambiente. Mediante isso a educação ambiental se faz uma proposta necessária e eficaz na construção do pensamento e consciência ecocêntrico de forma interdisciplinar e transversal na educação. A educação ambiental pode ser disseminada de diversas maneiras, todavia formas de avaliá-la se faz necessário, visto a necessidade de confirmar os resultados positivos sobre seu público alvo. Assim, um curso de educação ambiental on-line foi criado para o presente estudo de caso, afim de disseminar e agregar conhecimento sobre questões de diversos temas relacionados às questões ambientais. Como forma de avaliação foi utilizado a metodologia proposta por Kirkpatrick (2015), a qual foi avaliada a reação e aprendizagem dos participantes, através de uma avaliação inicial da qualidade e um questionário semiestruturado, respectivamente. Foi concluído que a reação dos participantes foi positiva visto que a soma dos conceitos bom e excelente foi de 100% para o grupo que respondeu a avaliação de reação. A avaliação da aprendizagem também foi positiva uma vez que de acordo com a comparação dos resultados referente aos acertos das questões pré (64,1%) e pós (96,7%) aplicação do curso, ouve um aumente de 32,6% no índice de acerto.
Given the various impacts caused by man on the environment, it is necessary to use effective tools that act on society in order to avoid and minimize the harmful effects on the environment and on natural resources. Therefore, environmental education becomes a necessary and effective proposal in the construction of ecocentric thinking and consciousness in an interdisciplinary and transversal way in education. Environmental education can be disseminated in several ways, however, ways to evaluate it are necessary, since it is necessary to confirm the positive results on its target audience. With this in mind, an online environmental education course was created for this case study, in order to disseminate and add knowledge about several topics related to environmental issues. As a form of evaluation, the methodology proposed by Kirkpatrick (2015) was used, which evaluated the reaction and learning of the participants, through an initial quality assessment and a semi-structured questionnaire, respectively. It was concluded that the reaction of the participants was positive, since the sum of the concepts good and excellent was 100% for the group that answered the reaction evaluation. The learning evaluation was also positive, since, according to the comparison of the results referring to the right answers to the questions before (64.1%) and after (96.7%) the course application, there was a 32.6% increase in the right answers.
Given the various impacts caused by man on the environment, it is necessary to use effective tools that act on society in order to avoid and minimize the harmful effects on the environment and on natural resources. Therefore, environmental education becomes a necessary and effective proposal in the construction of ecocentric thinking and consciousness in an interdisciplinary and transversal way in education. Environmental education can be disseminated in several ways, however, ways to evaluate it are necessary, since it is necessary to confirm the positive results on its target audience. With this in mind, an online environmental education course was created for this case study, in order to disseminate and add knowledge about several topics related to environmental issues. As a form of evaluation, the methodology proposed by Kirkpatrick (2015) was used, which evaluated the reaction and learning of the participants, through an initial quality assessment and a semi-structured questionnaire, respectively. It was concluded that the reaction of the participants was positive, since the sum of the concepts good and excellent was 100% for the group that answered the reaction evaluation. The learning evaluation was also positive, since, according to the comparison of the results referring to the right answers to the questions before (64.1%) and after (96.7%) the course application, there was a 32.6% increase in the right answers.
Educação ambiental, Reação, Aprendizagem, Curso on-line, Environmental education, Reaction, Learning, On-line course
RIBEIRO, Antônio Geraldo Alves; RIBEIRO, Rodrigo Machado; ALEXANDRE, David Silva. Avaliação da reação e aprendizagem de participantes de um curso de educação ambiental on-line – estudo de caso. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 119-130. 2022. Disponível em: https://ojs.uniaraxa.edu.br/index.php/evidencia/article/view/850/944. Acesso em: 2024-07-17